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  1. Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures: Living and Working in a Changing World (Sage Social Psychology Program) by Peter B. Smith, Michael Harris Bond, et all 2006-01-26
  2. Exploring Social Psychology by David Myers, 2008-10-28
  3. Self and Society: A Symbolic Interactionist Social Psychology (11th Edition) (Alternative eText Formats) by John P. Hewitt, David Shulman, 2010-03-25
  4. Mass Persuasion: The Social Psychology of a War Bond Drive by Robert K. Merton, Marjorie Fiske Lowenthal, et all 2004-05
  5. Small Groups: Key Readings (Key Readings in Social Psychology)
  6. The Social Psychology of Gender: How Power and Intimacy Shape Gender Relations (Texts in Social Psychology) by Laurie A. Rudman PhD, Peter Glick PhD, 2010-05-14
  7. Social Psychology and Everyday Life by Darrin Hodgetts, Christopher Sonn, et all 2010-04-15
  8. Prejudice: Its Social Psychology by Rupert Brown, 2010-08-31
  9. The Social and Applied Psychology of Music by Adrian North, David Hargreaves, 2008-08-15
  10. Advanced Social Psychology by Abraham Tesser, 1994-11-01
  11. Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic, and Contemporary Selections (7th Edition) by Wayne A. Lesko, 2008-02-29
  12. The Social Psychology of Stigma
  13. Social Psychology (12th Edition) by Shelley E. Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplau, et all 2005-04-28
  14. Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence by Philip G. Zimbardo, Michael R. Leippe, 1991-07

41. Facebook Social Ads | Facebook
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends,

42. The Social Web |
owned MySpace buying Bebo have proved to be a smokescreen for the social networking site’s new owner Time Warner Inc.’s AOL.
@import url(; @import url(; @import url(; /* Voting related confid */ CNET.Globals.currentNetwork = 'ZDNET'; /* Toolbar related config */ CNET.Blog.Toolbar.Interact.service.domain = ''; /* Load Data for talkbacks and votes */ YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(CNET.Blog.Toolbar.Interact.service.callService); On TechRepublic: Windows XP services that can be disabled
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The Social Web
Steve O'Hear
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March 27th, 2008

43. United Nations - Economic And Social Development
News and information on departments and staff, the Economic and social Council, General Assembly committees, conferences and summits, issues, programmes,
United Nations
Economic and social development

44. Search Social Security Death Index - – Search the social Security Death Index (SSDI) to find names, birth and death dates, and locations for your ancestors.
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Social Security Death Index
document.write(''); Visit Other Generations Network sites

45. Welcome — Social Forces - International Journal Of Social Research
Online archives, subscription information, submission guidelines and discussions.
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Founded in 1922 by pioneering sociologist and social activist Howard Odum, Social Forces is recognized as a top journal of social research in the U.S. and internationally. Though it highlights sociological inquiry, the journal also explores realms shared with social psychology, anthropology, political science, history, and economics. Each issue includes 20-25 peer-reviewed articles and a section of book reviews. The editors, past and present, acknowledge the stimulating and increasingly international nature of today's social science community and how this is reflected in the journal. Social Forces is associated with the Southern Sociological Society and housed in the Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Fran§ois Nielsen - Editor
Andy Perrin - Book Review Editor
Jane Shealy - Managing Editor
Lara Kent - Editor ial Assistant
Craig Owen, Andrew Payton
and J. Micah Roos

46. The Social Software Weblog
social software news. Community portals online.
@import url(/media/style.css); Autoblog in town for Big Apple's auto show! Add to: My AOL MyYahoo Google Bloglines ...
Social software coverage now on Download Squad
Posted Jul 20th 2006 5:42PM by Barb Dybwad
Filed under: social software Yes folks, it is the end of an era or at least, the end of this blog as we know it. Our Social Software coverage has been subsumed by a larger entity, although without the usual acquisition rumours, inebriated launch party (complete with Flickr RSS feed) or sudden influx of VC money. Our own Download Squad will be proudly taking over coverage of news in the social software space, so tune in over there for your daily fix; set your new bookmarks to the Social Software category or the main Download Squad site , and reorient your voracious newsreaders to the Social Software RSS feed and/or the Download Squad main RSS feed
Thank you, and good night.
Imagination Cubed online whiteboard
Posted Jul 10th 2006 5:00PM by Dan Lurie
Filed under: AJAX collaboration
From the same nice people who brought us that dishwasher churning away in the next room comes an exiting new way to visually brainstorm and collaborate with your friends! Ok, so it might not be all that "

