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1. Sustainability - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia sustainability is a characteristic of a process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. The term, in its environmental usage, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability | |
2. Sustainability | US EPA sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. http://www.epa.gov/sustainability/ | |
3. ScienceDaily: Sustainability News Sustainable development. Read current events articles on sustainable agriculture and sustainable living. How can sustainability be achieved? http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/earth_climate/sustainability/ | |
4. Sustainability Institute A thinkdo tank dedicated to sustainable resource use, economics, and community. Providing information, analysis, and practical demonstrations that can http://www.sustainer.org/ | |
5. Sustainability: Science, Practice, And Policy sustainability Science, Practice, Policy is a new peerreviewed, open access journal that provides a platform for the dissemination of new practices and http://ejournal.nbii.org/ | |
6. SustainAbility An awardwinning strategic management consultancy and think-tank. Founded in 1987, sustainability Ltd. is the longest established international consultancy http://www.sustainability.com/ | |
7. Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes Launched in 1999, the Dow Jones sustainability Indexes are the first global indexes tracking the financial performance of the leading sustainabilitydriven http://www.sustainability-indexes.com/ | |
8. Sustainable Culture: Evolution Of Humanity Theory Directory Articles by Varadaan What is Sustainable Culture? Environmental sustainability Charter of the Global Greens Economic sustainability http://www.sustainability.org/ | |
9. Sustainability Coverage From American Public Media Features and reports on the subject from Marketplace, Marketplace Money, Speaking of Faith and Weekend America. http://sustainability.publicradio.org/ | |
10. Environmental Sustainability Index This website provides access to the 2005 Environmental sustainability Index (ESI) report and underlying data. In addition, it provides an archive of the http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/es/esi/ | |
11. School Of Sustainability // Arizona State University Be part of the nation s first School of sustainability and earn an undergraduate degree sustainability research, education programs, community outreach, http://schoolofsustainability.asu.edu/ | |
12. Interface Sustainability - Interfacesustainability.com A report on sustainability, restorative and ecologically sound activities of Interface, Inc., an international carpet manufacturer headquartered in Atlanta, http://www.interfacesustainability.com/ | |
13. Sustainable Albuquerque - City Of Albuquerque Sustainable Albuquerque is a place where the wellbeing of current and future citizens is supported by a vibrant economy and a self-renewing, http://www.cabq.gov/sustainability/ | |
14. Sustainability DuPont is committed to continuously improve its safety performance and reduce its environmental footprint towards the goal of zero, and we reaffirm our http://www2.dupont.com/Sustainability/en_US/ | |
15. Sustainability Blog Family centered relocalization and sustainability demonstration project. http://homeofthefuture.blogspot.com/ | |
16. Sustainability.net Neither of these two activities are sustainable in the longterm - the only sustainable solution is to live within the biological productive capacity of the http://www.sustainability.net/ |
17. Sustainable City Explore and discuss the San Francisco sustainability Plan, the natural characteristics of the Shasta bioregion, and the impact of lifestyles and government http://www.sustainable-city.org/ | |
18. Sustainability Store - Ecological, Natural And Sustainable Products sustainability Store creating a sustainable future. Leaders in environmental and social responsibility. Includes fair trade clothing, organic health and http://www.sustainabilitystore.com/ | |
19. Sustainability Dictionary There are many ways to measure or define sustainability. As described in the book Natural Capitalism, in business, these should include the sustainable http://www.sustainabilitydictionary.com/ | |
20. The Alliance For Sustainability A nonprofit group supporting ecologically sound, economically viable, and humane projects on a personal, organizational and planetary level. http://www.mtn.org/iasa/ |
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