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         Physicists:     more books (100)
  1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A Concise Introduction by Tai L. Chow, 2000-07-31
  2. Fluid Dynamics for Physicists by T. E. Faber, 1995-08-25
  3. The Physicists by Charles Percy Snow, 2008-09-23
  4. A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica, Second Edition by Patrick T. Tam, 2008-12-15
  5. Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) by Ervin B. Podgorsak, 2010-05-21
  6. The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America, Revised Edition by Daniel Kevles, 1995-03-03
  7. Tensor Analysis for Physicists, Second Edition by J. A. Schouten, 1989-07-01
  8. Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists
  9. Mathematics for Physicists by Susan Lea, 2003-04-14
  10. The Physicist's Conception of Nature
  11. Modern Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers by C. D. Cantrell, 2000-10-09
  12. Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physicists by Marián Fecko, 2011-01-01
  13. Elements of Group Theory for Physicists by A.W. Joshi, 1982-06-30
  14. Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists by S. Doniach, E. H. Sondheimer, 1998-03

21. Physics And Physicists
ZapperZ s physics blog on the world of Physics and physicists. This perspective comes from someone who is a practicing physicist.
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Physics and Physicists
ZapperZ's physics blog on the world of Physics and Physicists. This perspective comes from someone who is a practicing physicist.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Traffic Jams Happen, Get Used to It
I've heard about this research study, but I didn't pay that much attention to it until I saw that they had a video of this effect that was rather neat. It also confirms what I had suspected for a while.
The study was done by a group of Japanese scientists/mathematicians about traffic jams that happened without any bottleneck [1]. In other words, there's no obvious obstacles, such as an on-ramp, or a constrictions, etc. that would be obvious causes for a traffic jam. All they did was increase the traffic density, and at some point, there's some "critical density" in which traffic jams simply occurs because people just don't all drive at the same speed.
What is need is that you can actually this taking place in the video that they have included . I've always suspected this. I drive roughly 31 miles each way to work every day. I sometime get stuck in a couple of slow spots where traffic either slows down or stopped for periods of time. Yet, as you you drive some more, you speed back up again as if nothing has happened, and you don't see any reason why the traffic slowed down. I tend to blame it on slow cars in the left lane, but I had no proof that was the usual cause. Now, I have some evidence to back my haunch! :)

22. Mac OS X For Physicists
Mac OS X is a powerful operating system that combines Unix underpinnings familar to particle physicists and easyto-use interface of Macintosh.
Mac OS X for Physicists
About Mac OS X
Mac OS X is a powerful operating system that combines Unix underpinnings familar to particle physicists and easy-to-use interface of Macintosh. This home page describes how to set up Mac OS X for the use by particle theorists or other physicists.
Install OS
Of course, you must install the operating system first. From the installer, don't choose "Easy Install" but "Customize" it so that X11 (see below) will be installed. Once you have installed the system from CD-ROM, go to the Apple Menu (the Apple logo at the top left corner of the screen) and choose "Software Update", and keep updating the system until you don't see any more updates. You can skip some updates, if you are dead sure that you will never use Arabic on your machine, or you won't use fancy MP3 player from Apple iPod. But install all of those that are not obviously useless for you.
Apple renamed Developer Tools to Xcode. It is a collection of compilers, header files, libraries, and software development tools. You definitely want C compiler so that you can install standard Unix software. The CDs to install Xcode must have come with your system. Xcode is also freely available here if you sign up. Its compiler is a hacked version of gcc to support Objective C. The Xcode is big, though, weighing more than 800MB. Don't attempt a download without a broadband.

23. Physicists Demonstrate Qubit-Qutrit Entanglement
PhysOrg news physicists Demonstrate QubitQutrit Entanglement.
PhysOrg Account: Sign In Sign Up Published: 10:31 EST, February 26, 2008 Toolbox
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Physicists Demonstrate Qubit-Qutrit Entanglement
By Lisa Zyga For the first time, physicists have entangled a qubit with a “qutrit” – the 3D version of the 2D qubit. Qubit-qutrit entanglement could lead to advantages in quantum computing, such as increased security and more efficient quantum gates, as well as enable novel tests of quantum mechanics.
The research team, composed of physicists from the University of Queensland, the University of Bristol, and the University of Waterloo, has published its results in a recent issue of Physical Review Letters . The researchers made qutrits with biphotons (two correlated photons), resulting in “biphotonic qutrits.” Then, they entangled these qutrits with photonic qubits (made with one photon) using a combination of linear optic elements and measurements.
A qutrit, just as it sounds, is the quantum information analogue of the classical trit. Due to its quantum mechanical nature, a qutrit can exist in superpositions of its three basis states. This is similar to how a qubit can exist in superpositions of its two states. Because of the qutrit’s 3D nature, though, it can carry much more information than the qubit. (A string of

