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1. Aeronautics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia aeronautics is the science involved with the study, design, and manufacture of flightcapable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeronautics | |
2. NASA - Home News, links, mission schedules, and NASA for kids. http://www.nasa.gov/ | |
3. NASA Beginner's Guide To Aeronautics Website Is Being Loaded... Prepared at NASA Glenn by the Learning Technologies Project (LTP) to provide background information on basic aerodynamics and propulsion for secondary math http://education.grc.nasa.gov/airplane/ | |
4. Aeronautics | Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin aeronautics Company is recognized as the leader in the design, development and production of jet fighters. http://www.lockheedmartin.com/aeronautics/ | |
5. Aeronautics What is aeronautics? What are the processes involved? What career opportunities are there? http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/StudentSite/aeronautics.html | |
6. THE K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook Learning resources for teachers, students, and enthusiasts interested in aeronautics including an online textbook, lesson plans, interactive activities, http://wings.avkids.com/ | |
7. American Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics - Home Page AIAA is the shaping, dynamic force in aerospace The forum for innovation, excellence and global leadership. http://www.aiaa.org/ | |
8. Free Online MIT Course Materials | Aeronautics And Astronautics | MIT OpenCourse MIT OCW aeronautics and Astronautics Department numerical course listing. Our mission is to prepare engineers for success and leadership in the Conception, http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Aeronautics-and-Astronautics/ | |
9. Redirecting ... Current events, FAQs, goals, library, general information. http://aerospace.nasa.gov/ | |
10. GALCIT :: Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories :: CALTECH GALCIT offers graduate programs in aeronautics leading to the degrees of master of science, aeronautical engineer, and doctor of philosophy. http://www.galcit.caltech.edu/ | |
11. AERO - MDOT Bureau Of Aeronautics Michigan Department of Transportation Bureau of aeronautics MDOT Bureau of aeronautics. http://michigan.gov/aero/ | |
12. Urban Aeronautics Mailing List Film and Downloads Press Clippings Contact Copyright (c) 2005 Urban aeronautics, Ltd. All rights reserved. DesignAdventure Publishing. http://www.urbanaero.com/ |
13. Aeronautics Learning Laboratory For Science Technology, And Research (ALLSTAR) N A NASA generated site with instructional resources for students and educators. Includes sections on the history and principles of aeronautics. http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/ | |
14. Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin Corporation, an advanced technology company, was formed in March 1995 with the merger of two of the world s premier technology companies, http://www.lmaeronautics.com/ |
15. Academy Of Model Aeronautics AMA is a selfsupporting, non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote development of model aviation as a recognized sport and worthwhile recreation http://www.modelaircraft.org/ | |
16. Aeronautics The Department of aeronautics provides services for the aviation community in Nebraska including Airport Improvement, construction and equipment projects, http://www.aero.state.ne.us/ | |
17. Desktop Aeronautics Home Wing design and airfoil analysis software. Linair is good for evaluating wing planforms. http://www.desktopaero.com/ | |
18. Aeronautics & Astronautics, UW College Of Engineering Information about the Department of aeronautics and Astronautics. http://www.aa.washington.edu/ | |
19. Welcome To The SC Division Of Aeronautics airports and providing safe, reliable air transportation for state government and business prospects. SC Department of Commmerce Division of aeronautics http://www.scaeronautics.com/ | |
20. Stanford Aero/Astro Department aa.stanford.edu/ 6k - Cached - Similar pages Sierra Academy of aeronauticsOur Graduates Fly for following Airlines . © Sierra Academy of aeronautics. All rights reserved. http://aa.stanford.edu/ |
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