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         Self-help:     more books (102)
  1. Third Time Fatal (Psychology/self-help) by Roger Ormerod, 1992-09-21
  2. Adictos a La Infelicidad / Addicted to Unhappiness: Liberese de los Habitos de Conducta que le Impiden Disfrutar de la Vida que Usted Desea / Freeing Yourself ... Y Autoayuda / Psychology and Self-Help) by M. Heineman, 2010-08-03
  3. Deprivation Trauma, A Transpersonal Approach to Healing by Zalora Price, 2006-06-09
  4. Demystifying Therapy (Psychology/self-help) by Ernesto Spinelli, 1994-07
  5. Psychology of Self-Esteem (POP PSYCHOLOGY, SELF-HELP) by Nathaniel Branden, 1981
  6. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology: Self-help groups by Paula Ford-Martin, 2001-01-01
  7. Caring for the Suicidal (Psychology/self-help) by John Eldrid, 1988-12
  8. Managing Stress (Psychology/self-help) by Ifor Capel, John Gurnsey, 1987-07-20
  9. "Let Him Have it, Chris" (Psychology/self-help) by M. J. Trow, 1990-09-10
  10. Manufacturing Victims (Psychology/self-help) by Tana Dineen, 1999-09-27
  11. Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar / Bipolar Affective Disorders: La Enfermedad De Las Emociones / The Illness of the Emotions (Psicologia Y Autoayuda / Psychology and Self-Help) (Spanish Edition) by Angeles Lopez, 2005-11-30
  12. The Master Motivator: Secrets of Inspiring Leadership (psychology/self-help) by mark victor hansen and joe batten, 2005
  13. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)) by Rhena Branch, Rob Willson, 2010-11-02
  14. Life Coaching For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)) by Jeni Purdie, 2010-09-14

41. Self-Help Resources
Help yourself become more mentally healthy. selfhelp books have been popular for years. self-help websites are a newer twist.
zGCID=" test0" zGCID+=" test8" zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') You are here: About Health Mental Health Better Mental Health Self-Help Resources Mental Health Health Mental Health Essentials ... Better Mental Health Self-Help Resources
Self-Help Resources
Help yourself become more mentally healthy. Self-help books have been popular for years. Self-help websites are a newer twist. Consumer Sites (15) How to make New Year's Resolutions Stick - 2 Practical ways to keep New Years resolutions. Build your Self Esteem, a Guide to Self Improvement How do you stay cool, composed and sustain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips you may to consider as a starter guide to self improvement. A reader-submitted article. A Simple Form of Meditation The Relaxation Response is a simple form of meditation that anyone can use. Using this simple technique daily can decrease stress in your life and help you focus. How to make New Year's Resolutions Stick New Years Resolutions can become lasting habits Where is Your Happiness? Past, Present, or Future

42. Court Programs
Welcome to the Florida State Courts selfhelp page. Among other information, you will be able to access information for local self-help centers,
  • Local Self-Help Centers Family Law Forms Family Law Rules and Opinions Free or Low-Cost Legal Aid ... Guardianship

  • Welcome to the Florida State Courts Self-Help page. Among other information, you will be able to access information for local self-help centers, free and low-cost legal aid, and family law forms for use in dissolution, paternity, child support, name change, and grandparent visitation cases. The forms are up-to-date, in engrossed (ready to use) format, with all amendments incorporated. All forms are provided free of charge by the Florida Supreme Court. Also available are Forms for Judicial Waiver of Parental Notice of Termination of Pregnancy To contact the Florida State Courts Self Help Center, call (850) 921-0004 or send e-mails to the following address: Supreme Court District Court of Appeals Circuit Courts County Courts Court Administration Mission and Vision Diversity Resources Court Programs Court Publications Self-Help Statistics Administrative Functions Court Employment Contact Information Links Supreme Court Supreme Court Docket Search Supreme Court Clerk's Office District Courts District Courts Docket Search First DCA Opinions Second DCA Opinions Third DCA Opinions Fourth DCA Opinions Fifth DCA Opinions Circuit Courts County Courts Court News Court Publications Statistics Supreme Court Public Information Contact Information

