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41. 4th International Symposium On Remote Sensing In Glaciology Sponsors International Glaciological Society, EOS/Icesat Contact S. Ommanney International Glaciological Society, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1ER, http://www.agu.org/cgi-bin/gycal?details=1&file=2001060400000182572 |
42. Glaciology | Science Of Everyday Things | Find Articles At BNET.com glaciology from Science of Everyday Things in Reference provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gx5226/is_2002/ai_n19143904 | |
43. Nsf.gov - Office Of Polar Programs (OPP) Funding - Antarctic The glaciology program is concerned with the study of the history and dynamics of all The program, focused in the Antarctic glaciology Program and the |
44. Glaciology Definition, Usage And Pronunciation - YourDictionary.com glaciology definition, words related to glaciology, proper usage and pronunciation of the word glaciology from YourDictionary.com. http://www.yourdictionary.com/glaciology | |
45. IGY Photo Gallery - Glaciology Background and history of the International Geophysical Year, 19571958. http://www.nas.edu/history/igy/glaciology.html | |
46. More On Glaciers Pt 1- Intro To Glaciology « Climate Change More on glaciers Pt 1 Intro to glaciology. February 23, 2008 at 534 pm · Filed under glaciers. Roughly 10% of the land area on Earth is covered by http://chriscolose.wordpress.com/2008/02/23/more-on-glaciers-pt-1-intro-to-glaci | |
47. Access : : Nature Feb 22, 2007 glaciology Lubricating lakes. Jack Kohler1. Top of page . glaciology Icesheet plumbing in Antarctica. Nature News and Views (20 Apr http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v445/n7130/full/445830a.html | |
48. Antarctica, Ice Terminology And Glaciology, Antarctic Geology, Underwater Photog Ice Polar Scuba Diving in Arctic Antarctic Antarctica Peninsula Expeditions Cruises Travel, Underwater Photography, Stock Images, multimedia presentations http://www.ecophotoexplorers.com/antarctica_geology.asp | |
49. Science/AAAS | Science Magazine: Sign In The Soviet effort began in 1972; in 1984, another team joined in, led by Claude Lorius of the Laboratory of glaciology and Geophysics of the Environment http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/279/5351/658 | |
50. Wiley::Field Techniques In Glaciology And Glacial Geomorphology Field Techniques in glaciology and Glacial Geomorphology is the first text to provide this essential information in a single comprehensive volume. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470844264.html | |
51. SALE, Glaciology, And Ice Sheet Interactions: Hydro(geo)logy Of A Glaciated Cont SALE, glaciology, and Ice Sheet Interactions Hydro(geo)logy of a Glaciated Continent. by CKennicutt last modified 200707-25 1350 http://scarsale.tamu.edu/key-programs/ice-sheets/sale-glaciology-and-ice-sheet-i | |
52. Glaciology - Wiktionary glaciology. the study of ice and its effect on the landscape, especially the study of glaciers. Retrieved from http//en.wiktionary.org/wiki/glaciology http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/glaciology | |
53. Glaciology And The Ice Age. EJ301843 glaciology and the Ice Age. A bibliography of classical research on glaciology is included. (BC). Abstractor N/A. Reference Count N/A http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ301843 |
54. Nearctica - Geophysics - Glaciology Links to Other glaciologyRelated WWW Sites. A set of links to academic and governmental organizations working in glaciology. SEA ICE http://www.nearctica.com/geology/glacier.htm | |
55. MODELLING FORMER ICE SHEETS - THE INTEGRATION OF GLACIOLOGY AND GLACIAL GEOLOGY The former fail to utilise the capacity of models to represent modern glaciological understanding and to create internally consistent ice sheets that are http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2002AM/finalprogram/abstract_41280.htm | |
56. Polar Meteorology And Glaciology (JournalSeek) JournalSeek entry for Polar Meteorology and glaciology (Polar Meteorol Glaciol). http://journalseek.net/cgi-bin/journalseek/journalsearch.cgi?field=issn&query=13 |
57. ScienceDirect - Quaternary Science Reviews : Glaciology Of The British Isles Ice Together they represent logical deductions from geological data about glaciological properties of the palaeoice sheet through the medium of the model. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379106002939 | |
58. Antarctica - Wired Antarctica - Glaciology Antarctica Wired Antarctica, CRYSYS, Canadian Interdisciplinary Science Investigation using the Cryospheric System to monitor global change in Canada. http://www.wiredantarctica.com/science/glaciology-2.html | |
59. Analysis Of Control Sites: Limnology And Glaciology. In anticipation of a demonstration project, limnological and glaciological studies were conducted on the St. Lawrence River during the period February http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA |
60. Open Directory : Science : Earth Sciences : Quaternary Studies : Glaciology Centre for glaciology, University of Wales, Aberystwyth Research focus is on glaciology and Glaciological data collected on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska. http://www.feedbus.com/odp/index.php?c=Science/Earth_Sciences/Quaternary_Studies |
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