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81. Discovery Mining Hosted platform to manage electronic documents for regulation, retention and litigation. http://www.discoverymining.com/ | |
82. Principles Of Data Mining - The MIT Press The first truly interdisciplinary text on data mining, blending the contributions of information science, computer science, and statistics. http://mitpress.mit.edu/026208290X |
83. Asia Mining Congress 2008 - Home Asia mining Congress 2008 is Asia s leading exploration and mining management event attracting the region s key decision makers from throughout the mining http://www.terrapinn.com/2008/asiamining/ | |
84. Polymet Mining Corp. - Home Page - Mon Mar 31, 2008 PolyMet mining Corp. is an achievementfocused Canadian mine development company whose shares trade actively on the American (PLM) and Toronto (POM) stock http://www.polymetmining.com/ | |
85. Mining Engineering At Michigan Tech mining Engineering at Michigan Tech provides education and research in mining and mining engineering. http://www.mg.mtu.edu/ | |
86. Mining News - Topix mining news continually updated from thousands of sources around the net. http://www.topix.com/business/mining | |
87. The State Of Alaska The Division of mining Land Water Web Page provides information on the programs and services provided by the Division of mining, Land Water. http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/mlw/ | |
88. Mining Conferences Worldwide Upcoming Events In Mining, Geology And Related Fiel mining Conferences Worldwide Upcoming events in mining, geology and related fields Hosted by Conference Alerts academic conferences worldwide. http://www.conferencealerts.com/mining.htm | |
89. Mine Safety And Health Administration (MSHA) - U.S. Department Of Labor US government mine safety branch. Includes information and links about regulations, current safety initiatives, accident investigations, equipment alerts, http://www.msha.gov/ | |
90. Welcome To New Mexico Tech New Mexico Tech or NMT a state engineering university located in Socorro, New Mexico specializing in science and engineering. http://www.nmt.edu/ | |
91. Loading Great Basin Mine Watch Great Basin Mine Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit environmental justice organization. Founded in 1994 by a coalition of environmental, Native American and http://www.greatbasinminewatch.org/ |
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