47. SCORE History/Social Science
Resources on the SCORE H/SS pages were evaluated by history/social science leaders in California. Going beyond these links allows student access to unknown
Schools of California Online Resources for Education
Connecting California's Classrooms to the World A Project of the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.
Explore SCORE H/SS
Over 5000 websites aligned to California's History/Social Science Curriculum
Children's Literature
Help for Teachers
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What's New
About SCORE H/SS: What is SCORE? Criteria Leaders Questions, comments, and suggestions may be addressed to Resources on the SCORE H/SS pages were evaluated by history/social science leaders in California. Going beyond these links allows student access to unknown material. Each school site is responsible for evaluating resources for appropriateness in the local school community.

48. Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
With the introduction of new social software applications such as blogs, wikis, newsfeeds, social networks, and bookmarking tools (the subject of this
Search Back Issues Author Index Title Index ... Contents
D-Lib Magazine
April 2005
Volume 11 Number 4
ISSN 1082-9873
Social Bookmarking Tools (I)
A General Review
Tony Hammond Timo Hannay Ben Lund , and Joanna Scott
Nature Publishing Group
Because, to paraphrase a pop music lyric from a certain rock and roll band of yesterday, " the Web is old, the Web is new, the Web is all, the Web is you ", it seems like we might have to face up to some of these stark realities [ ]. With the introduction of new social software applications such as blogs, wikis, newsfeeds, social networks, and bookmarking tools (the subject of this paper), the claim that Shelley Powers makes in a Burningbird blog entry [ ] seems apposite: " This is the user's web now, which means it's my web and I can make the rules. A number of such utilities are presented here, together with an emergent new class of tools that caters more to the academic communities and that stores not only user-supplied tags, but also structured citation metadata terms wherever it is possible to glean this information from service providers. This provision of rich, structured metadata means that the user is provided with an accurate third-party identification of a document, which could be used to retrieve that document, but is also free to search on user-supplied terms so that documents of interest (or rather, references to documents) can be made discoverable and aggregated with other similar descriptions either recorded by the user or by other users.

49. Social Workers
About 5 out of 10 jobs were in health care and social assistance industries and 3 in 10 work for State and local government agencies.
window.onload = show_survey; Skip Navigation Links Latest Numbers U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook Search the Handbook BLS Home OOH Home Frequently Asked Questions A-Z Index ... Contact Us Printer-friendly version ( HTML PDF
Social Workers
Significant Points
  • Employment is projected to grow much faster than average. About 5 out of 10 jobs were in health care and social assistance industries and 3 in 10 work for State and local government agencies. While a bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement, a master’s degree in social work or a related field has become the standard for many positions. Competition for jobs is expected in cities, but opportunities should be good in rural areas.
Nature of the Work About this section Back to Top Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people’s lives. Social workers assist people by helping them cope with issues in their everyday lives, deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Some social workers help clients who face a disability or a life-threatening disease or a social problem, such as inadequate housing, unemployment, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families that have serious domestic conflicts, sometimes involving child or spousal abuse. Some social workers conduct research, advocate for improved services, engage in systems design or are involved in planning or policy development. Many social workers specialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting.

