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         Kohn Walter:     more detail
  1. Walter Kohn
  2. Governments and Politics of the German-Speaking Countries by Walter S. G. Kohn, 1980-06
  3. Women in National Legislatures by Walter S.G. Kohn, 1980-12
  4. Walter Kohn
  5. k·p perturbation theory: Solid- state physics, Electronic band structure, Joaquin Mazdak Luttinger, Walter Kohn, Bloch wave, Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics)
  6. Chicago: Midwestern Giant by walter kohn, 1969-01-01
  7. The university and the nuclear predicament (IGCC policy papers) by Walter Kohn, 1988
  8. Das Märchen vom Elfenbeinernen Turm: Reden und Aufsätze (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs) (German Edition) by Res Jost, 1996-01-10
  9. Chicago: Midwestern giant (Big cities of America) by Walter Kohn, 1969
  10. Solid-State Physics and Condensed Matter by Walter; et al Kohn, 1966
  11. WOMEN IN NATIONAL LEGISLATURES A Comparitive Study of Six Countries by Walter S. G. Kohn, 1980-01-01
  12. Women in National Legislatures: A Comparative Study of Six Countries by Walter S. G. Kohn, 1980
  13. American Printmakers 1962 Catalogue of an exhibition of 27 contemporary prints by American artists sponsered by the School of Art Syracuse University and held in the galleries of the Joe and Emily Lowe Art Center, January 21 through February 1962 by Harold, Garo Q. Antreasian, Leonard Baskin, Alfred Blaustein, Carroll Cassill, Lee Chesney, Sister Mary Corita, Worden Day, Arthur Deshaies, Ernest Freed, John Paul Jones, Morton Kaish, Misch Kohn, Chaim Koppelman, Jacob Landau, Edward Landon, George Lockwood, Robert Marx, Dean Meeker, Seong Moy, Nathan Oliveira, Gabor Peterdi, Rudy Pozzatti, Andre Racz, Walter Rogalski, Alfred Sessler, Adja Yunkers, ALTMAN, 1962

1. Walter Kohn -- Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Laureate In Chemistry
Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Prize Winner UCSB s Walter Kohn Laureate Brings Talent, Prestige to School. By Sarah Healy Staff Writer
FROM: University of California Santa Barbara's Student Newspaper Daily Nexus Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Prize Winner:
UCSB's Walter Kohn Laureate Brings Talent, Prestige to School
Sarah Healy - Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 17, 2001 Editor's Note - In 1998, physics Professor Walter Kohn won the first Nobel Prize for a professor at UCSB. This article, the second in a four-part series, looks at Kohn's life and his contributions, both to the field of chemistry and to the school where he has been a professor for the last 22 years. From his escape of Nazi-controlled Austria, to the transformation of two university physics departments, to a Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1998, UCSB physics Professor Walter Kohn has made his mark on the world. His impact rubbed off on his colleagues as well - when physics Professor Alan Heeger announced his own Nobel Prize last October, he wore a bolero tie like the one Kohn always wears. Kohn's Nobel Prize, which was the first won by a professor at UCSB, reflected his skill as a researcher, but also on the school and the institutions whose reputations he helped build. "It was in some sense an affirmation of something which we knew, that he was an outstanding scientist, that the department was a first-class department," Heeger said. "It was a great place to be."

2. Biography Center : Biographies Of Walter Kohn In
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3. Walter Kohn - MSN Encarta
Kohn, Walter, born in 1923, Austrianborn American physicist and Nobel Prize winner. Kohn shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in chemistry with British
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Walter Kohn
Encyclopedia Article Find Print E-mail Blog It Multimedia 1 item Walter Kohn , born in 1923, Austrian-born American physicist and Nobel Prize winner. Kohn shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in chemistry with British chemist John Pople for their development of methods that allow chemists and physicists to calculate the properties of atoms ( see Atom ) and molecules . Atoms and molecules are the basic units of matter. Atoms contain a positively charged nucleus surrounded by a cloud of tiny, negatively charged particles called electrons. Molecules are groups of atoms that have bonded together by merging their electron clouds. Kohn developed a simplified way of understanding the location of electrons in large molecules. His technique, called the density functional theory, is considered revolutionary because it allows scientists to make calculations for molecules with up to 1,000 atoms, while the limit before Kohn’s theory was about 10 atoms. The work for which Kohn won the Nobel Prize was based on one of the basic ideas of quantum mechanics (

Exhibiton about 100 years of the nobel prize.

