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21. The Suicide Of Socrates, 399 BC Eye witness account of the death of the Greek philosopher. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/socrates.htm | |
22. Socrates - Crystalinks socrates (June 4, ca. 470 BC May 7, 399 BC) was a Greek (Athenian) philosopher. The character of socrates provides an illustration of a historical http://www.crystalinks.com/socrates.html | |
23. Welcome To Socrates As a part of the upgrade, the socrates and Arachne servers will be retired in June 2008. Both socrates and Arachne are aging servers with ongoing security http://socrates.berkeley.edu/ | |
24. Socrates (Drank The Conium) socrates will probably never get inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. But while other groups were becoming well known in the free world, http://www.athensguide.com/socrates/ | |
25. Socrates (470 - 399 B.C.) socrates . socrates , his life and dialogues ! socrates socrates socrates socrates socratessocrates socrates . Philosophy socrates. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/8740/Socrates.htm | |
26. EUROPA - Education And Training - Socrates, The European Community Action Progra socrates, the European Community action programme for cooperation in the field of education. http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/socrates/socrates_en.html | |
27. Perseus Lookup Tool socrates Reference article in A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology P. Zanker; The Mask of socrates. The Image of the Intellectual in http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/vor?type=phrase&alts=0&group=typecat&lookup |
28. Socrates The object of the philosophy of the Athenian socrates (was altogether different he was interested in ethics. It was his axiom that no one would knowingly http://www.livius.org/so-st/socrates/socrates.html | |
29. Ethics Of Socrates, Xenophon, And Plato By Sanderson Beck socrates was born in 469 BC in Athens and was the son of a stonemason and a midwife. It was said that he did stone-work on the draped figures of the Graces http://san.beck.org/EC21-Socrates.html | |
30. University Of Chicago Law School > The Socratic Method Among the first things you ll hear about when trying to understand the Law School experience is The Socratic Method. We thought we should try to http://www.law.uchicago.edu/socrates/method.html | |
31. The Socrates Argument Clinic Argue with the great philosopher in the style of the Monty Python sketch. http://www.mindspring.com/~mfpatton/sclinic.htm | |
32. SOCRATES CMS socrates CMS is The Research Solution for law firms and businesses striving to control costs while retaining high quality research services for their http://www.socratescms.com/ | |
33. Society For Philosophical Inquiry socrates Children A Volunteer Teaches Kids Philosophy and How to Listen to One Another Order a socrates Cafe Coffee Mug, Tote bag or Tshirt http://www.philosopher.org/ |
34. Socrates Login If your company is a socrates Client and you are not a registered user about socrates, click here to contact KLD or call (617) 4265270. http://web.kld.com/ | |
35. Untitled socrates, 469399 B.C., Greek philosopher of Athens, generally regarded as one of the wisest people of all time. It is not known who his teachers were, http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/publications/projects/digitexts/socrates/bio_socrate | |
36. Socrates - Wikiquote socrates (c.470 BC 399 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher who is widely credited for laying the foundation for Western philosophy. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Socrates | |
37. Http://www.socrates.net/ www.socrates.net/ 1k - a class=fl href="http// Core Project robot known as CEBot. http://www.socrates.net/ |
38. Aristotle Socrates' Home Page skydiving, SCUBA diving, abalone diving, marathon running, skiing, snowboarding, fishing, and cooking. Aristotle socrates ( socrates@astro.princeton.edu) http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~socrates/ | |
39. Socrates In The 21st Century - ChronicleReview.com Feb 15, 2008 Given the choice between socrates dead or alive, Western thinkers have preferred him dead. At least as a symbol. A symbol of what? http://chronicle.com/temp/reprint.php?id=3wkbtnnvrbgh425ftgz9z9hxtwg6j9bn |
40. Higgins / SOCRATES' EFFECT/MENO'S AFFECT: SOCRATIC ELENCHUS AS KATHARTIC THERAPY A typical account depicts socrates as the embodiment of a certain vision of philosophy who uses his encounters with others to carry out his philosophic http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/eps/PES-Yearbook/94_docs/HIGGINS.HTM | |
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