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1. Pacific Institute: Climate Impacts And Adaptation Initiative space. Climate Impacts and Adaptation. The Climate Impacts and Adaptation Initiative addresses the challenge of understanding and adapting to unavoidable http://www.pacinst.org/topics/global_change/ | |
2. Global Climate Change Browse by Subject. Agricultural Labor Commodity Forecasts Global Change Remote Sensing Renewable Energy Risk Assessment Sustainable Development http://www.usda.gov/oce/global_change/index.htm | |
3. Global Change Research What is Global Change Research? Earth s climate, biota, and ecosystems are changing constantly, and they have been changing since life began billions of http://www.lternet.edu/global_change/ | |
4. CiteULike: Tag Global_change [11 Articles] posted to 05matheco07 cat_ecology diversity ecological_resilience ecosystem_functioning experiment global_change pnas seagrass by marimo on 200505-16 http://www.citeulike.org/tag/global_change | |
5. Atlas Examples UNEP/DEWA/GRIDGeneva is the United Nations Environment Programme s office in Switzerland, providing environmental information, communications, and capacity http://www.grid.unep.ch/activities/global_change/atlas/atlas_examples.php | |
6. Eco News Bot: Global_change News, Global_change Breaking News Topic global_change. part of the environmental_science topic. SubTopics air_quality 2 hits global_change water_resources (70%) 9 http://eco.newsbot.gotdns.org/topic/global_change.htm | |
7. Science, Environment, Global Change - Findtarget.com Findtarget.com delivers comprehensive Science, Environment, Global Change content to satisfy your Science, Environment, Global Change needs. http://findtarget.com/FT/Science/Environment/Global_Change | |
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9. Free-book.58search.com - Global_Change global_change. Earth_Science Environmental Forum Global Human International Life Read free global_change books online,download free ebooks on global_change. http://free-book.58search.com/relatedTag/Global_Change.html | |
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11. BBC - Weather Centre - Climate Change - Global Climate Change BBC Weather s climate change site. All the issues and key topics including global warming, greenhouse effect, ozone, kyoto, politics and the environment. http://www.bbc.co.uk/climate/evidence/global_change.shtml | |
12. Mirago Indeks : Top : Science : Environment : Global_Change Activists and NGOs (35); Carbon Cycle (9); Carbon Management (40); Climate Prediction (22); Desertification (20); Impacts and Indicators (85) http://www.mirago.dk/search/directories.aspx?cat=Top/Science/Environment/Global_ |
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17. Top/Science/Environment/Global_Change - Anypages Business Directory Global change topics include climate change ( global warming ), greenhouse gases, and stratospheric ozone. http://www.anypages.com/(S(ao2bt555vrwkeavjw5lln445))/websubmit.aspx?catmode=1&c |
18. MySpace.com - Dumbass - 75 - Male - TOMAHAWK, Wisconsin - Www.myspace.com/global http//www.myspace.com/global_change. Red Jar s Interests. General, Global reconciliation and guitar. Music, Rage Against the Machine, Hoobastank, Incubus, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=116838 |
19. Photos For DBpedia.org Resource Global_change Photos for DBpedia.org resource global_change .. rdfabout= http//www4.wiwiss. fuberlin.de/flickrwrappr/photos/global_change rdfslabel http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/flickrwrappr/photos/Global_change | |
20. BibSonomy :: Webapplikation des Fachgebiets Wissensverarbeitung, Universität Kassel. http://www.bibsonomy.org/tag/Global_Change | |
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