50. Social Work Search
social Work Search is an online searcheable database devoted to the social Work profession. It has links to websites and jobs of interest to social workers

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51. Social Work Intro
social Work is the premiere journal of the social work profession. Widely read by practitioners, faculty, and students, it is the official journal of NASW
Social Work
ISSN: 0037-8046
Published quarterly in January, April, July, and October
1-year print subscription: free for NASW members; $39 for NASW student members; $93 for individual nonmembers; $134 for libraries/institutions
For information about an online subscription or a combination print and online subscription, please go to (the links in the box below are for a PRINT subscription only). Social Work is the premiere journal of the social work profession. Widely read by practitioners, faculty, and students, it is the official journal of NASW and is provided to all members as a membership benefit. Social Work is dedicated to improving practice and advancing knowledge in social work and social welfare. Its article yield new insights into established practices, evaluate new techniques and research, examine current social problems, and bring serious critical analysis to bear on problems in the profession. Major emphasis is placed on social policy and the solutions to serious human problems. 1-year print subscription
(to order, click on a price)

52. Council On Social Work Education social GraphI ve been thinking a lot about the social graph for awhile now aggregating the graph, decentralization, social network portability, etc.
About CSWE FAQ Press Room Bookstore ... Advanced Search Welcome, you are not logged in. Login Register
  • Membership
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    What's New
    Today Is the Last Day to Submit 2008 Abstracts Worried that your abstract did not go through? Check your email box for a confirmation e-mail that your abstract was submitted. If you want further proof, use the ID and password from that e-mail to go back into the system and see your abstract. If you are having technical difficulties during the process, please e-mail tech support . The  submission site will close on March 29 at midnight, EST.
    New in Exhibit Hall on the Last Day of APM
    CSWE will be extending its outreach to students at the 2008 APM on November 2. It will host a CV/resume writing workshop at the Exhibit Hall's onsite Career Center and organize a customized tour to ensure students leave APM with the resources most useful to their immediate and long-term career goals. A complimentary 2009 APM registration will also be given to the student, educator, and practitioner with the most “steps” after the Count Your Number Contest Visit the  Exhibit Hall for Students Page for details.

53. Educators For Social Responsibility
A source of curriculum materials and teacher training programs that focus on issues of peacemaking and conflict resolution.
ESR National
New Resources From ESR: Connected and Respected: Lessons From the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program
This two-volume elementary curriculum is based on the nationally recognized Resolving Conflict Creatively Program on conflict resolution and social and emotional learning. Click here for more information.
Click here for sample lessons.
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only search
Educators for Social Responsibility
Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR) helps educators create safe, caring, respectful, and productive learning environments. We also help educators work with young people to develop the social skills, emotional competencies, and qualities of character they need to succeed in school and become contributing members of their communities.
Register now for ESR's Connected and Respected in the Elementary Classroom Institutes!

54. Home - Social Studies School Service
social Studies School Service features more than 15000 books, videocassettes, CDROMs, posters and more that can be ordered online.

55. Social Studies
This page is designed for K12 social studies teachers and students. It also has information and topics that are useful to pre-service social studies

56. Social Network Analysis
The truth lies within the social fabric that connects people to people and people to content. Relationships, trust and serendipity play key roles. Home Consulting Presentations ... Semantics
Social Network Analysis
February 21, 2002 Comments (13) Subscribe How do knowledge workers learn? How do they decide what to learn next? What motivates them to share? These questions are central to the challenges of knowledge management, and yet most corporate portals and online communities are designed in ignorance of their answers. The truth lies within the social fabric that connects people to people and people to content. Relationships, trust and serendipity play key roles. To illustrate, let me tell you a story about my recent foray into social network analysis, a strange world filled with mavens and connectors, structural holes, intensional networks, and socially translucent systems.
The Tipping Point
My interest in the ties between people and content isn't new. In 1995, I helped design an information architecture strategy for Dow Chemical that placed the employee directory at the center of a rich web of relationships between authors and documents. And two years ago, I invited

Current Research in social Psychology (CRISP) is a peer reviewed, electronic journal covering all aspects of social psychology. Publication is sponsored by
[ISSN 1088-7423] Editor: Michael Lovaglia, University of Iowa
Deputy Editors: Steve Hitlin, University of Iowa; Alison Bianchi, University of Iowa Current Research in Social Psychology (CRISP) is a peer reviewed, electronic journal covering all aspects of social psychology. Publication is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Group Processes at the University of Iowa Sociological Abstracts publishes the abstracts of CRISP articles. Citation Format: Lastname, Firstname. 1996. "Title of Article." Current Research in Social Psychology News On September 1, 2007, Current Research in Social Psychology (CRISP) began its 13th year as a leading e-journal in the social and behavioral sciences and the first peer-reviewed e-journal in social psychology. Our archives currently hold over 170 cutting-edge articles reflecting a range of social psychological theories, methods, and insights. Now recognized as a pioneer among scientific e-journals, CRISP is viewed as a model for e-publishing and CRISP editors are frequently consulted as scientific associations and constituencies embark into this arena of disseminating scientific knowledge. Following the success of the introduction of PDF versions of our articles, we have decided to move exclusively to this format. Authors must still prepare their manuscripts in accord with our detailed submission criteria (see

