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The Mutts - SXSW 2006

62. Acocks, J.P.H. 1975. Veld Types Of South Africa. (2nd Edn.). Mem
Anteating chats feeding in association with aardwolves. Scent marking and midden use by aardwolves (Proteles cristatus) in the Namib Desert. - general.htm

63. Globe Of Blogs
aardwolves is the product of one midwesterner with too many opinions and too many slow Author aardwolves Location No place, unknown, or undetermined

64. Hyenas: Aardwolf 
There are two geographically separate populations of aardwolves, one centered in South Africa and the other extending from central Tanzania northward to
Themes Science Class Mammalia Mammals ... Hyaenidae Hyenas: Aardwolf

Proteles cristatus
Mass: 8-12kg (20-31 lbs) Height: 40-50cm at shoulder Range: eastern and southern Africa Life Span: 14 years in captivity Status: no special status The aardwolf has a yellowish brown coat with several vertical black stripes, a bushy, black tipped tail with a long, coarse, dark haired stripe on it's back, which rises when the aardwolf feels threatened or scared. The aardwolf stands at 40-50 cm from the shoulder with a tail length of 20-25 cm (8-12") and has a length of 65-80cm (22-31") from nose to tail and weighs between 8 to 12 kg (20-31 kg). It resembles a small striped hyena.
Found in eastern and southern Africa, the aardwolf prefers arid, open plains, savannas and grasslands where it lives in burrows in the ground. There are two geographically separate populations of aardwolves, one centered in South Africa and the other extending from central Tanzania northward to southern Egypt. This usual species of hyena is a termite eater. So highly adapted to eating termites, the aardwolf's teeth, except for its canines, have dwindled to mere pegs incapable of even chewing meat. Its fangs are still well developed, and it uses them to defend its territory from other aardwolves.

65. Aardwolf | Proteles Cristatus | Africa...
aardwolves are nocturnal, solitary foragers, only coming together to mate and Since food cannot be shared or brought back to the den, aardwolves must
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The Aardwolf has a yellowish brown coat with several vertical black stripes, a bushy, black tipped tail with a long, coarse, dark haired stripe on its back, which rises when the Aardwolf feels threatened or scared. The Aardwolf stands at 40-50 cm from the shoulder with a tail length of 20-25 cm and has a length of 65-80cm from nose to tail and weighs between 8 to 12 kg. It resembles a small striped Hyena.
This limited diet means the Aardwolf has a very restricted range and can only live where these two species of termites are abundant. On an average night an Aardwolf can consume anywhere from 200 000 to 300 000 termites. By using their acute hearing the Aardwolf is able to detect termites in the ground and then using their broad, sticky tongue they lap them up. The Aardwolf also is known to eat other animals such as mice, small birds, eggs, and carrion.
Since the male and female Aardwolf are solitary, shy and elusive not much is known about their social behavior, but it is believed that mating occurs throughout the year. Gestation lasts for 90-100 days and 2 to 4 cubs are produced. When the cubs are weaned both parents feed them regurgitated termites.

66. The Aardwolf
aardwolves respect their territories, most of the time, Most of the aardwolves are responsible, loving fathers and look after their cubs about 6 hours a
The Aardwolf The Aardwolf is the only hyena which doesn't live on meat, hunting and scavenging but on termites.
He lives in South and Eastafrica. He has his ancestors in the roots of the hyenas, an animal called Plioviverrops , one of the very early hyena forms.
The Aardwolf lives on two different kinds of termites - the trinervitermess-termites and hodotermes-termites. The reason is, that the trinervitermess-termites don't come into the daylight in winter and so the Aardwolf has to adjust. In this time, in june, most of the adult Aardwolves loose a quarter of their normal weight, cubs even die by hunger.
Termites usually spit a poison secret on their enemies. That's often enough for termite eaters - but not for the Aarwolf. Alike his meat consuming 'cousins' he has a very strong stomach. And it seems to be resistant against the poison. But 'caused by this special gift, the digestion is a lot more complicated. It's very slow, so the Aardwolf has to be economical with his energy. That means, his time of pregnancy lasts 90 days! Usually between 2 and 3 cubs are born, which grow up pretty quick. Maybe to be grown up in winter, when the food is rare. Equiped with a long, broad tongue and giant salivary glands, he licks up 300 000 termites per night!

67. Conservation
During winter in South Africa Trinervitermes trinervoides remain within their termitaries where aardwolves cannot reach them. This considerably reduces the
var TlxPgNm='conservation'; AARDVARK
Conservation Commensal feeding associations are recorded. The Aardwolf Proteles cristatus , which is unable to open termitaries itself, exploits the ability of the Aardvark to do so. During winter in South Africa Trinervitermes trinervoides Myrmecocichla formicivora Although Aardvarks do not interact directly with other species, indirectly they impact on them via their burrows, many of which remain unused by Aardvarks and are available for other species. They provide sleeping shelter for many species, including warthogs, porcupines, Aardwolves, pangolins, jackals, genets, Black-footed Cats Felis nigripes , mongooses and any mammals small enough to enter (Smithers 1971). Hyaenas and African Wild Dogs Lycaon pictus may use them to shelter their young. They are even known to provide roosts for bats, notably Nycteris spp. Snakes and lizards are also important users of burrows, as are some birds such as the Southern Anteater-chat and Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea which make nesting chambers in the roof of the burrow entrance. Excavated termitaries also provide shelter for many snakes and lizards as well as nests for small mammals such as the Southern African Pygmy Mouse

68. ADW: Proteles Cristatus: Classification
Animal Diversity Web. Overview News Technology Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Partners Contributors Awards Recognition ADW Staff Contact Us
Overview News Technology Conditions of Use ... Home Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Sarcopterygii Species Proteles cristatus
Proteles cristatus

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Citation: Myers, P., R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. 2008. The Animal Diversity Web (online). Accessed April 03, 2008 at
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Aardwolf : A type of Hyena
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