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41. TDEC: Division Of Archaeology Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. Includes news, projects, charter, and contact information. http://www.state.tn.us/environment/arch/ | |
42. Mayan Archaeology Including Resources For Students And Scholars, Plus Help For V Mayan archaeology, preHispanic pyramid architecture of Latin America, featuring Olmec jade, stelae and sculpture at Copan, and showing how pre-Columbian http://maya-archaeology.org/ | |
43. Cotsen Institute Of Archaeology A research unit at the University of California, Los Angeles. Directory of those affiliated, academic programs, research, facilities, events, lectures and http://www.ioa.ucla.edu/ | |
44. BU Archaeology Dept Offers undergraduate and graduate courses. Programs, courses, faculty, students, journals and centers. http://www.bu.edu/archaeology/ |
45. Archæology | The WWW Virtual Library ArchNet serves as the World Wide Web Virtual Library for archaeology. It complements the other Virtual Library sites in archaeology and anthropology. http://vlib.org/Archaeology | |
46. Archaeology Merit Badge BADGE archaeology. Information about this merit badge has been moved to the following page. http//meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php?title=archaeology. http://www.meritbadge.com/mb/132.htm | |
47. Index For JFA An international, refereed quarterly published by Boston University. Abstracts of contents of all issues, indexed by author and topic. http://jfa-www.bu.edu/ | |
48. Archaeology--Ancient History/World History Lesson Plan (grades 6-8)--DiscoverySc Students learn that archaeology is the field that concentrates on recovering and studying physical evidence of earlier human life and culture. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/unearthingsouthamerica | |
49. Archaeology - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of archaeology from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/archaeology | |
50. Institute Of Nautical Archaeology Scientific/educational organization; studies human history from the physical remains of maritime activities. http://ina.tamu.edu/ | |
51. MHS Archaeology Home Page Public archaeology Minnesota Archaeological Research Program Rock Art Research Industrial archaeology About the Department http://www1.umn.edu/marp/ | |
52. Powell's Books - Archaeology The worlds greatest archaeological finds and what they tell us about lost civilizations Renowned archaeologist Patrick Hunt brings his top ten list of http://www.powells.com/psection/Archaeology.html | |
53. JSTOR: World Archaeology World archaeology is the only journal established specifically to deal with archaeology on a worldwide multiperiod basis and thirty years after it was http://www.jstor.org/journals/00438243.html | |
54. Directory Of Open Access Journals Publisher South Carolina Institute of archaeology and Anthropology Country United States Publisher University of Stanford, archaeology Center http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=12 |
55. The Center For American Archeology: Kampsville Archeological Center At Kampsville, Illinois specializes in Midwest archaeology. News, courses, visitor information, museum in the classroom project, museum store. http://www.caa-archeology.org/ | |
56. Penn Museum The Museum has sent more than 350 expeditions to all the inhabited continents of the world. Online exhibits, articles and research. http://www.museum.upenn.edu/ | |
57. The Prehistoric Archaeology Of The Aegean Dartmouth College provides searchable text, galleries of expandable thumbnail photographs and bibliographies on topics. http://projectsx.dartmouth.edu/history/bronze_age/ | |
58. Peabody Museum Of Archaeology And Ethnology The Peabody Museum of archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University, founded in 1866 by George Peabody, is one of the oldest museums in the world devoted http://www.peabody.harvard.edu/ | |
59. Journal Of Roman Archaeology An international journal publishing book reviews, articles and research findings in the field of Roman archaeology. Contents and sample articles. http://www.journalofromanarch.com/ | |
60. California Department Of Forestry And Fire Protection Archaeology Program Welcome to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) archaeology Program Web Site. These pages provide a convenient method to http://www.indiana.edu/~e472/cdf/ | |
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