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1. Insect - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia insects (Class Insecta) are a major group of arthropods and the most diverse group of animals on the Earth, with over a million described speciesmore than http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insect | |
2. Insects On The Web The fascinating stories of insects and the roles they play in our lives. Cultural entomology, insect macrophotography, educational resources and links to http://www.insects.org/ | |
3. Insect Printouts - AllAboutNature.com Insect Printouts. Print out animal pages/information sheets to color. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/insects/printouts.shtml | |
4. Let's Talk About Insects Explains what is and isn t an insect. Includes the parts of the body, how they eat, see, and breathe, why insects are helpful and when they are pests. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/insects/01.html | |
5. Koday's Kids Amazing Insects One of the best insect sites on the internet for kids! Lots of great insect pictures and facts. Great information for insect projects! http://www.ivyhall.district96.k12.il.us/4TH/KKHP/1insects/bugmenu.html | |
6. The Insects Home Page The Wonderful World of insects, introducing the insect in all its amazing variety, with links to the many more detailed pages that make up this site. http://www.earthlife.net/insects/six.html | |
7. Insects, Insect, Insect Anatomy At LiveScience.com LiveScience.com explains insects, insect, insect anatomy, household insect and cricket insect. http://www.livescience.com/insects/ | |
8. Insects > Franklin Institute Educational Hotlists insects and Humans. insects and Human Society Impact of insects on Human History Insect-Themed Food insects as Food Get This Bug Off of Me http://www.fi.edu/learn/hotlists/insects.php | |
9. Insects Easier insects are small creatures (animal kingdom) with three pair of legs, a body with three main sections, and tough shell-like outer covering. http://42explore.com/insects.htm | |
10. Insect Lesson Plans Insect Library Prepare your classroom for a unit on insects by collecting books, magazines and pamphlets on insects, entomology, etc. http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/Insect.htm |
11. Virtual Insects Collection of virtual insects. http://www.ento.vt.edu/~sharov/3d/virtual.html | |
12. USDA Agricultural Research Service Living Fossil Is Half Insect, a Half Worm, and All Hunter Yucky Maids All in a Row That Plant s Toast (When insects Attack, Some Plants Fight Back ) http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/kids/insects/insectintro.htm | |
13. Insects Unit For Teachers - Links To Printables, Lessons, Ideas, Books, And More If you are doing a insect unit with your class, then you have come to a great place to get insect lessons, poems, printables, links, books, and much more. http://www.teachingheart.net/teachinsects.html | |
14. Insects insects on the Web This site aims to help you really see insects for the miniature marvels they represent and to understand how intertwined our cultures http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/web/insects.html | |
15. Insects Quality Sites that contain information about insects. http://www.kidinfo.com/Science/Insects.html | |
16. Iowa State University's Tasty Insect Recipes Insect recipes tastetested by brave college students for your culinary pleasure. http://www.ent.iastate.edu/misc/insectsasfood.html | |
17. ENature: FieldGuides: Insects And Spiders eNature Field Guides to insects and Spiders Comprehensive guide to America s insects and spiders with species pictures, field descriptions, http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/intermediate.asp?curGroupID=4 |
18. ADW: Insecta: Information With around one million named species and perhaps several times that number unnamed, insects account for a great majority of the species of animals on earth http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Insecta.html | |
19. Insecta The relationships of primitively wingless insects to each other and to winged . Nomina Insecta Nearctica. A Checklist of the insects of North America. http://www.tolweb.org/Insecta | |
20. Information Sheets The information sheets provide helpful facts about the insects called for in the Center for Insect Science Education Outreach The University of Arizona http://insected.arizona.edu/info.htm | |
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