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21. Apiculture Research Will Save Honeybee And Pollination Industries, Cornell Entom Despite dramatic losses in wild honeybees and in colonies maintained by hobbyist beekeepers, Cornell University apiculturists say the pollination needs of http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1997/10/971028062145.htm | |
22. Ten-Minute Papers, Section Cb. Apiculture And Social Insects TenMinute Papers, Section Cb. apiculture and Social Insects. Moderator(s) Darrell Moore. 130 PM, Introductory Remarks http://esa.confex.com/esa/2007/techprogram/session_6176.htm | |
23. Apiculture - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of apiculture from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/apiculture | |
24. Apiculture « Microecos Posted in apiculture, earthworks, insects, life, symbionts 2 Comments » Posted in apiculture, insects, martyrdom, spring rites, symbionts 2 Comments http://microecos.wordpress.com/category/apiculture/ | |
25. Apiculture & Honey Industry Research In The US By IBISWorld Industry Research Report apiculture Industry. In depth analysis, data, trends, market share, forecasts. Latest Sep 2007. Download instantly. http://www.ibisworld.com/industry/default.aspx?indid=68 |
26. Apiculture Information about running an apiculture business. 112910, Bee production (i.e., apiculture). 112910, Beeswax production. 112910, Honey bee production http://www.smallbusinessnotes.com/businesses/naics/agriculture/112910.html | |
27. AGSI BULLETINS - APICULTURE 68, Tropical and Subtropical apiculture, 1986 (E) 298 pp. ISBN 925-102444-8, $33.00, buy. 68/2, Honeybee Mites and Their Control a Selected Annotated http://www.fao.org/AG/ags/Agsi/pub/PUB214.htm | |
28. Search Photos: Apiculture Search results 329 files. « Previous1 2 3 10 11 Next » apiculture 3412483. XS L X. Add to Shopping Cart. 7301. apiculture http://www.fotolia.com/tag/apiculture | |
29. Apiculture » Propeller This story has mostly positive ratings. 19 votes / 2 sinks. apiculture Tags apiculture, agriculture, bees, pollination, colony collapse disorder, http://food.propeller.com/story/2007/04/15/apiculture/ | |
30. Virginia Apiculture Program IPM Of Honey Bee Colonies, Queen The apiculture Program is designed to improve the pest management practices utilized by beekeepers through the development of research and extension http://web.ento.vt.edu/ento/project.jsp?projectID=12 |
31. Agriscape Companies Apiculture It organizes every two years the internatinal apicultural congresses, and promotes For over 50 years, all the material and the supplies for apiculture. http://www.agriscape.com/companies/apiculture/ | |
32. Apiculture Industry apiculture Industry. Beekeeping Laws. Return to Beekeeping Florida Industries. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/TOPIC_Apiculture_Industry | |
33. APICULTURE (from Lat. ... - Online Information Article About APICULTURE (from La apiculture (from Lat. Online Information article about apiculture (from Lat. http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/ANC_APO/APICULTURE_from_Lat_apis_a_bee_.html | |
34. NOSB Apiculture Task Force Report Draft Organic Apiculture Standards Compiled By The NOSB apiculture Task Force was charged with development of organic apiculture standards. In the opinion of the Task Force, organic producers may http://www.beesource.com/pov/organic/nosb.htm | |
35. Apiculture And Culture: UMass Amherst, Du Bois Library, SCUA An exhibit by Richard A. Steinmetz edited by RS Cox. Dept. of Special Collections UMass Amherst. Early works in apiculture. Science and bee management http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/exhibits/bees/index.htm | |
36. Mahadev Apiculture Co In Farm World Industry Directory Mahadev apiculture Co is registered in the Industry Directory at . http://www.farmworld.com/trade/aa939423.html |
37. Accessories For Use In Apiculture - Patent 4992073 Beehive accessories are disclosed including artificial honeycomb, foundation units, covers, bottom boards, queen excluders, queen cages, cell cups and the http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4992073.html | |
38. Apiculture apiculture is relating to bees. Over the years I have sought to understand the benefits of bees. What part do they play. Are they beneficial and if so how http://www.earth-house.com/Going_Organic/Farm_Animals/Apiculture/apiculture.html | |
39. Apiculture - Wiktionary apiculture (uncountable). The keeping and maintenance of bees for commercial reasons. Retrieved from http//en.wiktionary.org/wiki/apiculture http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/apiculture | |
40. Apiculture Museums Tourism Beekeeping Museum Honey Bees History apiculture Museums Tourism Beekeeping Museum Honey Bees History Directory of Agricultural Web sites and Agriculture News. http://www.agricultureb2b.com/biz/e/Bee-Industry/Museums/ | |
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