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1. Psychologists psychologists study the human mind and human behavior. Research psychologists investigate the physical, cognitive, emotional, or social aspects of human http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos056.htm | |
2. Find A Psychologist: The National Register Of Health Service Providers In Psycho Find a Psychologist The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology is the national credentialing organization for licensed psychologists. http://www.nationalregister.org/ | |
3. National Directory Of Psychologists The National Directory of psychologists provides contact informaton for psychologists in all fifty states in the USA, as well as psychologists located in http://www.psychologyinfo.com/directory/ |
4. Psychology And Psychologists - Health - The New York Times A free collection of articles about psychology and psychologists published in The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/psyc |
5. APA Resources For Psychologists A listing of resources for psychologists. psychologists should visit the APA Member Homepage for more information about psychology and membership in APA http://www.apa.org/psychologists/ | |
6. National Association Of School Psychologists The National Association of School psychologists site allows employers to post jobs available and qualified applicants can store their resume and respond. http://www.nasponline.org/ | |
7. Associated Certified Psychologists Dr. Nap Pozulp, Clinical Psychologist and Director of ACP DrPozulp@psychologists.org. Call Toll Free (Chicago Metro Area) 1 800 2660566 http://psychologists.org/ | |
8. Psychologists For Social Responsibility Home Page the main problem is that the 2007 Resolution by APA Council makes it ethical for psychologists to violate international human rights standards. http://www.psysr.org/ |
9. ABPsi Homepage Congratulations to the ABPsi 2007/2008 Distinguished psychologists The Association of Black psychologists P.O Box 55999, Washington, D.C.20040. http://www.abpsi.org/ | |
10. ISPA Web Site - Illinois School Psychologist Association Illinois School Psychologist Association, Illinois School psychologists Association (ISPA) http://www.ilispa.org/ | |
11. Georgia State Board Of Examiners Of Psychologists The Georgia State Board of Examiners of psychologists is a sixmember board consisting of five psychologists and one consumer member. http://sos.georgia.gov/plb/psych/ | |
12. PSYETA Psychologists For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals A nonprofit organization comprised of psychologists working in cooperation with other professional and animal rights organizations to change the way http://www.psyeta.org/ |
13. American Association Of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists And Social Workers (AAS The American Association of Spinal Cord Injury psychologists and Social Workers (AASCIPSW) is an organization of psychologists and social workers who http://www.aascipsw.org/ | |
14. Texas State Board Of Psychologists This page contains information about the agency that licenses psychologists, psychological associates and specialists in school psychology. http://www.tsbep.state.tx.us/ | |
15. Ohio School Psychologists Association OSPA Ohio School psychologists Association Website. http://www.ospaonline.org/ | |
16. Florida Association Of School Psychologists (FASP) A state affiliate of the National Association of School psychologists (NASP). Mission statement, membership details, related links, and event and conference http://www.fasp.org/ |
17. CASP ONLINE Mission statement, publication order forms, forum, membership details, related links, job opportunities, awards, and event and conference details. http://www.casponline.org/ | |
18. Vermont Secretary Of State - Office Of Professional Regulation - Psychologists Adobe PDF Format Only. If you do not have Adobe Reader you can Download it by clicking this link Download Adobe Acrobat Reader Psychologist Application http://vtprofessionals.org/opr1/psychologists/ | |
19. Texas Association Of School Psychologists - Home A state affiliate of the National Association of School psychologists (NASP). Mission statement, membership details, related links, job opportunities, http://www.txasp.org/ | |
20. PSYCHOLOGISTS FOR AN ETHICAL APA psychologists in designing and implementing US torture practices. on the APA to prohibit the participation of psychologists http://www.ethicalapa.com/ | |
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