INTRODUCTION 83 Eminent Physicists A Guide to This Site Search the Archive ... Photo Credits AN ARCHIVE PRESENTING AND DOCUMENTING SOME IMPORTANT AND ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BEFORE 1976 BY 20 th CENTURY WOMEN. Whose faces are shown above? The graphic show the faces of some physicists spanning three generations. Click here for their names. They are among the 83 women for whom data is archived in this website. What can you find in this archive? Descriptions of important contributions to science made by 83 women in the 20th century. These are documented by the original papers in which the discoveries were first reported. In addition there are historical essays and other historical documents not easily available elsewhere. Where are 17th, 18th, and 19th century women? Brief historical account. Why only three quarters of the 20th century? By the last quarter of the century there were many more women working as physicist than in earlier years, too many for this website. Each woman in this website has been carefully and thoroughly researched, and the descriptions of their work vetted by distinguished colleagues who served as Field Editors Why only 83 women? | |