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1. John Bardeen john bardeen john bardeen. principal papers. hardware. software. keywords transistor, super conductivity. see also. related subjects. Achievement http://www.thocp.net/biographies/bardeen_john.html | |
2. Sho-Me Dictionary - B Bardeen, John. American physicist born in Madison, Wisconsin, who lived from 1908 to 1991. He was known for his studies of semiconductivity (see http://www.shomepower.com/dict/b/bardeen_john.htm | |
3. John Bardeen - MSN Encarta Bardeen, John (19081991), American physicist and Nobel laureate, born in Madison, Wisconsin, and educated at the University of Wisconsin and http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761567167/bardeen_john.html | |
4. John Bardeen - The Franklin Institute Awards - Laureate Database Awards Site Links. Awards Home; 2008 Awards Week Schedule; 2009 Call for Nominations. Laureate Search; Bower Laureates; About The Franklin Institute Awards http://www.fi.edu/winners/1952/bardeen_john.faw?winner_id=2275 |
5. Biography Center : Biographies Of John Bardeen In Biographies of Bardeen John and, for more detail Biography of , , www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1956/bardeenbio.html, http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/5687-Bardeen_John.html | |
6. John Bardeen Biography Search Biographies. Browse Biographies. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Bardeen_John.html | |
7. Bardeen, John - Printer-friendly - MSN Encarta Click here to print this page Print. Bardeen, John, Article View. On the File menu, click Print to print the information. http://encarta.msn.co.uk/text_761567167___0/Bardeen_John.html | |
8. NOfestiBEL.com Exhibiton about 100 years of the nobel prize. http://www.nofestibel.com/e/1972/bardeen_john/bardeen_john.htm |
9. Shockley, William Bradford - Related Items - Ninemsn Encarta ninemsn HomeHotmailMy ninemsnSign in. Go to ninemsn Home encarta®. HomeEncyclopediaDictionariesMultimediaStudy CentreQuizzesMore. Additional Reference http://au.encarta.msn.com/related_761562270_0/bardeen_john.html | |
10. John Bardeen Pictures And Images Of John Bardeen At Findtarget Image Search Engi bardeen_john.gif. muskie.jpg. shockley.jpg. John%20Bardeen.jpg. John_Bardeen.jpg. johnbardeen-1-sized.jpg. text_john_bardeen.jpg. photo_john_bardeen.jpg http://www.findtarget.com/pictures/john_bardeen.html | |
11. ITÀúÊ·ÈËÎï´óÈ« |¼ÆËãÀúÊ·¼Æ»®£¨THOCP£©ÕûÀíµÄIT Translate this page LI A href= http//www.thocp.net/biographies/bardeen_john.html FONT color= 0000ff Bardeen, John /FONT /A I (1908-1991) co-inventor of the http://www.niubian.net/forum/archiver/tid-235.html | |
12. John Bardeen - 123.pleja.net http//www.thocp.net/biographies/bardeen_john.html John Bardeen Biography. Biography. John Bardeen was born in Madison, Wisconsin, on May 23, 1908, http://123.pleja.net/q.php?search=John Bardeen |
13. Index Of /~zhoud/ee6375-2004/lecture_2_introduction_to_VLSI_design/About_com Htt Parent Directory bardeen_john.gif 20-Aug-2004 1115 2.2K nav_hall_induct_2.gif 20-Aug-2004 1115 688 nav_hall_invch_2.gif 20-Aug-2004 1115 656 http://www.utdallas.edu/~zhoud/ee6375-2004/lecture_2_introduction_to_VLSI_design | |
14. Bardeen John Citováno z http//www.skolavpohode.cz/index.php/Textbardeen_john. Inzerce. Straí T maturita z J? Víme jak na to Sluby http://www.skolavpohode.cz/index.php/Text:Bardeen_John | |
15. Bardeen, John Americký fyzik, který je spoludritelem Nobelových cen za fyziku a to v roce 1956 a 1972. První dostal spolu s Williamem B. Shockleyem a Walterem H. http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Bardeen_John.html | |
16. Sitios De Bardeen | Información Pública Y Privada http//www.thocp.net/biographies/bardeen_john.html. John Bardeen Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on John Bardeen http://webs-de-personajes.com.ar/buscar.php?s=0&id_biograf=QmFyZGVlbg== |
17. Bardeen John - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Bardeen John (19081991), wybitny fizyk i elektronik ameryka ski, ucze JH van Vlecka i EP Wignera. W latach 1945-1951 pracownik Bell http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/75685,,,,bardeen_john,haslo.html | |
18. Lelectronique - Dossier - Qui Est Qui ? \ Bardeen, John Translate this page (1908-1991) Physicien américain. Chargé de la recherche (1945-1951) aux laboratoires de la société Bell Telephone à Murray Hill (New Jersey), il fait partie http://www.lelectronique.com/ressource/dossier/Bardeen_John-58.php | |
19. Texcoco Empresarial.com.mx... Imagina Las Posibilidades Translate this page El portal mas importante y serio de texcoco, imagina todas las posibilidades Noticias, Articulos, Turismo, Cultura, Seriedad, Entretenimiento, Comercio, http://www.texcocoempresarial.com.mx/biografias/conb/bardeen_john.php | |
20. John Bardeen - Www.fi - Hakukone Joka Ymmärtää Suomalaista View printerfriendly page E-mail Multimedia John Bardeen au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761567167/bardeen_john.html - Kaikki osumat sivustolta http://www.fi/WebSearch?doQuery=true&query=John Bardeen |
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