    43. African American Self-Help Foundation
    Works in the United States and Africa for children, AIDS, immunization, hygiene and water projects and help for single moms.
    ****JavaScript based drop down DHTML menu generated by NavStudio. (OpenCube Inc. -**** cddcodebase = "";cddcodebase288264 = ""; DARFUR ALERT: 3.6 Million Victims of "Hell on Earth" The UN estimates that only half of the 3 million refugees have yet to receive desperately needed humanitarian relief - primarily because of targeted violence against aid efforts by the Janjaweed militias. AASHF and its sister organizations in the US and Europe are among the only agencies still active in the most remote areas.
    Crimes against African Children: The Murder and Rape of Our Future Hope A wise man once observed that the only thing required for evil to triumph is for good people to sit back and do nothing. Well evil is triumphing against thousands of children of northern Uganda . Little boys and girls are being violently seized from their homes and forced to do things that no little child should even have to know about, let alone be part of. It's high time for some good people to sit up and do something about it.
    40,000 Children Face Death in Eastern Africa

    44. Welcome To The Family Law Self-Help Center
    Welcome to the Clark County Family Law Online selfhelp Center. Here, you can access our library of over one hundred court approved forms.
    Self-Help Center Quick Lookup Annulment Child Support Custody Discovery ... Supporting Documents Welcome Welcome to the Clark County Family Law Online Self-Help Center. Here, you can access our library of over one hundred court approved forms. Our forms are intended for use in the Family Court of the Eight Judicial District. The Self-Help Center has been serving the community for over eight years. Each month we assist thousands of individuals represent themselves in Family Court proceedings. Our staff consists of highly trained, bi-lingual employees who are knowledgeable in Family Court practice and procedure. We hope the information shown here is helpful and will make your contact with court easier and more productive. All information is intended to assist you in making the best use of your access to justice. Please note that private counsel is always recommended for legal matters. The Self-Help Center does not and cannot give legal advice. Location and Hours The Self-Help Center is located on the first floor of the Family Court at 601 North Pecos in Las Vegas, Nevada

    45. Self-Help's Slimy 'Secret' -
    Apr 8, 2007 As The Secret puts it, all you have to do is put in your order with the universe. Ask. Believe. Receive. That s the mantra.
    var SA_Message="SACategory=" + 'opinions/outlook'; Hello Change Preferences Sign Out Sign In Register Now ... Pets SEARCH: Web Search Archives
    Outlook ...
    Note to Democrats: It's Time To Start Sucking Up to Pirates Fans DEPT. OF SNAKE OIL
    Self-Help's Slimy 'Secret'
    By Tim Watkin Sunday, April 8, 2007; Page B01 It's the publishing phenomenon of the year so far, a small book with a parchment-brown cover engraved with the image of a red wax seal. "The Secret," its title proclaims matter-of-factly, as if the slim volume held the answer to life's deepest mysteries. Which is precisely what it purports to do. Written by an Australian television producer, this latest contribution to the bursting shelves of New Age self-helpiana has come out of nowhere to sell more than 1.3 million copies in the United States alone.
    Sunday Outlook section
    More Stories
    render_js_headlines("columnist",headlines,5) Today's Editorials Note: Please upgrade your Flash plug-in to view our enhanced content.

    46. Self-help Homeownwership Opportunity Program (SHOP) - CPD - HUD
    Once Lucinda discovered the Mercy Housing selfhelp Housing program in Filer, Idaho, she applied with dreams of homeownership.

    Community Planning and Development
    Affordable Housing Programs HOME ... Help
    Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP)
    Information by State
    Print version
    What's New 2007 Uniform Act (URA) Low Income Limits – Effective 03/20/07
    The 2007 URA low income limits, used in connection with rental assistance payment calculations under 49 CFR 24.402(b), have been issued with an effective date of March 20, 2007.
    Handbook 1378 - Tenant Assistance, Relocation and Real Property Acquisition, Change 8 issued 03/16/07.
    For additional details refer to the Handbook transmittal memo dated March 16, 2007.
    New HUD Form 40058-S - Claim for Rental Assistance or Downpayment Assistance
    Bilingual Spanish/English version now available.

    Want More Information? 2005 Grant Awards 2004 Grant Awards 2003 Grant Awards 2002 Grant Awards ... SHOP Guidebook 2006 SuperNOFA Important Information on Central Contractor Registration (CCR) Changes Attention FY2006 SuperNOFA Applicants : At the end of July 2006, a policy change to CCR name and address information will take effect.

