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1. Noise - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In common use, the word noise means unwanted sound or noise pollution. In electronics noise can refer to the electronic signal corresponding to acoustic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise | |
2. Noise (2007/II) Directed by Henry Bean. With Tim Robbins, Bridget Moynahan, William Hurt. A man who is being driven crazy by the noise in New York City decides to take http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425308/ | |
3. Noise: Digital Imaging: Glossary: Learn: Digital Photography Review noise Digital Imaging Glossary Learn Digital Camera Digital Photography. http://www.dpreview.com/learn/key=noise | |
4. Blackhole Media - Noise It s the hottest sensation to sweep the nation Pink noise! Also known as a signal with even power distribution on a logarithmic frequency scale, pink noise http://www.blackholemedia.com/noise/ | |
5. MedlinePlus: Noise noise is all around you, from televisions and radios to lawn mowers and washing machines. Harmful sounds sounds that are too loud or loud sounds over a http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/noise.html | |
6. The Noise : Rock Around Boston. Welcome to The noise. Rock Around Boston. Boston s rock and roll zine for more than 25 years! http://www.thenoise-boston.com/ | |
7. The HUB Is Mid-Michigan's Entertainment Resource, Brought To You By What's On An I m sure you know about hulu So, I m sure I was the last to discover this new site but www.hulu.com is pretty freaking cool. It has noise photo blog http://hub.lsj.com/ | |
8. Noise() \ Language (API) \ Processing 1.0 (BETA) Perlin noise is a random sequence generator producing a more natural ordered, harmonic succession of numbers compared to the standard random() function. http://processing.org/reference/noise_.html | |
9. Noise Ninja: The Gold Standard For Image Noise Reduction Bundle licenses activate both the plugin and standalone versions of noise Ninja. Standalone licenses activate only the standalone application. http://www.picturecode.com/ | |
10. Noise - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of noise from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noise | |
11. A Design And Usability Blog: Signal Vs. Noise (by 37signals) Weblog about usability and good design, with a technology focus. http://www.37signals.com/svn/ | |
12. Noise, CDFS-190-98 noise is an inescapable part of everyday lifethe television, a plane flying overhead, a faulty muffler on the passing car, dogs barking, children lau. http://ohioline.osu.edu/cd-fact/0190.html | |
13. Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, Quieting Noise Pollution The noise Pollution Clearinghouse, reducing noise pollution and increasing natural quiet. http://www.nonoise.org/ | |
14. YouthNoise Youth, teens, students, kids acting on a cause has never been so easy. Youth noise My Cause Is, Global Warming campaigns are growing, covering topics from http://www.youthnoise.com/ | |
15. Noise Pop Official site. Announcements, history, multimedia, posters, tshirts, passes, featured artists, and polls. http://www.noisepop.com/ |
16. Guitar Noise - Free Online Guitar Lessons Guitar noise is a guitar education site featuring free online lessons, musician columns, and theory pointers. Get the latest in guitar and bass, http://www.guitarnoise.com/ | |
17. League For The Hard Of Hearing Nonprofit aimed at providing a network for consciousness raising and reducing noise. Contains information on airport noise, legislation, fact sheets, http://www.lhh.org/noise/ | |
18. Health Studies: Noise: Home | CDC HSB According to the World Health Organization s Guidelines for Community noise, noise is an increasing public health problem. noise can have the following http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hsb/noise/ | |
19. White Noise 2 - Own It 1/8 On DVD And HD DVD www.whitenoisemovie.com/ 3k - Cached - Similar pages Safety and Health Topics noise and Hearing ConservationEvery year, approximately 30 million people in the United States are occupationally exposed to hazardous noise. Fortunately, the incidence of noise-induced http://www.whitenoisemovie.com/ | |
20. Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise Articles, a blog, and a book by the music critic of The New Yorker. http://www.therestisnoise.com/ | |
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