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61. Douglas Cootey's AtomicFractal Artwork I treat fractal images as a photographer would treat a landscape, incorporating design and color composition into each piece. http://www.cootey.com/fractals/index.html | |
62. Alice Kelley's Fractals Alice Kelley, Cheshire Cat fractals. Send me feedback. The new Fractal Cosmos calendar All images Copyright 2002 Alice Kelley Terms of Use. http://www.alicekelly.com/ | |
63. Fractal - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Free encyclopedia article covering historical aspects and mathematical formulations. Includes two and three dimensional illustration sets. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal | |
64. Fractal -- From Wolfram MathWorld A fractal is an object or quantity that displays selfsimilarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Fractal.html | |
65. Suzanne Alejandre - Fractal Links Basic fractal information for the math teacher or interested user, with Internet resources to expand your fractal knowledge. http://mathforum.org/alejandre/workshops/fractal/fractal3.html | |
66. Infinite Fractal Loop Many sites, graphical and text listings, statistics, news. http://www.fractalus.com/ifl/ | |
67. Ultra Fractal: Advanced Fractal Animation Software Ultra Fractal is the best tool for creating fractal art. It creates smooth, truecolor fractal images with a wealth of fractal formulas and coloring http://www.ultrafractal.com/ | |
68. A Fractal Art Gallery By Ken Keller Exploring the bounderies between Creation and Discovery. A growing gallery of original fractal images. Come explore the infinite Fractal Universe. http://home.inreach.com/mapper/ | |
69. Fractal Software Programs & Links On Paul N. Lee's Website Fractal related software and program application links on Paul N. Lee s website. http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/Fractal_Software.html | |
70. Sekinos Fractal Gallery Art from math professor Junpei Sekino, blended with discussion of formula types and colouring methods. http://www.willamette.edu/~sekino/fractal/ | |
71. Illuminations Fractal Tool You can make changes to these shapes to create your own fractal. After you have made changes, use the Forward, Back, and Play buttons to watch the http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=17 |
72. K-12 This page has moved. The contents of the Mathematics page have been moved to http//www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/math.shtml. http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/BusyT/math.html | |
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