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         Michelson Albert Abraham:     more books (74)
  1. Velocity of light. [ facsimile reprint of Michelson's notebook ] by Albert Abraham Michelson, 1964
  2. Light Waves and Their Uses by Albert Abraham Michelson, 2010-03-04
  3. The Decennial Publications, Volume 9 by Albert Abraham Michelson, 2010-04-03
  4. Experimental determination of the velocity of light by Albert Abraham Michelson, 2010-08-17
  5. Lights waves and their uses by Albert Abraham Michelson, 2010-08-17
  6. Biography - Michelson, Albert (Abraham) (1852-1931): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  7. Albert Abraham Michelson. by Albert Abraham] LODGE, Sir Oliver Joseph (1851-1940). [MICHELSON, 1926-01-01
  8. Repetition of the Michelson-Morley Experiment. by Albert Abraham (1852-1931), F. G. PEASE & F. PEARSON. MICHELSON, 1929-01-01
  9. The rigidity of the Earth. by Albert Abraham (1852-1931) & Henry Gordon GALE (1874-1942). MICHELSON, 1919-01-01
  10. Détermination Expérimentale De La Valeur Du Metre En Longueurs D'ondes Lumineuses (French Edition)
  11. A method for determining the rate of tuning-forks. by Albert Abraham. (1852-1931). MICHELSON, 1883
  12. The echelon spectroscope. by Albert Abraham. (1852-1931). MICHELSON, 1899
  13. On M. Wolf's modification of Foucault's apparatus for the measurement of the velocity of light. by Albert Abraham. (1852-1931). MICHELSON, 1885
  14. Radiation in a magnetic field. by Albert Abraham. (1852-1931). MICHELSON, 1897-01-01

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The search seeks the exact word or phrase that you type, so if you don’t find your choice, try searching for a keyword in your topic or recheck the spelling of a word or name. Michelson, Albert Abraham Michelson, Albert Abraham (1852-1931), German-born American physicist, known for his famous experiment to measure the velocity of the Earth through the ether, a substance that scientists believed filled the universe. This experiment helped prove that the ether does not exist. In 1907 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for developing extremely precise instruments and conducting important investigations with them, becoming the first American citizen to earn a Nobel Prize. Michelson was born in Strelno (now Strzelno, Poland), taken to the United States as a child, and educated at the United States Naval Academy and at the universities of Berlin, Heidelberg, and Paris. He was Professor of Physics at Clark University from 1889 to 1892, and from 1892 to 1929 was head of the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago. He determined the velocity of light with a high degree of accuracy, using instruments of his own design. In 1887 Michelson invented the interferometer, which he used in the famous experiment, performed with the American chemist Edward Williams Morley. At that time, most scientists believed that light travelled as waves through the ether. They also believed that the Earth travelled through the ether. The Michelson-Morley experiment showed that two beams of light sent in different directions from the Earth were reflected at the same speed. According to the ether theory, the beams would have been reflected in waves of different speeds, in relation to the velocity of the Earth. In this way the experiment proved that the ether did not exist. The negative results of the experiment were also useful in the development of the theory of relativity. Michelson's major works include

2. Michelson, Albert Abraham - MSN Encarta
Michelson, Albert Abraham (18521931), German-born American physicist, known for his famous experiment to measure the velocity of the Earth through
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Michelson, Albert Abraham
Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Multimedia 1 item Michelson, Albert Abraham (1852-1931), German-born American physicist, known for his famous experiment to measure the velocity of the Earth through the ether , a substance that scientists believed filled the universe. This experiment helped prove that the ether does not exist. In 1907 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for developing extremely precise instruments and conducting important investigations with them, becoming the first American citizen to earn a Nobel Prize. Michelson was born in Strelno (now Strzelno, Poland), taken to the United States as a child, and educated at the United States Naval Academy and at the universities of Berlin, Heidelberg, and Paris. He was Professor of Physics at Clark University from 1889 to 1892, and from 1892 to 1929 was head of the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago. He determined the velocity of light with a high degree of accuracy, using instruments of his own design.

