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21. The Geometry Junkyard: Fractals Apollonian Gasket, a fractal circle packing formed by packing smaller circles into each triangular gap formed by three larger circles. From MathWorld. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/fractal.html | |
22. OnOne Software - Product Details Genuine fractals 5 no longer requires files to be saved in the . Genuine fractals 5 is a revolutionary step forward for image enlargements. http://www.ononesoftware.com/detail.php?prodLine_id=2 |
23. The Beauty Of Fractal Magic Transformation Three galleries of magic fractal jewels,black and white art and imagination by Isidoros Printezis. http://www.afterzed.com/fractals/ | |
24. Fractal Frequently Asked Questions And Answers The Usenet newsgroup sci.fractals and the listserv forum fracl are devoted to discussions on fractals. This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is an http://www.faqs.org/faqs/fractal-faq/ | |
25. Fractals Of Change Tom Evslin weblog about new technologies, especially in Web 2.0, VoIP, and transportation. http://blog.tomevslin.com/ | |
26. Graphics Archive - General Interest:Fractals fractals often are associated with natural objects, such as the branchings of a tree, or the tributaries of a stream. A great deal has been written about http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/graphics/pix/General_Interest/Fractals/ | |
27. Chaos, Fractals, And Arcadia Article on the mathematical ideas lurking in the background of Tom Stoppard s play Arcadia. Includes examples, illustrations and references. http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS/arcadia/index.html | |
28. Mathematical Imagery By Jos Leys. Numerous Ultra Fractal rendered images, some animated using Java. http://www.josleys.com/ | |
29. Fractals For Mac OS X Program that generates fractal images. Several options for producing striking variations of fractal images, and includes advanced features for producing http://www.fractaldomains.com/ | |
30. Fractals Galore! fractals by songweaver.com. fractals are images which integrate real and imaginary numbers, producing vivid and fascinating works of art. http://songweaver.com/art/fractals/ring.html | |
31. Aros Fractals Aros fractals is a free, hires, truecolor fractal program for Windows95, NT and Macintosh. http://www.arosmagic.com/Fractals/ | |
32. Welcome To The Fractal EXtreme Web Site Home Page for Fractal eXtreme, a Win32 shareware program for fast exploration of the Mandelbrot set and other fractals. http://www.cygnus-software.com/ | |
33. Chaffey's Fractal Links On The Web Welcome to the original Chaffey High School s Fractal Links of the Web. These pages where started as a hobby/extra curricular activity back in 1993, http://www.chaffey.org/fractals/ | |
34. The Fractal Bargain Bin - Wallpapers / Eye Candy / Pretty Stuff Fractal and algorithmic art, free to use for any purpose. Print it, share it, create with it. http://www.sgeier.net/fractals/indexe.php | |
35. Pollock's Fractals | Math | DISCOVER Magazine That isn t just a lot of splattered paint on those canvases, it s good mathematics. Visit Discover Magazine to read this article and other exclusive science http://discovermagazine.com/2001/nov/featpollock | |
36. Chaos, Solitons Fractals - Elsevier Journal which includes applications in science and engineering. Tables of contents and abstracts; full text to subscribers. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/chaos | |
37. Fractals And Fractal Art fractals Your guide to the best web sites for fractals and fractal art. http://thinks.com/webguide/fractal.htm | |
38. Lifesmith Classic Fractals Home Company offering large image galleries and merchandise. http://www.lifesmith.com/ | |
39. Fractal Grower (home) Fractal Grower is Java software for growing Lindenmayer substitution (Lsystems) fractals. In its default mode, the software displays an interface for http://www.cs.unm.edu/~joel/PaperFoldingFractal/ | |
40. Fractals Through Time -- Physics News Update 857 Feb 28, 2008 A new theoretical study looks at what fractal things look like not just when you magnify them in space (they are scale invariant they look http://www.aip.org/pnu/2008/split/857-1.html | |
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