58. Domini Social Investments :  Socially Responsible Mutual Funds
Shareholders in the Domini Funds make a difference in the world. Invest in our mutual funds and money market account and help engage companies on global
Welcome to Domini Social Investments The Domini Story The Starfish Story Management Team ... Investment Calculators - Quick Links - Domini Social Equity Fund Domini European Social Equity Fund Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund Domini EuroPacific Social Equity Fund Domini Social Bond Fund Domini Money Market Account Investing for Retirement Frequently Asked Questions Prospectus Send Me Information Site Map As a shareholder in the Domini Funds, you make a difference in the world. Engaging companies on global warming, sweatshop labor, and product safety. Revitalizing distressed communities. Bringing new voices to the table. Redefining corporate America’s bottom line. Invest for your future while helping to build a world of peace and justice. Domini Wins “Social Capitalist” Award Domini Social Investments was honored by Fast Company magazine for using the tools of business to solve social problems. Read more Thank You for Helping Protect Shareholders’ Voices Your response to Domini’s recent Action Alerts sent the SEC a clear message that shareholder resolutions are essential in holding corporations accountable. Read more Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted.

59. SSDAN - Social Science Data Analysis Network
Census Data for the Classroom; Demographic Media for All Audiences.
CensusScope is an easy-to-use tool for investigating Census 2000 and U.S. demographic trends. Explore topics of interest at the national level or geographic levels closer to home.
Homepage of William H. Frey, director of SSDAN. Here you'll find recent publications and data especially related to migration
SSDAN's most recent publication is an accessible atlas utilizing maps, graphs, and some of the best social science data available to survey the leading social, economic, and political indicators of American society. America by the Numbers:
A Fieldguide to the U.S. Population
SSDAN brings emerging demographic trends to public attention.
A new way of accessing Census in the Classroom resources, DataCounts! replaces the SSDAN Resource Center with an intuitive and refreshing interface. It consolidates SSDAN datasets, WebCHIP, and teaching modules in a way that will be easily adopted by previous participants while also being more friendly to people newly interested in the project. Kids Count in the Classroom SSDAN is working with professors to introduce KIDS COUNT data into social science courses. Get access to free data analysis tools, backgrounders and more.

60. Social Criticism Review
Selected readings on modern society and its ills. Focus on alienation between man, nature and a dysfunctional scientifictechnical complex.
- independent
- against the current
- access to quality information
- forum for public debate CRISIS OF MODERNITY
- technology out of control
- counterproductive economy
- environmental destruction
- third world debt
- alienation
- corporate rule - anti-democratic media - nascent US totalitarianism - threat of mass destruction - crisis of morality A better world is possible: just and sustainable societies Alienation between man, nature, and a dysfunctional scientific-technical complex SELECTED READINGS IN SOCIAL CRITICISM " I believe that, for the rest of the world contemporary America is an almost symbolic concentration of all the good and the bad of our civilization - ranging from the fantastic development of science and technology generating more welfare and the profundity of civil liberty and strength of democratic institutions, to the blind cult of perpetual economic growth and never-ending consumption, no matter how detrimental to the environment, the dictates of materialism, consumerism and advertising, the voiding of human uniqueness and its replacement by the uniformity of the round-the-clock noise of TV banality. Who thinks today about future generations? Who is concerned about what people will eat, drink, breathe in one hundred years, where they will get energy when there are twice as many people living on this planet as today? Only an idealist, a dreamer, a genuinely spiritual person who, they say, is not modern enough.

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