    47. Inner Peace - Free Self-Help Software For Inner Peace
    Interfaith selfhelp program. Removes issues that interfere with your inner peace. Creates states that support your inner peace.
    Have an Inner Peace Headquarters At Your Institution
    Peace Inner Peace
    Free Self-Help
    Software for Inner Peace
    Welcome to Inner Peace
    Free Self-Help Software for Inner Peace
    Imagine your life with more inner peace. What would that be like?
    Imagine it as fully as you can. Then select the category below that best describes you. New User Experienced User Employer Counselor Press Webmaster Programmer Computer Recycler Researcher Translator Other
    Inner Peace is free self-help software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace. Find inner peace. Share Inner Peace. Imagine the whole world in inner peace. Yes, inner peace is possible.
    You have heard of counseling with a counselor. You might have even heard of co-counseling. Now, try self-counseling. Self-counseling is based upon the same principle as teaching people to fish rather than giving them fish, only applied to counseling. The Inner Peace self-counseling process puts you in charge. Inner Peace self-counseling is easy to learn. Inner Peace self-counseling is easy to do. Inner Peace self-counseling is easy to teach. Pass it on.
    Inner Peace is free self-help software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace. Find inner peace. Share Inner Peace. Imagine the whole world in inner peace. Yes, inner peace is possible.

    48. Welcome To
    Free legal information and selfhelp materials that provide information about non criminal legal problems affecting low-income people in Washington state.
    About us Feedback News
    document.write(""); User Survey Clic aquí para español English Spanish / Español End of Languages Helping Low-Income People Find Solutions to Civil Legal Problems Other States Help Find a Lawyer En Español Need Help Using this Site?
    View our short video

    Click on a topic area below to find self-help information and legal aid providers. Family Law
    Dissolution, Parenting Plans, Child Support, Parentage Housing
    Landlord-Tenant Problems, Foreclosure, Public Housing
    Auto, Loans, Collection, Credit, Taxes, Bankruptcy
    Forms, Instructions, Get Help Government Benefits
    Health Care, Your Rights, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney Aging / Elder Law
    Emancipation, Special Ed, Discipline, Teen Parents Immigration Becoming a U.S. Citizen, Visas, Public Benefits Employment / Farm Worker Rights Wages, Discrimination Civil Rights Civil Liberties, Discrimination, Equal Treatment/Access Native American Issues Tribal Law, Indian Child Welfare Act, Treaty Rights More Legal Information Publications List, Forms, WA law, Glossary, Legal Links Criminal Record expungement, victims' rights

    These legal selfhelp pages are not meant as a substitute for the services of a lawyer when such services are required. However, there are a lot of things
    Let's face it, lawyers are expensive.
    by Bill Baker, J.D. With lawyers charging $100, $200, $300 or even as much as $500 per hour it's clear that their services should be used sparingly. These legal self-help pages are not meant as a substitute for the services of a lawyer when such services are required. However, there are a lot of things non-lawyers can do to help themselves when it comes to legal matters. In at least one way, law is like medicine for as the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". There is no substitute for understanding the legal ramifications of your actions when it comes to signing contracts or otherwise engaging in activities that have a high degree of personal responsibility attached to them. Whether you are investing in a partnership, signing a brokerage account agreement, or planning your estate, you must understand what your legal rights so you can protect your financial interests. When you are considering a transaction that involves the expenditure or commitment or your financial resources do some homework so that you understand the basic legal issues involved with whatever you are doing. By investing some time and/or money in going to your local library or bookstore or "surfing the net" to obtain the legal information you need, you can save yourself the grief, money, and time that may be needed to unravel a transaction that was entered into without taking basic legal precautions.

    50. Tennessee Administrative Office Of The Courts
    selfhelp Center. In accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 16-3-804(b), no employee of the state court system shall engage, either directly or
    • Home Page Courts
      Self-Help Center
      In accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 16-3-804(b), no employee of the state court system shall engage, either directly or indirectly, in the practice of law. This includes making legal referrals, performing legal research or giving legal advice.
      If you need any legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney in your area.
      Please review the categories below for help on specific areas of our web site. If you can not find what you are looking for, click here to send us an email inquiry. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. In order to maintain a reasonable response time, please review the help categories below before sending that email. Thank you! General web site help (including downloading or viewing files)