24. Kiwi Physicists Abroad
The primary purpose of this web page is to provide contacts for New Zealand physicists and especially physics students who may be considering going abroad
Kiwi Physicists Abroad
"Intellectual Capital - NZ's most valuable export"
The primary purpose of this web page is to provide contacts for New Zealand physicists and especially physics students
who may be considering going abroad to further their physics research including graduate school.
All the physicists listed below have agreed to provide information if asked. North America Europe Asia - Australia South America ... Other Information North America
Physicist Current Institution / Email Research Interests / Recent Papers Past Institutions Ph.D (year) / B.Sc. Charles
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Experimental Astrophysics; Macho Project
U. Pennsylvania, Livermore Nat Lab, MIT, Princeton IAS CalTech 1978
Auckland Neil
Cornell U.
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics arXiv U of Chicago Cambridge 1964 Victoria Nathaniel Bowden Sandia Nat. Labs. webpage Experimental Low Energy Physics: Anti-hydrogen, Reactor Anti-Neutrinos arXiv Spires Harvard 2004 Auckland Mark Bowick Syracuse U webpage Theoretical Particle Physics: Random Surfaces, Simplicial Gravity, Statistical Mechanics of Membranes and Topological Defects

25. Egyptian Physicists Association
An association for those concerned about physics in Egypt.
(Quote) Richard P. Feynman Why and how to be Physicist From American BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook EPA internet physics scholarship's guide Egyptian Journal of Solids Egyptian Physics Societies Egyptian Physicists ... 3rd Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics 10-14 Nov. 2001, Cairo, Egypt Workshop On Computer-based Crystallographic Teaching Materials 3-8 November 2001 Olympic Village, Ismailia, Egypt Send mail to webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Maher Ahmed

26. Physicists Confirm Rare Particle Prediction, After 30 Years Of Study
Highenergy physicists devoted to recreating the conditions at the beginning of the universe have for the first time observed a new way to produce those
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Physicists Confirm Rare Particle Prediction, After 30 Years Of Study
ScienceDaily (Mar. 12, 2008) See also: Detection of the event, which the collaboration made public March 9, was attributed to John Yelton, a physicist at the University of Florida, one of many institutions that are part of the CLEO collaboration. Among the products of the CESR collisions are the charmed-strange mesons, which exist for less than one-trillionth of a second before decaying into other more stable particles. Although charmed mesons have been studied for 30 years, no one had ever observed one decaying into a proton or neutron, as theory had predicted. This is notable because about 10 percent of all the collisions in the accelerator produce protons and neutrons. Yelton did not detect the anti-neutron directly but rather inferred its presence from data on energy and momentum of other particles. All told, he found 13 instances of charmed-strange mesons decaying into protons and anti-neutrons, retrieving and identifying those events from data on millions and millions of different collisions and their aftermaths. Yelton based his analysis on techniques developed at Syracuse University for the detection of two other types of rare subatomic particles, a muon and invisible neutrino.

27. Quantum Diaries - Follow Physicists From Around The World As They Live The World
Thanks for joining us as we chronicled 2005, the World Year of Physics, through the eyes of thirtythree working physicists. Relive the World Year
FIND A BLOG Einstein: Big Idea Career Week Rosa Alba Stephon Alexander Ursula Bassler Nick Brook Karsten Buesser Alessandro Cardini Bryan Dahmes Frederic Deliot Tommaso Dorigo John Ellis Makoto Fujiwara Rob Gardner Claire Gray Debbie Harris Karsten Heeger Alex Koutsman Sandra Leone Maaike Limper Frank Linde Shohei Nishida Jose Ocariz Caolionn O'Connell Marcello Pavan Sarah Phillips Anuj Purwar Julio Rodriguez Martino Peter Steinberg Andrey Tamanov Sophie Trincaz-Duvoid David Waller Gordon Watts Jochen Weller Zhi-Zhong Xing New A fond farewell
Thanks for joining us as we chronicled 2005, the World Year of Physics, through the eyes of thirty-three working physicists.
Relive the World Year
You can experience the World Year of Physics all over again by visiting the Quantum Diaries archives Last words
Read the Quantum Diarists' famous last words , as they review the year past and look ahead to the year to come.
Peter Steinberg December 28, 2005 The scientific method is not just a tool for finding out mere facts about isolated phenomena in the world: it's a whole way of looking at everything around you, from science to culture to politics. Read more...

