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21. Snell Acoustics | Homepage US manufacturers of loudspeaker such as THX series for multichannel home systems. http://www.snellacoustics.com/ | |
22. Aerial Acoustics Highend manufacturers that makes multi-driver tower speaker for home theater. US. http://www.aerialacoustics.com/ |
23. Acoustics| ETS-Lindgren ETSLindgren Acoustic Systems is a leader in the research, design and manufacture of modular noise control enclosures that use proven and effective sound http://www.ets-lindgren.com/page/?i=acoustics |
24. Cookies Required acoustics Research Letters Online (ARLO), an electronic letters journal of The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) includes articles devoted to research in http://scitation.aip.org/ARLO | |
25. Cyber Acoustics Manufacturer of computer audio products such as speakers, headsets, microphones and headphones. USA. http://www.cyberacoustics.com/ | |
26. Ayre Home US built amplifier, preamp, cd/dvd player, V6x multichannel amplifier and accessories. http://www.ayre.com/ | |
27. Welcome To Stealth Acoustics Invisible Speakers Invisible speakers for custom homes, presentation rooms and ceiling applications that make your entire home a speaker. http://www.stealthacoustics.com/ |
28. Zefiro Acoustics Digital audio I/O card for the IBM PC, allowing a user to move pro audio from any digital source. http://www.zefiro.com/ | |
29. Home Theater Speakers | Gallo Stereo Speakers Home theater speakers and stereo speakers designed by Anthony Gallo. http://www.roundsound.com/ | |
30. Gershman Acoustics Reviews High End Loudspeakers, Ontario Home Theater Loudspeaker, Stereophile, Ontario Absolute Sound and much more at Gershman acoustics a Loud Speaker http://www.gershmanacoustics.com/ | |
31. FM ACOUSTICS LTD. FM acoustics LTD. Precision audio electronics from Switzerland. You ve never heard it better ! http://www.fmacoustics.com/ | |
32. Acoustic Emission Measurement Technologies From Physical Acoustics Corp. Acoustic Emission Sensors, Instruments and Applied Research. http://www.pacndt.com/ | |
33. ME Acoustics Program acoustics at The University of Texas at Austin began prior to World War II. Immediately after the war, personnel from the Harvard Underwater Sound http://www.me.utexas.edu/areas/acoustics/ | |
34. Composite Acoustics Manufacture a range of carbon composite acoustic guitars and basses. Details of models, dealers, and company news. http://compositeacoustics.com/ | |
35. Homepage Of The European Acoustics Association â EAA FENESTRA www.eaafenestra.org/ - Similar pages Center for Computer Research in Music and acousticsThe Stanford University CCRMA events, courses offered, and industrial affiliates program. http://www.eaa-fenestra.org/ | |
36. SCI-BITES: Journals Ranked By Impact: Acoustics Journals Ranked by Impact acoustics. (2.56), Physical acoustics (10.28). 7, J. Acoustic Soc. Amer. (1.43), Ultrasonic Imaging http://www.in-cites.com/research/2007/august_13_2007-1.html | |
37. Architectural Acoustics Application documents now available for Digitool Updated Ease2 and Ease3 files available; Architectural acoustics 2007 Product Catalog (PDF 9.44 mb) http://aa.peavey.com/ | |
38. HEAD Acoustics For Noise And Vibration And Telecommunications Voice Quality HEAD acoustics provides noise and vibration, sound quality, and telecommunications voice quality and acoustics testing systems; and Aachen head or achen http://www.headacoustics.com/ | |
39. Acoustics Monitoring Program Brief overview of the basic principles of underwater acoustics. http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/vents/acoustics/tutorial/tutorial.html | |
40. Acoustics 101...Practical Guidelines For Acoustic Construction: Building A Sound The ultimate in sound control Practical guidelines for acoustic construction building a sound studio, listening room, music room, project studio, http://www.acoustics101.com/ | |
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