    51. Self-Help Publications
    Legal Services of New Jersey LSNJselfhelp Publications Looking Out.
    Self-Help Publications
    Select a publication Looking Out for Your Legal Rights Child Abuse and Neglect: A guide for parents involved in DYFS child abuse or neglect cases Clearing Your Record Divorce in New Jersey: A Self-Help Guide Domestic Violence: A Guide to the Legal Rights of Domestic Violence Victims in New Jersey Know Your Welfare Rights! Lead Poisoning: What It Is and What You Can Do About It New Jersey's Charity Care Program Tenants' Rights in New Jersey Termination of Parental Rights: A Handbook for Parents You and the Law in New Jersey
    LSNJ publishes a legal education newsletter, Looking Out for Your Legal Rights order form and mail it to LSNJ with your check or money order payable to Legal Services of New Jersey. Our publications are available in text format on . Some are also available here in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, you can download it from Adobe's site Our publications are available free of charge to Legal Services clients and people with low incomes. If you call LSNJ-LAW™, Legal Services of New Jersey's statewide, toll-free legal hotline, at 1-888-576-5529, between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., a hotline intake staff member will determine if you are Legal Services-eligible. Legal Services of New Jersey makes these materials available for use by individuals who cannot afford legal advice or representation. The materials may be downloaded, copied, and distributed freely for that purpose. They may not be sold or used commercially by others. If the materials are copied and distributed, we ask that they not be modified, and that they retain the information identifying Legal Services of New Jersey and the date the materials were produced.

    52. SOS Self-Help Programs - Home Page
    SOS selfhelp programs help individuals to manage anxiety, anger, depression, and other feelings and emotions by using cognitive therapy, rational emotive
    Our Website Welcome to
    SOS Self-Help Programs
    Parents Press Online
    Post Office Box 2180-T
    Bowling Green, Kentucky
    42102-2180 USA
    Telephone: 270-842-4571
    Fax: 270-796-9194
    Toll free within the USA: E-mail:
    SOS Help For Emotions Program SOS Help For Parents Program Manage anxiety, anger, and depression! This enjoyable, illustrated book teaches methods for managing unpleasant feelings and for enhancing your emotional intelligence. SOS is based on cognitive behavior therapy and the reality that we are responsible for managing our feelings. Specific methods for changing thoughts and feelings are demonstrated. 100 illustrations make learning enjoyable. Learn more about how you can help yourself using SOS Help for Emotions Read-Inside-Book Read-Inside-Book Table of Contents Ch 1 Achieving Contentment And Our Goals Ch 8 Managing Anger ... Click to send this webpage link to a friend or colleague. SOS does NOT save email addresses! Do you have a strong willed child? Do you want to feel more in control?

    53. NH Judicial Branch Self-Help Center
    Self Help Center. These pages provide basic, practical information about the New Hampshire court system, how it works, and what the procedures are for
    To preserve the rule of the law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the United States and New Hampshire Constitutions, the courts will provide accessible, prompt, and efficient forums for the fair and independent administration of justice, with respect for the dignity of all we serve. Self-Help Center
    Self-Help Home
    Getting Started Alternatives To Court Find Your Court ... Definition of Legal Terms Welcome
    to the Judicial Branch
    Self Help Center . These pages provide basic, practical information about the New Hampshire court system, how it works, and what the procedures are for bringing a case to court.
    We hope the information in this "Self-Help Center" will assist you in resolving any questions or issues you may have as you go forward through the judicial system. You should be aware that when you come to court without a lawyer you take a risk. The court cannot act on your behalf. Sometimes even simple matters can have legal consequences that you are unaware of or do not understand, involving critical issues such as custody of your children, division of property, child support payments, landlord-tenant rights or settling a will. It is important for you to know that instead of going to court on your own or hiring a lawyer full-time, you may be able to hire a lawyer to help you with part of your legal case, which could save time and money.

