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41. Socrates (ca. 470-399 BC) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography He pretended a disarming ignorance (Socratic irony), then forced his listeners through shrewd questioning to admit their own ignorance. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Socrates.html | |
42. Socrates (469-399 B.C.) A biography of the ancient Greek philosopher socrates. http://www.usefultrivia.com/biographies/socrates_001.html | |
43. SOCRATES: South Central Regional Area Telecommunications System socrates (South Central Regional Area Telecommunications System) ISD 6036 provides data and video connectivity to schools and libraries in South Central http://www.projectsocrates.org/ | |
44. Socrates Society Seminars - Aspen Institute socrates Society Seminars The mission of the Aspen Institute is to foster enlightened leadership and openminded dialogue. Through seminars, policy programs http://www.aspeninstitute.org/site/c.huLWJeMRKpH/b.611983/k.6F2B/Socrates_Societ | |
45. Socrates In The Labyrinth socrates in the Labyrinth is a wideranging exploration of the relationships between hypertext, thought, and argument. Does hypertext present alternatives http://www.eastgate.com/catalog/Socrates.html | |
46. Commentary On The Apology Of Socrates A lineby-line analysis of Plato s Apology, written by Kelley Ross. http://www.friesian.com/apology.htm | |
47. Marketing Secrets By Socrates Socratous Posted by socrates Socratous on Feb 28th, 2008 . from socrates, if you were to learn how to achieve your online goals in 2008? $37 / month; $47 / month http://socratesblog.com/ | |
48. Socrates Archelogos aims at the development of methods of electronic representation of arguments and methods of electronic reasoning, using advanced artificial http://www.archelogos.com/socrates/index.htm | |
49. The Corner On National Review Online Bill was our socrates. He lured us to his side, at first, by showing us that He did what socrates dreamed of made philosophers of citizens and citizens http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZGI1YTg4MjBhMTQ2YzRjZDFjOTU0YTBjNzFmYjI |
50. The Socrates Institute The socrates Institute provides educational materials and services that make teaching and learning more effective, rewarding, and beneficial to society. http://www.socratesinstitute.org/ | |
51. "Who Was Socrates ?" By Alban Dewes Winspear, With Tom Silverberg -- Title Page The text of a book on socrates life, by Alban Dewes Winspear. http://www.chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/socrates/ | |
52. Socrates Scholasticus: The Life Of Hypatia Biographical paragraph from Scholasticus Ecclesiastical History. Condemns the slaying of this Alexandrian thinker. http://www.cosmopolis.com/alexandria/hypatia-bio-socrates.html | |
53. Socrates Apology The editors of Seulemonde offered me three thoughtful and wideranging questions about my hypertext essay collection socrates in the Labyrinth . http://www.bates.edu/~dkolb/seulmonde/Apology.html | |
54. KLD's Research Products socrates is a comprehensive research database, measuring the social and environmental performance of corporations. Read More http://www.kld.com/research/index.html | |
55. Professor Hubert Dreyfus Phenomenologist and leading critic of Artificial Intelligence research. http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~hdreyfus/ | |
56. Calculus&Mathematica At Ohio-State Quote, books. Links Mentor Application Mentors CMS. Comments? website@socrates.math.ohiostate.edu, You are visitor 12552 since August 16, 2004. http://socrates.math.ohio-state.edu/ | |
57. Malaspina Great Books - Socrates (469 BCE-399 BCE) socrates (June 4, 470 399 BC) was a Greek (Athenian) philosopher and one of the most important icons of the Western philosophical tradition. http://www.malaspina.org/socrates.htm | |
58. Death Of Socrates: socrates opposed the Sophists, arguing that there are absolute, transcultural standards of right and wrong, good and bad. He argued (as in the first passage http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~wldciv/world_civ_reader/world_civ_reader_1/phaedo.html | |
59. In Socrates' Wake skip to main skip to sidebar. In socrates\. Wednesday, March 12, 2008. Teaching Ethics Seminar. Do Ethics in the Rockies this Summer! http://insocrateswake.blogspot.com/ | |
60. Socrates - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of socrates from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socrates | |
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