5. Walter Kohn - Nobel Laureate
http// Walter Kohn, Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara Professor Kohn
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Walter Kohn - Nobel Laureate
Walter Kohn (born March 9, 1923 in Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian-born American theoretical physicist. Walter Kohn (born March 9,1923 in Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian-born American physicist who was awarded, with John A. Pople, the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1998.
March 9 - Walter Kohn, physicist, winner 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry A banner on a light pole in the University of California, Santa Barbara, commemorating that Walter Kohn won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998.
Walter Kohn, a research physicist at the University of California at Santa Barbara, developed theoretical work that formed the basis for simplifying the mathematics in descriptions of the bonding of atoms. Dr. Walter Kohn, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Chemistry and a 45-year ONR research partner, was honored at the dinner as a proxy for all the individuals who have worked for ONR over the last 60 years.

6. Kohn, Walter - Suchansicht - MSN Encarta
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var s_account="msnportalencartade"; Suchansicht Kohn, Walter Artikelansicht Wenn Sie nach einem bestimmten Wort, Namen bzw. Thema in diesem Artikel suchen m¶chten, w¤hlen Sie in Ihrem Browser die entsprechende Option f¼r Suche innerhalb der Seite. Im Internet Explorer finden Sie diese Option im Men¼ Bearbeiten
Bei der Suche wird genau das Wort bzw. die Phrase ber¼cksichtigt, das (die) Sie eingegeben haben. Sollte die Suche keine Ergebnisse zeitigen, versuchen Sie, nach einem Schl¼sselwort in Ihrem Thema zu suchen bzw. die Schreibung des betreffenden Wortes oder Namens zu ¼berpr¼fen. Kohn, Walter Kohn, Walter (*1923), amerikanischer Physiker und Nobelpreistr¤ger ¶sterreichischer Abstammung. Kohn wurde am 9. M¤rz 1923 in Wien geboren. Der Forscher war von 1950 bis 1960 Professor am Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh und von 1960 bis 1979 Professor an der University of California in San Diego. Er leitete von 1979 bis 1984 das Institut f¼r theoretische Physik der University of California in Santa Barbara, hatte dort bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1991 einen Lehrstuhl f¼r Physik inne und arbeitete danach weiterhin am Institut. Kohn verfasste im Lauf seiner Karriere eine groŸe Anzahl wissenschaftlicher Publikationen. Seine Hauptgebiete sind u. a. Physik der kondensierten Materie, Halbleiter, Supraleitung, Oberfl¤chenphysik und Katalyseprozesse. F¼r seine Studien und Ergebnisse zur Dichtefunktionaltheorie (englisch

7. Kohn, Walter - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Kohn, Walter (Vienna 1923), fisico statunitense di origine austriaca; nel 1998 fu insignito, con il chimico britannico John Pople, del premio Nobel
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Kohn, Walter
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Multimedia 1 elemento Kohn, Walter (Vienna 1923), fisico statunitense di origine austriaca; nel 1998 fu insignito, con il chimico britannico John Pople , del premio Nobel per la chimica. Di religione ebraica, nel 1939 fugg¬ con la famiglia in Gran Bretagna dopo l’ascesa del nazismo e l’ Anschluss ; si trasfer¬ prima in Canada (dove si laure² in fisica all’Universit  di Toronto) e poi negli Stati Uniti, dove insegn² in varie universit . Dal 1984 ¨ docente di fisica presso la University of California a Santa Barbara. Negli anni Sessanta Kohn svilupp² una teoria, detta teoria del funzionale della densit  (DFT, Density Functional Theory ), che ha permesso di misurare in modo rigoroso ed esaustivo le propriet  di

8. Kohn, Walter - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Kohn, Walter (1923- ), physicien de la matière condensée.
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Kohn, Walter
Article Rechercher dans tout le texte de l'article Afficher cet article au format imprimable Envoyer M©dias 1 ©l©ment Kohn, Walter (1923- ), physicien de la mati¨re condens©e. N©   Vienne en Autriche, Walter Kohn m¨ne des ©tudes dans les universit©s de Toronto, puis de Cambridge. Il devient rapidement assistant, puis professeur des d©partements de physique de Pittsburgh (1950), de San Diego, puis de Santa Barbara en 1984, poste qu'il occupe jusqu'  ce jour. Il cr©e l'Institut de physique th©orique de Santa Barbara dont il est le directeur de 1979   1984. Il est ©galement membre de l'Acad©mie des sciences am©ricaine depuis 1969. L'©quation de Schr¶dinger permet de calculer le comportement de l'ensemble de la mati¨re, atomes et mol©cules. Cependant, pour ªtre utilis©e, elle n©cessite des simplifications math©matiques ; pour de petits atomes, ces approximations sont g©n©ralement simples, mais, pour des mol©cules constitu©es par essence de plusieurs atomes, ces approximations se r©v¨lent inefficaces. Jusqu’aux travaux de Walter Kohn, cette limitation math©matique rendait le monde de la physique quantique relativement ferm© aux chimistes, int©ress©s par le comportement et par les r©actions des mol©cules.

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