    54. Utah State Courts - Self-Help Resources
    selfhelp Resources. These pages provide general information about representing yourself in Utah s courts, sources of free and low-cost legal help,
    Utah State Courts
    Utah State Courts
    Email Page Print Version A A A
    Search The Website

    55. Self Help Center
    A selfhelp group is a voluntary gathering of people who share a common problem, condition, or history. By coming together, members share support and ideas
    Home About Contact Group Guides Links ... Donate / Volunteer
    Self-Help Groups
    What is Self-Help?
    A self-help group is a voluntary gathering of people who share a common problem, condition, or history. By coming together, members share support and ideas on how to cope and live more productive and fulfilling lives. Groups are usually free of charge, on-going, and open to new members. Self-help or mutual assistance groups are playing an increasingly important role in the health care system. They complement traditional services by effectively helping people deal with problems, stress, hardship, pain, and personal development. In self-help groups, people take responsibility for each other and themselves. They find that participting with others dealing with similar issues is non-stigmatizing and effective.
    News Updates
    Writing for Healing Trainings
    The Family Service Self-Help Center is pleased to sponsor the return of Sharon Bray, EdD , educator and author from San Diego, to teach both an overview workshop and an intensive facilitator's training on using expressive writing as a therapeutic approach to healing. Dr. Bray uses this technique extensively with people affected by breast cancer and anyone who wishes to write out of pain, trauma, loss, or life hardships. Interested individuals (both professional and lay) new to the approach are encouraged to attend the overview. Professionals, experienced group leaders, and those desiring to facilitate a therapeutic writing group will benefit from the 20-hour weekend training.

    56. Self-Help Program
    The Arthritis Foundation selfhelp Program helps you learn the skills you need to build your own self-management program that helps you
    English Español Keyword Search: Home Donate Arthritis Today Magazine Advocacy ... Programs > Self-Help Program Created on: 06/10/07 - Email to friend Print Page The Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program helps you learn the skills you need to build your own self-management program that helps you:
    • become an active member of your health-care team, work better with your health-care providers and handle the day-to-day challenges of your disease.
    The Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program is a group education program designed to complement the care provided by your health-care team and allow you to share experiences with others. Trained volunteers, many of whom have arthritis or fibromyalgia, lead the courses. The Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program is designed to:
    • identify and teach you the latest pain management techniques, help you develop your own individualized exercise program, help you learn to manage fatigue and stress more effectively, discuss the purposes and effective use of medications

    57. Self-Help Center
    This online self-help center has been designed to provide valuable information to those persons wishing to represent themselves in court.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Legal Research Center Legal Research Center
    Printable Poster (pdf)
    Links to More On-Line Resources
    This on-line self-help center has been designed to provide valuable information to those persons wishing to represent themselves in court. It should be noted, however, that self-representation should not be taken lightly, and that there are many instances in which retaining an attorney is highly advisable. In fact, we suggest that even if you use the forms provided on this site that you still consult with an attorney prior to submitting them to a court. The Self-Help Center contains plenty of information to help you help yourself. You will find various court forms required by the courts and instructions on completing them; different ways to find an attorney to assist you with your case; an explanation of mediation and a list of certified mediators; suggestions on preparing for court; items that court staff can and cannot help you with; legal terms and other legal materials; links to various courts in West Virginia; and links to other sites.
    These documents are in PDF format. Download free Reader

    58. Project Self-Help Awareness - Wisconsin-Mississippi Cultural
    Read about our WisconsinMississippi Cultural Exchange Program.

    59. SHARE Home Page
    New York City selfhelp support organization for women with breast or ovarian cancer. Describes activities, locations, and volunteer opportunities.

    60. VisionAWARE Self Help For Vision Loss | VisionAWARE
    VisionAWARE provides practical selfhelp information and links to a wide range of helpful resources for adults with vision loss, their family members,
    @import "/modules/aggregator/aggregator.css"; @import "/modules/glossary/glossary.css"; @import "/modules/node/node.css"; @import "/modules/poll/poll.css"; @import "/modules/system/defaults.css"; @import "/modules/system/system.css"; @import "/modules/user/user.css"; @import "/modules/comment/comment.css"; @import "/themes/friendselectric/style.css"; Skip to Main Content
    Find Low Vision Products
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    Healthy Vision 2010
    VisionAWARE is a member of the Healthy Vision Consortium: organizations committed to the eye health of all Americans
    FREE information and self-help tips for people with vision loss, on topics ranging from eye disorders and rehabilitation services to tips for independent living and advice on coping with vision loss.
    VisionAWARE Self Help for Vision Loss
    Welcome to VisionAWARE, a "Self-Help for Vision Loss" web site that provides free, practical, hands-on information to enhance quality of life and independence for adults with vision loss, their families and friends, caregivers, and vision professionals.

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