28. YPP Home Page
The Young Particle physicists (YPP) HomePage. About Us, News, Survey, Meetings, Conferences, Photos, How to Contact Us. Last Updated on 05/11/06
The Young Particle Physicists (YPP) HomePage
About Us News Survey Meetings ... How to Contact Us Last Updated on 05/11/06
by: Sam Zeller (

29. Physics And The African Diaspora
Who are the BLACK physicists? Who are the BLACK ASTRONOMERS? The first African American physicists! SPECIAL ARTICLES. BLACK PHYSICS LINKS
J. McKeen Cattell (1913), owner and editor of Science "There is not a single mulatto who has done creditable scientific work." In Mathematicians of the African Diaspora we presented excellent data to the contrary. Here we extend that material. Fifth International Bouchet Conference (with session on Applied Mathematics) Who are the BLACK PHYSICISTS Who are the BLACK ASTRONOMERS ... POSTERS on African Americans in Math and Science SPECIAL ARTICLES Media's Belated Discovery of Black Science Experts A History of Black Researchers in Science: Can History Predict the Future? Black Physicist Fired NOVA interview with Sylvester James Gates VISITORS since opening 5/27/1997 THE AFRICAN DIASPORA and PHYSICS COMPUTER SCIENCE MATHEMATICS SEARCH the site CONTACT

30. Laser-Firing Physicists Take High-Speed Photography To The Attosecond Range
Highshutter-speed photography has come a long way from Muybridge s galloping horse in 1887 and even from Edgerton s strobe work in the 1950s and 60s.
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Science Discoveries
Laser-Firing Physicists Take High-Speed Photography to the Attosecond Range
By Paul O'Donnell START PREVIOUS: 15th Anniversary: Soul-Baring Quotes from Bill Gates, George Lucas, and More NEXT: Mr. Know-It-All: Playing Party Hero , Deflecting Errant Email, Avoiding Online Bait and Switch
Photo: Corbis 1) Galloping horse
Shooter Eadweard Muybridge, 1887
Shutter speed 6 milliseconds (6 x 10
The English inventor's early high-speed shutters, powered by rubber bands, were tripped when a cart rolled over wires laid in its path. As two plates slid past each other, holes drilled in their centers briefly aligned, letting light into the camera. By the 1880s, electromagnets and dry chemical plates allowed exposures of just thousandths of a second.
2) Bullet impact
Shooter Harold "Doc" Edgerton, 1964

31. Study MRI Physics
Questions and answers on the basics of MRI for physicists and other clinical scientists. Also provides animated tutorials and interactive learning tools.
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Study MRI Physics is designed principally as a revision aid, but may also be used as an educational resource. Contents include: detailed Web Feeds
Study materials for physicists and other clinical scientists learning the basics of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Choose a section:
Latest Additions

32. What Physicists Do Spring 2008
APR 21, A PHYSICIST’S PLAYGROUND FROM DOLPHINS TO TOUCHSCREENS. Dr. James Aroyan (’87) of JRJ Simulation Design will discuss computational modeling
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The Sonoma State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
presents a series of lectures, demonstrations, and films
Physics is what physicists do late at night
Mondays at 4:00 p.m. Darwin 103 Coffee at 3:30 p.m. FEB 4 MASSIVE SKY SURVEYS OF THE NEXT DECADE
Dr. David Wittman
of the University of California, Davis will describe how systematic imaging of the sky to much fainter levels than ever before is expected to reveal everything from 200-meter rocks in Earth-crossing orbits to very distant galaxies.
Dr. Donald K. Yeomans
of will discuss the daily bombardment of Earth by asteroid fragments and the ongoing NASA programs
Dr. Jacqueline van Gorkom
of Columbia University will show observations and simulations that suggest that the evolution of a galaxy may be seriously affected by its environment.

33. Physicists And Engineers Search For New Dimension | Science Blog
In case you hadn t heard, a Ph.D. physicist won Hastert seat physicists and engineers search for new dimension. Submitted by BJS on Mon,
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    Physicists and engineers search for new dimension
    Submitted by BJS on Mon, 2008-03-10 15:41. Topic: The universe as we currently know it is made up of three dimensions of space and one of time, but researchers in the Department of Physics and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech are exploring the possibility of an extra dimension. Sound like an episode from the “Twilight Zone"” Almost, but not quite; according to John Simonetti, associate professor of physics in the College of Science and Michael Kavic, graduate student and one of the investigators on the project.

34. Pictures Of Famous Physicists
Marie Pierre Curie 53kB Astrophysicists (Eddington, Lorentz, Einstein, Ehrenfest, deSitter) 48kB Göttingen physicists (Reich, Born, Franck, Pohl) 71kB
Luis Walter Alvarez
Philip Warren Anderson
John Bardeen
Henri Antoine Becquerel
J. Georg Bednorz
Hans Albrecht Bethe
H. A. Bethe giving a talk 66kB
Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Felix Bloch
Nicolaas Bloembergen
N.N. Bogoliubov Aage Bohr Niels Bohr Ludwig Boltzmann Max Born (young) 60kB Satyendranath N. Bose Walter Bothe Robert Boyle Bertram Neville Brockhouse Louis deBroglie Sir James Chadwick Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Georges Charpak Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov Rudolf Clausius Sir John Douglas Cockroft Arthur Holly Compton Leon N. Cooper Sir William Crookes James Watson Cronin Hans G. Dehmelt Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Freeman J. Dyson Arthur Stanley Eddington Paul Ehrenfest Albert Einstein:

35. TIPTOP - Dynamic Job List For Physicists
TIPTOP Jobs OnLine. Dynamic job list for physicists. Welcome to TIPTOP Jobs On-Line! Announce job openings here, completely free of charge!
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36. 1120 Most Cited Physicists 1981-1997
ISI s 1120 Most Cited physicists, 1981June 1997, ranked by total citations . See notes by D. Pendlebury for the most cited chemists.

