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1. Beekeeping - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Beekeeping (or apiculture, from Latin apis, a bee) is the practice of Beekeeping, or apiculture, is concerned with the practical management of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beekeeping | |
2. Apiculture Vocabulary apiculture the science and art of raising honey bees. Apis mellifera - scientific name of the honey bee found in the United States. http://maarec.cas.psu.edu/bkCD/glossary.html |
3. Apiculture News - Topix News on apiculture continually updated from thousands of sources around the net. http://www.topix.com/science/apiculture | |
4. The Internet Apiculture And Beekeeping Archive Articles from the newsgroup sci.agriculture.beekeeping, logs from the listserv beel, FAQ files, and pointers to other beekeeping and apicultural resources. http://www.ibiblio.org/bees/ | |
5. Apiculture At NCSU entomology.ncsu.edu/apiculture 2k - Cached - Similar pages PDF Beekeeping/ apicultureFile Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat http://entomology.ncsu.edu/apiculture |
6. Eastern Apicultural Society Home page Eastern Apicultural Society EAS has many programs, including annual beekeeping short courses and conferences with nationally recognized http://www.easternapiculture.org/ | |
7. UC Davis Department Of Entomology The apiculture Newsletter Entomology at University of California, Davis. http://entomology.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mussen/news.cfm | |
8. Beekeeping & Apiculture Page Directions to the ARDC Education Center and apiculture Laboratory. Workshops Training in Beekeeping/apiculture. Beekeeping Training Opportunities for 2008 http://entomology.unl.edu/beekpg/ | |
9. Apiculture (Beekeeping) And Social Insects | Iowa State Entomology Index Of Inte APIS Apicultural Information and Issues archive of individual issues of the Apicultural Information and Issues monthly newsletter, published by the http://www.ent.iastate.edu/list/directory/109 | |
10. UPDATE BOOKMARKS Beekeeping information and resources with emaphasis on North Carolina. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/Insects/Bees | |
11. Northern Nevada Apiculture Society Northen Nevada apiculture Society Beekeepers in northern nevada Buy Local honey Swarm Control. http://www.northernnevadaapiculturesociety.org/ | |
12. WorldChanging: Tools, Models And Ideas For Building A Bright Green Future: Apicu apiculture and Colony Collapse Disorder. WorldChanging Team apiculture advocates have set up numerous webbased resources which allow beekeepers to do http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/006162.html | |
13. Apiculture Apicultural Abstracts survey of research and technical developments concerning all bees and beerelated subjects throughout the world, published quarterly http://users.erols.com/cohenjosh/070902apic.html | |
14. MSU Apiculture Lab Welcome to the MSU apiculture Laboratory. Overview Research People LinksCyberbeeANR Beekeeping ProgramNew Bee Picture http://bees.msu.edu/ | |
15. Small Hive Beetle The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida (Order Coleoptera; Family Nitidulidae), was first discovered in Florida in June of 1998 and has now been found in 6 http://www.ento.vt.edu/~fell/apiculture/hivebeetle/index.html | |
16. Apiculture apiculture. The care and feeding of Bees and Beekeepers .. Swicki. check out the apiculture Search Engine swicki at eurekster.com http://personalbee.blogs.com/apiculture/ | |
17. Apiservices - The Beekeeping Portal - Le Portail Apiculture - Apicultura - Imker Apiservices All information about beekeeping, bees and honey - Toutes informations pour l apiculture, les abeilles et le miel. http://www.beekeeping.com/ | |
18. Apiculture At NC State These are extension articles written by past and present members of the apiculture program at NCSU. They are organized in the following structure. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/apiculture/Beekeeping_notes.html | |
19. Apiculture - Definition Of Apiculture At YourDictionary apiculture definition, words related to apiculture, proper usage and pronunciation of the word apiculture from YourDictionary.com. http://www.yourdictionary.com/apiculture | |
20. Rhode Island CHAPTER 4-12 â Apiculture - Rhode Island Code - Rhode Island L CHAPTER 412 apiculture. Rhode Island CHAPTER 4-12 apiculture. Rhode Island Code All US State Codes. § 4-12-1 Title. § 4-12-2 Definitions. http://law.justia.com/rhodeisland/codes/title4/4-12.html | |
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