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1. Perahia, Murray : Instrumentalists : Performers - Mega Net Login. mega net. Search Mega Net. Home Entertainment Arts Culture Classical Music Performers Instrumentalists Perahia, Murray http://www.mega-net.net/entertainment/arts_and_culture/classical_music/performer | |
2. Fanfare Magazine Archive Of CD Reviews: Performers Murray Perahia BACH Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D, BWV 1050; Italian Concerto in F, BWV 971 (Review by Laura Rónai). Conductor. BACH Brandenburg Concerto No. http://www.fanfarearchive.com/indices/itop/performers/Perahia_Murray.html | |
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4. Murray Perahia Programme Name Details. Artist Focus With Martin Handley. A sequence of music with a featured performer leading the way. Pianist MURRAY PERAHIA begins http://www.radiolistings.co.uk/candc/perahia_murray.html | |
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6. Murray Perahia Translate this page Jedes Stück ist ein anderes Wesen, Murray Perahia im Interview,1994-97. http://www.musikmph.de/rare_music/performers/m_r/perahia_murray/1.html | |
7. Www.sfsymphony.org - /images/event_shot/ Thursday, February 08, 2007 1255 PM 6256 perahia_murray.jpg Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1224 PM 2631 Peremski.jpg Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1224 PM http://www.sfsymphony.org/images/event_shot/ |
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10. Perahia Murray - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Perahia Murray (ur. 1947), pianista i dyrygent ameryka ski, ucze J. Haien i M. Horszowskiego. Laureat I nagrody w Mi dzynarodowym Konkursie http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/65838,,,,perahia_murray,haslo.html | |
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17. Surftipps/52/02 : Linkhuette.de Translate this page URL http//www.musikmph.de/rare_music/performers/m_r/perahia_murray/1.html. Murray Perahia im Interview (1994-97) mit Christoph Schlüren sowie sieben http://www.linkhuette.de/Surftipps/52/02/more10.html | |
18. Webtipps/Kategorie116 Hansis.net Translate this page Eingetragen am 1-Jun-2005 URL http//www.musikmph. de/rare_music/performers/m_r/perahia_murray/1.html Defekten Link melden http://www.hansis.net/webtipps/Kategorie116/seite11.php | |
19. Meble Kuchenne I Akcesoria Meblowe http//www.musikmph.de/rare_music/performers/m_r/perahia_murray/1.html. Murray Perahia Biografie des Pianisten bei der Konzertdirektion Hans Ulrich Schmid. http://dmoz.medom.com.pl/index.php?c=World/Deutsch/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassisch |
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