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ISI's 1120 Most Cited Physicists,
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Contrarily to the list of chemists which was transmitted numerically, this one was faxed and scanned, therefore errors are highly probable... Join RESCIF, the mailing list of scientific research in France
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37. Jobs In Physics, Engineering And Astronomy
Job openings for physicists, engineers, scientists. Post and read job listings and follow links to various science employment sites.

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Academic Positions Faculty Position in Theoretical Gravitational Physics At the University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada The Department of Physics at the University of Guelph invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level in theoretical gravitational physics. more info Industrial Positions SENIOR SYSTEMS ENGINEER At the Pacific Scientific HTL Kintech Duarte, CA, USA The candidate will be a multidisciplinary systems engineer, coordinating teams spanning multiple internal sites, plus outside suppliers. The candidate will define system requirements for the fire protection system more info Tenure Track Positions In Cosmology At the Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York, USA The Department of Physics at Brookhaven National Laboratory invites applications for two new tenure-track positions in astrophysics/cosmology with the level of individual appointments determined by the qualifications of the applicants. more info go to the top '1995-'2008

38. - The Physicists - Cardiff, UK - Punk / Alternative / Grunge - Www.m
MySpace music profile for the physicists with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
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MySpace URL: the physicists: General Info Member Since Band Website Band Members Influences Pixies, Butthole Surfers, The Fall, X-Ray Spex, Joy Division, The Shaggs, Daniel Johnston, The Moldy Peaches, Hefner Sounds Like My Mother Shot Me In The Face Add to My Profile More Videos Record Label Unsigned Type of Label None Upcoming Shows view all Apr 15 2008 Cardiff, Wales May 13 2008 Meze Lounge Newport, Wales May 19 2008 Cardiff, Wales Jun 28 2008 Redhouse Sheffield the physicists's Latest Blog Entry Subscribe to this Blog NEW WEBSITE view more ladyfest cardiff view more TOUR + SINGLE RELEASE!!!!!!!!

39. MIT Physicists Create New Form Of Matter - MIT News Office
Jun 22, 2005 MIT scientists have brought a supercool end to a heated race among physicists They have become the first to create a new type of matter,
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MIT physicists create new form of matter
Lori Valigra, Special to MIT News Office
June 22, 2005 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. MIT scientists have brought a supercool end to a heated race among physicists: They have become the first to create a new type of matter, a gas of atoms that shows high-temperature superfluidity. Their work, to be reported in the June 23 issue of Nature, is closely related to the superconductivity of electrons in metals. Observations of superfluids may help solve lingering questions about high-temperature superconductivity, which has widespread applications for magnets, sensors and energy-efficient transport of electricity, said Wolfgang Ketterle, a Nobel laureate who heads the MIT group and who is the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics as well as a principal investigator in MIT's Research Laboratory of Electronics. Seeing the superfluid gas so clearly is such a dramatic step that Dan Kleppner, director of the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, said, "This is not a smoking gun for superfluidity. This is a cannon."

40. Finance For Physicists
Here is a good article from the Dec 1999 issue of The Industrial Physicist magazine, which describes the impact physicists are having on Wall Street
Finance for Physicists This page arose because I am often asked for advice and suggestions about how to prepare for and get a job on Wall Street as a quantitative analyst. Everything here is subjective and personal opinion, but I hope that you will find it useful. Here is a good article from the Dec 1999 issue of The Industrial Physicist magazine, which describes the impact physicists are having on Wall Street: Risky business on Wall Street There is no doubt that physicists and "quants" make a real difference to the way in which Wall Street works in the 21st century. Read more about the trends and the dangers ... Physics with finance at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign In order to provide a cheap and easy way for physics students at my home institution to become knowledgeable in finance, I created a course option that yields a Masters in Finance for Physics students. Students registered for the University of Illinois Physics Ph.D can be enrolled in the Masters in Finance program, and receive credit for their physics courses. In other words, you can get a Masters in Finance for relatively little extra work. This is highly recommended for students contemplating a career as a quant on Wall Street. Unfortunately, this option has been discontinued at the time of writing (2008). Courses at other universities There are many courses offered in computational finance at academic institutions. A partial list is given in

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