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1. Glaciology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia glaciology is the study of glaciers, or more generally ice and natural phenomena that involve ice. The word glacier is derived from the Latin glaciees, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaciology | |
2. GLACIOLOGY Interested in the study of ice in all of its manifestations and the study of all natural phenomena where ice is involved. http://skua.gps.caltech.edu/ | |
3. Glaciology Group At The University Of Washington, Seattle glaciology at University of Washington. These pages describe the research being conducted, the people involved, courses, and upcoming events, http://www.geophys.washington.edu/Surface/Glaciology/ | |
4. World Data Centre For Glaciology, Cambridge ICSU World Data Centre for glaciology, Cambridge (WDCGC) is funded by the Royal Society and is located in the Library of the Scott Polar Research Institute http://www.wdcgc.spri.cam.ac.uk/ | |
5. Glaciology Home The glaciology group, within the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at UBC, has a long history of research activity. Since 1969, we have been conducting http://www.eos.ubc.ca/research/glaciology/ |
6. National Snow And Ice Data Center (NSIDC) A new study coauthored by NSIDC Research Scientist Ted Scambos and published in Volume 54 of the Journal of glaciology sheds light on the 2002 collapse of http://eosims.colorado.edu/index.html | |
7. Aslak Grinsted (grinsted) Grinsted (2006) Advanced methods of glaciological modelling and time series analysis, Doctoral dissertation, Arctic Centre Reports 47. pdf Supervised by http://www.glaciology.net/ | |
8. WDC At NSIDC the World Data Center for glaciology, Boulder at the National Snow and Ice Data WDC for glaciology, Boulder receives support through a cooperative http://nsidc.org/wdc/ | |
9. Benchmark Glaciers Maintainer Rod March Last update Monday, November 05, 2007 0153 PM URL http//ak.water.usgs.gov/glaciology/all_bmg/bmg.htm. http://ak.water.usgs.gov/glaciology/ | |
10. INSTAAR Glaciology Group The glaciology Group is a focus area within the INSTAAR Geophysics Research Group. The glaciology group is composed of faculty, postdoctoral researchers, http://tintin.colorado.edu/ |
11. Glaciology -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on glaciology scientific discipline concerned with all aspects of ice on landmasses. It deals with the structure and http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9036957/glaciology | |
12. COSIS.net - Climatology And Glaciology - Session Programme Climatology and glaciology SolarTerrestrial Sciences Planetary and Solar System Sciences Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics http://www.cosis.net/members/meetings/programme/view.php?prg=10 |
13. Nsf.gov - Funding - Antarctic Glaciology Program - US National The glaciology program is concerned with the study of the history and dynamics of all naturally occurring forms of snow and ice, including floating ice http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=12798 |
14. College Search, College Resources, Career Information :: Schools In The USA Glaciologists are ice experts involved in the scientific study of glaciers and . There are not many schools that offer graduate degrees in glaciology. http://www.schoolsintheusa.com/careerprofiles_details.cfm?carid=394 |
15. Bristol Glaciology Centre The Bristol glaciology Centre (BGC) leads worldclass research in the following For details of Fully-funded PhD studentships in glaciology click here http://www.bgc.bris.ac.uk/ | |
16. Guide To World Data Centers For Glaciology, Lanzhou The World Data Center D for glaciology and Geocryology maintains a variety of data from variation of glaciers to engineering parameters for prevention of http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/wdc/china/glaciology.html | |
17. Glaciology The glaciological research in the Department is aimed at understanding local and smallscale processes related to snow and ice and predicting their role in http://www.atmos.washington.edu/academic/glaciology.html | |
18. Glaciology Longterm collaborations with Swedish and Russian glacial geologists, geomorphologists, and glaciologists, including student exchanges. http://www.climatechange.umaine.edu/Directory/depts/glaciology.html | |
19. Glaciology In Antarctica - Antarctic Connection glaciology in Antarctica, Discover what research is happening at the South Pole and other Antarctic research stations. The Antarctic Connection. http://www.antarcticconnection.com/antarctic/science/glaciology.shtml | |
20. Kilimanjaro Geology And Glaciology Kilimanjaro Geology and glaciology. Kilimanjaro Geology and glaciology. Kilimanjaro lies on a tectonic line intersection 80km. east of the tectonically http://www.kilimanjaro.cc/kgeology.htm | |
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