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         Bothe Walther:     more detail
  1. People From Oberhavel: Walther Bothe
  2. University of Giessen Faculty: Wilhelm Röntgen, Justus Von Liebig, Karl Friedrich Bahrdt, Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker, Walther Bothe
  3. Die in Bor und Beryllium erregten ...-Strahlen. by Herbert & Walther Wilhelm George BOTHE (1891-1957). BECKER, 1932
  4. Walther Bothe: Coincidence Circuit, University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, Max Planck Medal, Max Planck
  5. Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Rays PART 1 AND 2 FIAT Review of German Science 1939-1946 by Walther and Flugge, Siegfried Bothe, 1948

1. Walther Bothe Biography
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Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z Walther Bothe Biography Walther Wilhelm Georg Bothe (January 8, 1891 - February 8, 1957) was a German physicist, mathematician, chemist, and Nobel Prize winner. Bothe won a Nobel Prize in Physics for 1954 (along with Max Born) for his invention of the coincidence circuit.
Early years
He was born in Oranienburg, Germany (near Berlin) and studied physics from 1908 until 1912 at the University of Berlin under Max Planck. Bothe obtaining his doctorate by 1914. During World War I he was taken prisoner by the Russians and spent 5 years in captivity in Siberia.
After the war, he collaborated with Hans Geiger at Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt in Berlin, where he made his most important discoveries. He discovered that if a single particle is detected by two or more Geiger counters, the detection will be practically coincident in time. Using this observation, he constructed the coincidence circuit allowing several counters in coincidence to determine the angular momentum of a particle. Bothe's coincidence circuit was one of the first AND logic gate (1924). Bothe studied the Compton effect using such a set up and establishing the modern analysis of scatter processes.
Middle years
During the 1920s Bothe used the coincidence method to discovery penetrating radiation coming from the upper atmosphere now known as cosmic rays. His data indicated that the tradition was not composed exclusively of gamma rays, but was also composed of high energy particles (now known to be mostly mesons).

2. Bothe, Walther
N mecký fyzik, který spolu s Maxem Bornem sdílí Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1954 za objev metody k nalezení subatomických ástic a za další související
Bothe, Walther Wilhelm George
Nìmecký fyzik, který spolu s Maxem Bornem sdílí Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1954 za objev metody k nalezení subatomických èástic a za další související objevy.
Bothe pøednášel na universitì v Berlínì v letech 1920–31, v Giessenu v letech 1931–34 a v Heidelbergu v letech 1934–57. V roce 1925 spolu s Hansem Geigerem použil dva Geigerovy èítaèe ke shromáždìní dat z pokusu s Comptonovým jevem. Tento jev spoèívá v závislosti vlnové délky svazku paprskù X v závislosti na úhlu, pod kterým se svazek rozptyluje o elektrony. Jejich pokus vyvrátil statistickou interpretaci Comptonova jevu a ukázal, že elektromagnetické záøení se skládá z èástic. V experimentu byli schopni mìøit energie i smìry samotných fotonù a elektronù.
Spolu s astronomem Wernerem Kolhörsterem aplikovali v roce 1929 tuto metodu na kosmické záøení a zjistili, že se toto záøení neskládá jen z gama paprskù, jak se pùvodnì pøedpokládalo. V roce 1930 objevil neobvyklé záøení, které bylo vyzaøováno beryliem, když bylo bombardováno èásticemi alfa. Toto záøení bylo pozdìji Sirem Jamesem Chadwickem identifikováno a zjistilo se, že jde o neutrony.

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