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41. Superconductivity Group External Home Page High Temperature superconductivity. ** THIS PAGE LOOKS BEST WHEN VIEWED FULL SCREEN **. Making superconducting electronics a reality, a group of dedicated http://www.research.ibm.com/sup/ | |
42. Cscgroup This state of matter is somewhat similar to ordinary superconductivity in metals at low In this sense, it is truly high temperature superconductivity. http://th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~shovkovy/csc.html |
43. Superconductivity There are several signs of a rather strong electronphonon interaction in high Tc cuprates. In neutron scattering experiments, several phonons show an http://www.fkf.mpg.de/andersen/phonons/hightc.html | |
44. Welcome To SUPRAS Texas Center for High Tc superconductivity ( TCSUH ) at the University of Houston. High Temperature superconductivity at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. http://www.ulg.ac.be/supras/ | |
45. Closing In On A Theory Of Superconductivity - Physicsworld.com Theorists have put forward many theories to explain hightemperature superconductivity in materials containing layers of copper oxide. http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/19051 | |
46. SpringerLink Home - Main www.techportal.de/de/39/ 1/links,public,hits,0/links/223/ http://www.techportal.de/de/39/1/links,public,hits,0/links/223/ | |
47. ESAS Home Page IEEE CSC Council on superconductivity EUROPEAN superconductivity ACTIVITIES European Summer School on superconductivity 2008 11 18 June 2008 http://www.esas.org/ |
48. Emerging Biomedical Imaging Technologies - Magnetocardiography & Cryogenic MRI P Superconducting technology in magnetocardiography (MCG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Forces browser to fullscreen. http://www.tcsuh.net/ | |
49. Superconductivity Search results for (superconductor or superconductors) or (superconducting or superconduct or superconductive) or superconductivity http://newton.ex.ac.uk/aip/catagories/superconductivity.html | |
50. Another Twist In The Field Of Superconductivity Researchers at the US Department of Energy s Brookhaven National Laboratory have discovered an interesting type of electronic behavior in a recently http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/03/040324072302.htm | |
51. University Of Oulu Superconductivity superconductivity is a phenomenon where quantum mechanics becomes visible on a macroscopic scale. Many aspects of superconductivity can be understood based http://physics.oulu.fi/opetus/opintojakso.php?id=763645S&lang=en |
52. Pohang Superconductivity Center Pohang superconductivity Center, POSTECH, Pohang, Kyungbuk 790784, Korea Tel. +82-0562-279-2073 (5824) Fax. +82-0562-279-5299 http://www-ph.postech.ac.kr/~psc/helloen.html |
53. SRF Workshop 2005 The 12th International Workshop on RF superconductivity (SRF 2005) was held July 10 15, 2005 on the Cornell University campus, Ithaca, NY, USA. http://www.lepp.cornell.edu/public/SRF2005/ | |
54. Two-Dimensional Fluctuating Superconductivity PhysOrg news TwoDimensional Fluctuating superconductivity. http://www.physorg.com/news124628116.html | |
55. Superconductivity Home Page The HighTemperature superconductivity Agreement enables the collaborative assessment of the impact of advances in high-temperature superconductivity on the http://www.iea.org/tech/scond/scond.htm | |
56. ScienceNOW -- Sign In Related sites. Understanding HighTemperature superconductivity Progress and Prospects The High-Temperature superconductivity Information Center http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2001/830/1 | |
57. Boulder School 2000 Basic Principles of superconductivity * Quantum Dynamics of Vortices and Electrons * Vortices in D 2 and Critical Phenomena in Superconductors * High http://research.yale.edu/boulder/Boulder-2000/summerschool.html | |
58. Applied Superconductivity And Cryoscience Group - Introduction An introduction to the Applied superconductivity and Cryoscience Group of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy in the University of Cambridge. http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/ascg/ | |
59. New Understanding For Superconductivity At High Temperatures An international research team has discovered that a magnetic field can interact with the electrons in a superconductor in ways never before observed. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-01/uom-nuf011008.php | |
60. PhysicsCentral: Super Conductors This effect is called superconductivity. The table lists the everyday metals that exhibit superconductivity and the temperature below which electrical http://www.physicscentral.com/action/2001/supcon.html | |
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