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21. San Francisco Beekeepers' Association The San Francisco Beekeepers Association is dedicated to helping beekeepers and those interested in bees. We practice nofault beekeeping. http://www.sfbee.org/ | |
22. Bee And Beekeeping Supplies Mann Lake Ltd Candle Making Supplies Bee and beekeeping Supplies Mann Lake Ltd provides beekeeping supplies nationwide to hobby or commercial beekeepers, big or small. We manufacture and supply http://www.mannlakeltd.com/ |
23. Beekeeping In Top-Bar Hives (tbh's) beekeeping in hives with movable combs rather than frames. Equipment can made from recycled, scrap wood. An inexpensive way to keep bees while harvesting http://www.gsu.edu/~biojdsx/main.htm | |
24. Apiculture (Beekeeping) And Social Insects | Iowa State Entomology Index Of Inte Nongovernmental, non-profit association of beekeeping experts in the Netherlands; Ohio State University Bee Breeding Program - bee breeding and http://www.ent.iastate.edu/list/directory/109 | |
25. Discover Beekeeping Totally a must for anyone who wants to take up beekeeping! The pictures are great.The ebook made everything about starting a beekeeping business so easy to http://discoverbeekeeping.com/ | |
26. Top Bar Beekeeping With The Barefoot Beekeeper sustainable, backyard beekeeping in top bar hives. http://www.biobees.com/ | |
27. Dadant Beekeeping Events, FAQs, and other useful information about beekeeping. http://www.dadant.com/beekeeping/index.html | |
28. Beekeeping & Apiculture Page beekeeping Training Opportunities for 2008 (printable brochure). State Fair Activities Web Links to the World beekeeping. Bee Tidings Newsletter http://entomology.unl.edu/beekpg/ | |
29. Indiana Beekeeping School Indiana beekeeping School comprehensive beginning beekeeper education. http://www.indianabeekeepingschool.com/ | |
30. Value-added Products From Beekeeping. 3.12.6 Pollen supplements and substitutes in beekeeping 3.12.7 Cosmetics 3.12.8 Pills and capsules CHAPTER 4 WAX 4.1 Introduction http://www.fao.org/docrep/w0076e/w0076e00.htm | |
31. Sci.agriculture.beekeeping FAQ It should be read by anyone who wishes to post to the newsgroup sci.agriculture.beekeeping or the listserv beel. Keywords bee beekeeping apis honey mead http://www.faqs.org/faqs/beekeeping-faq/ | |
32. Abstract: Beekeeping In The Midwest beekeeping in the Midwest Provides an indepth look at beekeeping, including how to care during different seasons. http://www.extension.uiuc.edu/~vista/abstracts/abeekeep.html | |
33. KSBA Membership information, beekeeping classes and conference information and a list of local beekeeping associations. http://www.ksbabeekeeping.org/ | |
34. Sacramento Beekeeping Supplies - Home Page Information on honey, bees, and related products in Sacramento, California. Address 2110 X St., Sacramento, CA 95818. Full service beekeeping supply retail http://www.sacramentobeekeeping.com/ | |
35. G7600 Beekeeping Tips For Beginners, MU Extension Join a local beekeeping association for additional information and help. Join the state association and attend the spring and fall meetings for the most http://extension.missouri.edu/explore/agguides/pests/g07600.htm | |
36. Beekeeping Resources In Iowa Backto-Basics beekeeping Club Contact Joan Boer 2435 Osburn Ave. Oskaloosa, IA 52577 Central Iowa Beekeepers Contact Arvin Foell 30390 530th Ave. http://www.agriculture.state.ia.us/agdiv/agdivBeeResources.htm |
37. MAAREC - A Listing Of On-line Information. Glossary of terms used in beekeeping. http://maarec.cas.psu.edu/bkCD/glossary.html |
38. CyberBeeNet (Biology, Research, Beekeeping) Cyberbee is a website of dept of entomology, Michigan State University. This site is devoted to educating the public about beekeeping, honey bee biology, http://www.cyberbee.net/ | |
39. Beekeeping - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The largest beekeeping operations are agricultural businesses that are operated for profit. Some people also have small beekeeping operations that they do http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beekeeping | |
40. Bees For Development Bees for Development aims to assist people living in poor and remote areas of the world, and to raise awareness about the value of beekeeping for poverty http://www.beesfordevelopment.org/ | |
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