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4. Michelson, Albert Abraham - Printer-friendly - MSN Encarta
Click here to print this page Print. Michelson, Albert Abraham, Article View. On the File menu, click Print to print the information.
var s_account="msnportalencartauk"; Print Michelson, Albert Abraham Article View On the File menu, click Print to print the information. Michelson, Albert Abraham Michelson, Albert Abraham (1852-1931), German-born American physicist, known for his famous experiment to measure the velocity of the Earth through the ether, a substance that scientists believed filled the universe. This experiment helped prove that the ether does not exist. In 1907 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for developing extremely precise instruments and conducting important investigations with them, becoming the first American citizen to earn a Nobel Prize. Michelson was born in Strelno (now Strzelno, Poland), taken to the United States as a child, and educated at the United States Naval Academy and at the universities of Berlin, Heidelberg, and Paris. He was Professor of Physics at Clark University from 1889 to 1892, and from 1892 to 1929 was head of the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago. He determined the velocity of light with a high degree of accuracy, using instruments of his own design. In 1887 Michelson invented the interferometer, which he used in the famous experiment, performed with the American chemist Edward Williams Morley. At that time, most scientists believed that light travelled as waves through the ether. They also believed that the Earth travelled through the ether. The Michelson-Morley experiment showed that two beams of light sent in different directions from the Earth were reflected at the same speed. According to the ether theory, the beams would have been reflected in waves of different speeds, in relation to the velocity of the Earth. In this way the experiment proved that the ether did not exist. The negative results of the experiment were also useful in the development of the theory of relativity. Michelson's major works include

5. Michelson Albert Abraham - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Michelsona interferometr Michelson Albert Abraham (18521931), fizyk ameryka ski polskiego pochodzenia. Za konstrukcj precyzyjnych przyrz dów,,,,michelson_albert_abraham,haslo.html
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Michelson Albert Abraham
Dodaj do notesu Fizyka, Ameryka Pó³nocna, Stany Zjednoczone, XIX i pocz±tek XX w., I wojna ¶wiatowa Galeria zdjêæ: 1 Michelsona interferometr
Michelson Albert Abraham (1852-1931), fizyk amerykañski polskiego pochodzenia. Za konstrukcjê precyzyjnych przyrz±dów optycznych ( Michelsona interferometr ), badanie widm promieniowania ¶wietlnego ( ¶wiat³o ) i dok³adne pomiary metrologiczne otrzyma³ w 1907 Nagrodê Nobla Zobacz równie¿: Michelsona-Morleya do¶wiadczenie
Inne na ten temat: Nobla Nagrody, 1906-1910 Uniwersytet w Chicago Morley Edward Williams Fizyka ... Strona do Druku Encyklopedia WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

6. Michelson Albert Abraham
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Michelson Albert Abraham
Př­prava na přij­mačky přes internet? A co internetov© kurzy? Z Přej­t na: navigace hled¡n­ Fyzik, kter½ se narodil v Polsku, ale ve třech letech s rodiči emigroval do USA, kde začal v 17 letech studovat n¡mořn­ akademii. Stal se brzo uzn¡van½m americk½m vědcem. Dva roky z­sk¡val zkuÅ¡enosti s optikou v Německu a ve Francii (1880-1882), pot© se navr¡til do USA. Zkonstruoval Michelsonův interferometr, kter½ zkoumal pohyb Země ©terem. Uskutečnil mnoho pokusů spolu Edwardem Morleyem, zn¡m½ch jako Michelsonovy- Morleyho pokusy. DoÅ¡li k z¡věru, že rychlost světla je vždy stejn¡ bez ohledu na orientaci, m­sto nebo dobu um­stěn­ experimentu. Za proveden© experimenty z­skal jako prvn­ Američan Nobelovu cenu v roce 1907. Pokračov¡n­ je př­stupn© pouze pro registrovan©. PřihlaÅ¡ se nebo se zaregistruj. Citov¡no z „

7. Michelson, Albert Abraham - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Michelson, Albert Abraham (1852-1931), deutschstämmiger amerikanischer Physiker, der in einem berühmten Experiment bestimmen wollte, mit welcher
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Michelson, Albert Abraham
Enzyklop¤dieartikel In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Multimedia 3 Objekte Michelson, Albert Abraham (1852-1931), deutschst¤mmiger amerikanischer Physiker, der in einem ber¼hmten Experiment bestimmen wollte, mit welcher Geschwindigkeit sich die Erde durch den in der klassischen Physik hypothetisch angenommenen „ther bewegt. Michelsons erstmals 1881 durchgef¼hrtes Experiment trug dazu bei, die Nichtexistenz des „thers zu beweisen. 1907 wurde Michelson der Nobelpreis f¼r Physik verliehen, da er ¤uŸerst genaue Messger¤te entwickelt und wichtige Untersuchungen damit durchgef¼hrt hatte. Er war der erste amerikanische Nobelpreistr¤ger. Michelson wurde am 19. Dezember 1852 in Strelno (heute Strzelno, Polen) geboren und kam schon als Kind in die USA. Er studierte an der

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