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21. Archaeoastronomy In Denmark Brief introductory article with examples of prehistoric constructions in Denmark with levels pointing in suspicious astronomical directions. http://www.rundetaarn.dk/engelsk/observatorium/archaeoas.htm | |
22. Archaeoastronomy At Mounds State Park By Donald R. Cochran During the 1988 Ball State University field school at Mounds Park, it was discovered that two enclosures were aligned to sunset at the summer and winter http://www.gbl.indiana.edu/abstracts/88/cochran_88.html | |
23. University Of Leicester: Courses In Archaeoastronomy Courses in archaeoastronomy at the University of Leicester. http://www.le.ac.uk/ar/rug/aa/faq.html | |
24. Ligustic Archaeoastronomy Ligurian archaeoastronomy, mainly in Italian but with some English and German translations. http://www.archaeoastronomy.it/index2.htm | |
25. . ! ALISON'S ASTROLOGY PAGE; ARCHAEOASTRONOMY, ASTROLOGY & ANCIENT EGYPT astrology annual starguides daily star guides horoscopes horoscope zodiac stars Alison Moroney Australian astrologer astrological astrologist aries taurus http://members.optusnet.com.au/~astrology11/ | |
26. Cultural Astronomy /Archaeoastronomy /Ethnoastronomy References While some of the books, articles and web sites presented here have to do with archaeoastronomy, my main interest in compiling this list is with cultural http://casswww.ucsd.edu/personal/ron/cultural_astronomy.html | |
27. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARCHAEOASTRONOMY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON. archaeoastronomy. Société Européenne pour. l Astronomie dans la Culture. (SEAC). European Society for Astronomy. in Culture http://www.rhodes.aegean.gr/tms/SEAC2006.htm | |
28. W-M: Archaeo-astronomy And Ancient Alignments Mesoamerican archaeoastronomy. Calendars Using the summer solstice Egyptian archaeoastronomy. The astronomical ceiling from Senenmut s tomb http://www.world-mysteries.com/alignments/mpl_alindx.htm | |
29. ArchNet: Archaeoastronomy Listing of archaeoastronomy Links by Continent Listing of archaeoastronomy Links by Country Listing of archaeoastronomy Links by Region http://archnet.asu.edu/topical/Selected_Topics/Archaeoastronomy.php | |
30. Archaeoastronomy (maverick Science) archaeoastronomy, together with ethnoastronomy and related disciplines, seeks to measure a culture s interest in celestial matters by investigating its http://www.maverickscience.com/archaeoastronomy.htm | |
31. Archaeoastronomy Armchair archaeoastronomy. Wayne Campbell. Photograph © Andrew Dunn. Prehistoric stone structures, created by early astronomers, plotted the sun s motion http://hila.webcentre.ca/projects/chankillo/ | |
32. Geniet: Books On Archeoastronomy archaeoastronomy in the New World, American primitive astronomy archaeoastronomy The journal of astronomy in culture, Volume XVI, 2001, page 8397 http://www.iol.ie/~geniet/eng/books.htm | |
33. Index archaeoastronomy, although wellresearched, cannot tell its secrets to men who only use archaeoastronomy, then, is a hidden science, one that cannot be http://www.mayalords.org/astrofldr/index.html |
34. AstroFind Search Archaeoastronomy - Page 1 Search astronomical and astrophysical sites and documents about archaeoastronomy on page 1. http://www.astrofind.net/search?q=Archaeoastronomy |
35. Archaeoastronomy archaeologic.com your link to all things archaeological. http://www.archaeologic.com/archaeoastronomy.htm | |
36. The Gilded Butterfly Megalithism and shamanism on Caprione s promontory recent studies. Lerici, Italy. http://www3.shiny.it/caprione/ | |
37. Archaeoastronomy: A Survey Of Prehistoric Sites In South Wales - Introduction The survey area covers the former counties of Glamorgan, Brecknockshire and Monmouthshire. Includes tables of original data. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mjpowell/ArchaeoAstro/ArchaeoAstro.htm | |
38. Italian Archaeoastronomy By maintaining this page we would like to contribute to the vast field of archaeoastronomy, by reporting news of studies performed in Italy at Universities http://www.calion.com/archeo/archeoe.htm | |
39. Archaeoastronomy And Ethnoastronomy What is meant by archaeoastronomy? What is meant by ethnoastronomy? What is a constellation? What is the zodiac? What is your sign of the zodiac? http://science.uniserve.edu.au/school/sheets/constellations.html | |
40. Archaeoastronomy: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati One of the problems with archaeoastronomy is that its quite hard to find an archaeological site where you can be certain astronomy was important. http://technorati.com/tag/archaeoastronomy | |
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