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1. Cynthia Lanius' Lessons: A Fractals Lesson - Introduction Mathematics lessons for elementary school, middle school fractals, fractals, fractals. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/frac/ | |
2. Sprott's Fractal Gallery Computer generated artwork, with thousands of downloadable images and a new fractal every day! http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/fractals.htm | |
3. Fractals - Fractal Recursions Jock Cooper s gallery of still images and animations. http://www.fractal-recursions.com/ | |
4. Coolmath4kids - Fractals ( Geometry ) I ve really been beefing up the fractal area over on the main Coolmath.com site, so I m just going to send you over there to check it out. http://www.coolmath4kids.com/fractals.html | |
5. Exploring Fractals It is is based on a curriculum, entitled Exploring Fractal Dimension, developed by Mary Ann Connors and Anna Rose Haralampus at an NSF funded Institute http://www.math.umass.edu/~mconnors/fractal/fractal.html | |
6. Fractals www.worldscinet.com/fractals/fractals.shtml African fractals Modern Computing and Indigenous Design - Google Books Resultby Ron Eglash - 1999 - Mathematics - 258 pages http://www.worldscinet.com/fractals/fractals.shtml | |
7. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Fractals KEYWORDS Monte Carlo Estimation of Pi, OneDimensional Random Walk, Two-Dimensional Random Walk, Diffusion Limited Aggregation, Self-Avoiding Walk, Fractal http://archives.math.utk.edu/topics/fractals.html | |
8. The Fractory: An Interactive Tool For Creating And Exploring Fractals This page will help you learn about fractals what they are and how to design them, but it will also let you discover more on your own. http://library.thinkquest.org/3288/ | |
9. Fractals: An Introductory Lesson The purpose of this site is to present material to learn very simple methods to construct fractals, to do and practice some math, to appreciate the beauty http://www.arcytech.org/java/fractals/ | |
10. Spanky Welcome The Spanky Fractal Database is a collection of programs, images, and other material all relating to the subject of fractals. http://spanky.triumf.ca/ | |
11. IconBAZAAR - Fractals - Page 01 Click the thumbnails to view the corresponding fractals. arach.gif THUMBNAIL bay.gif Click the thumbnails to view the corresponding fractals http://www.iconbazaar.com/fractals/index.html | |
12. Fractals The primary focus of the Community Learning Network (CLN) is to help K12 teachers integrate Information Technology into their classrooms. http://www.cln.org/themes/fractals.html | |
13. Fractals Get 4 large shiny Christmas balls, some coloured wrapping paper, some lights from the Christmas tree, and you have you own fractal laboratory to amuse http://ozviz.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/fractals/ | |
14. Fractal Geometry An educational resource on the mathematical framework and formalism from the Yale University, covering the concept of self similarity. http://classes.yale.edu/fractals/ |
15. Fractals Easier A fractal is a shape, often drawn by a computer, that repeats itself in a pattern. The design shapes usually reoccur in different sizes. http://www.42explore.com/fractal.htm | |
16. FractalNet Home Page The Fractal Images Company 268 Arlington Road Kensington, CA 94707. Voice 510528-0258 Fax 510-528-0243 e-mail marketing@fractals.com. http://www.fractals.com/ | |
17. Fractal Explorer: Mandelbrot And Julia Sets (by Fabio Cesari) Many people have probably been fascinated by the infinite complexity and beauty of fractals. I wrote this brief tutorial to explain, in simple terms, http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/2854/ | |
18. Fractal World Gallery Thumbnails : Cosmic Recursive Fractal Flames Or Flame Frac Fractal World Gallery Home. Fractal World Gallery contains a collection of Pure flame fractals, Thanks for viewing the Fractal World Gallery. http://www.enchgallery.com/fractals/fracthumbs.htm | |
19. Fractals - Amazing Seattle Fractals! - Screensavers, Tutorials, Free Software Original fractal art, free fractal screensavers, free software, tutorials, fractal art galleries. http://www.fractalarts.com/ASF/ | |
20. Fractal Curves And Dimension fractals burst into the open in early 1970s. Their breathtaking beauty captivated many a layman and a professional alike. Striking fractal images can often http://www.cut-the-knot.org/do_you_know/dimension.shtml | |
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