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1. Carl Bosch - Quotations (source). Carl Bosch. (27 Aug 1874 26 Apr 1940). German industrial chemist who developed the Haber-Bosch process for high-pressure synthesis of ammonia. http://www.todayinsci.com/B/Bosch_Carl/BoschCarl-Quotations.htm | |
2. Carl Bosch - MSN Encarta Bosch, Carl (18741940), German chemist, engineer, and Nobel laureate. Bosch made important contributions to the chemical industry both with his http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583120/bosch_carl.html | |
3. Bosch, Carl - MSN Encarta Bosch, Carl (18741940), German industrial chemist, born in Cologne. Bosch studied chemistry at Leipzig University, but also trained as an engineer, http://www.encarta.co.uk/encyclopedia_761580352/Bosch_Carl.html | |
4. Bosch, Carl - Printer-friendly - Ninemsn Encarta Click here to print this page Print. Bosch, Carl, Article View. On the File menu, click Print to print the information. http://au.encarta.msn.com/text_761580352___0/Bosch_Carl.html | |
5. Premios Nóbel De Química / Bosch_carl.gif Translate this page Alojamiento ofrecido por el Grupo HispaVista HispaVista. Premios Nóbel de Química/bosch_carl.gif. Anterior Inicio Siguiente. http://galeon.hispavista.com/labquimica/sopacademico/pnobel/fotosnobel/pages/bos | |
6. Bosch, Carl - Search View - MSN Encarta To find a specific word, name, or topic in this article, select the option in your Web browser for finding within the page. http://uk.encarta.msn.com/text_761580352__1/bosch_carl.html | |
7. Bosch, Carl :: Encyklopédia Www.ys.sk Citujte toto encyklopedické heslo ako Text Marián Olejár, Jr. Bosch, Carl; encyklopédia www.ys.sk Odkaz http//www.ys.sk/heslo/bosch_carl.php http://www.ys.sk/heslo/bosch_carl.php | |
8. Bosch, Carl :: Encyklopédia YS Odkaz http//www.ys.sk/heslo/bosch_carl.php. Verzia pre PC Encyklopédia YS, Bosch, Carl (c) 2007, Marián Olejár, Jr. All rights reserved. http://wap.ys.sk/h/bosch_carl.php | |
9. Bosch, Carl - Gedächtnis Berlin Translate this page Bosch, Carl - Lebensdaten und Erinnerung in Berlin. http://www.luise-berlin.de/Ehrung/b/bosch_carl.htm | |
10. Bosch Carl Translate this page Carl Bosch. Sie suchen Bücher von Carl Bosch? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO Im Banne der Chemie. Im Banne der Chemie - Carl Bosch. Leben und Werk http://www.antiquario.de/a_autoren/bo/Bosch_Carl.html | |
11. Bosch Carl - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Bosch Carl (18741940), chemik i technolog niemiecki. Prowadzi prace nad uwodornieniem w gla. Wraz z F. Haberem opracowa metod syntezy,,,,bosch_carl,haslo.html?drukuj=1 |
12. Www.sharelook.ch/bildung/schuelerhilfen/chemie/ber Translate this page 1k - Translate this page MSN HomeHotmailMy MSNAnmelden. NachrichtenUnterhaltungLifestyleAutoMehr Hotmail Hotmail Messenger Messenger Blogs Blogs/Spaces My MSN My MSN. Unterhaltung http://www.sharelook.ch/bildung/schuelerhilfen/chemie/beruehmte_chemiker(innen)/ |
13. Bosch, Carl - MSN Encarta Translate this page Bosch, Carl (1874-1940), Chemiker, Ingenieur und Industrieller. http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761580352/Bosch_Carl.html | |
14. Bosch, Carl - MSN Encarta Translate this page Bosch, Carl (1874-1940), chimiste et industriel allemand. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761580352/Bosch_Carl.html | |
15. Bosch, Carl - MSN Encarta Translate this page Bosch, Carl (Colonia 1874 - Heidelberg 1940), chimico tedesco i cui studi furono importanti per le applicazioni industriali che determinarono . http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761580352/Bosch_Carl.html | |
16. Bosch, Carl - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie Translate this page Bosch, Carl (Keulen 27 aug. 1874 Heidelberg 26 april 1940), Duits chemisch ingenieur, werkzaam oa bij de Badische Anilin- und Sodafabrik (BASF) http://nl.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1021506432/Bosch_Carl.html | |
17. Bosch, Carl - Format Imprimable - MSN Encarta Translate this page Cliquez ici pour imprimer cette page Imprimer. Bosch, Carl, Format lecture. Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer. http://fr.ca.encarta.msn.com/text_761580352___0/Bosch_Carl.html | |
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