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1. Microbiology Jobs And Information Microbiology jobs involve the study of living organisms of microscopic size generally organisms 1mm = microorganism (microbe). http://www.unixl.com/dir/life_sciences/microbiology/ | |
2. Life Sciences Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows And Meetings life_sciences Mathematics Mechanical Meteorology Nanotechnology Oceanography Paleontology http://www.allconferences.com/Science/Life_Sciences/ | |
3. GOLD GOLD Protein-Ligand Docking. GOLD is a program for calculating the docking modes of small molecules into protein binding sites. http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/products/life_sciences/gold/ | |
4. Oracle Remote Data Capture Oracle Remote Data Capture (RDC) is built upon the same data model as Oracle Clinical. This brings many benefits as the same data entry screens and edit http://www.oracle.com/industries/life_sciences/remote-data-capture.html |
5. Scientists Discover Genetic Key To Growing Hardier, More Productive Plants Findings, to be published in Oct. 7 Science, may prompt textbook changes A team of scientists led by University of Connecticut plant biologist Roberto http://www.innovations-report.com/html/reports/life_sciences/report-50103.html | |
6. Cognos Communities: Tag: Life_sciences The content tagged with life_sciences does not match the filter settings above, or you do not have sufficient permissions to view the content. http://communities.cognos.com/home/tags/life_sciences;jsessionid=79C496715DDBA09 |
7. Welcome To The Pharmacy Department Department of Pharmacy King s College London FranklinWilkins Building 150 Stamford Street London SE1 9NN Tel 020 7848 4783 Fax 020 7848 4800 http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/schools/life_sciences/health/pharmacy/top.html | |
8. Life Sciences Life Sciences; Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology (CLS/MT) Training Program Clinical Trials Medical Device and Drug Development http://unex.uci.edu/certificates/life_sciences/ | |
9. NamedGraphs In Life_Sciences From Eric Neumann On 2006-10-18 (public-semweb-life NamedGraphs in life_sciences. This message Message body Respond More options ; Related messages Next message Previous message Next http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-semweb-lifesci/2006Oct/0043.html | |
10. Portal:Life Sciences - Wikiversity Retrieved from http//en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Portallife_sciences . Categories Life Sciences Wikiversity portals http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Portal:Life_Sciences | |
11. CiteULike: Tag Life_sciences [1 Article] Recent papers classified by the tag life_sciences. posted to life_sciences developing_countries capacity_building by cmmorel on 200712-12 111449 as http://www.citeulike.org/tag/life_sciences | |
12. Re: NamedGraphs In Life_S: Msg#00046 Previous by Thread NamedGraphs in life_sciences, Eric Neumann. Next by Thread BIONT Telecon Minutes + Action Items, Kashyap, Vipul http://osdir.com/ml/org.w3c.working-groups.swhcls/2006-10/msg00046.html | |
13. Spotfire DecisionSite 8.1 For Life Sciences - TIBCO Spotfire Downloads. Solutions Overview. Speed Your Ability to Make Confident Business Decisions. Whitepapers. What s new in DecisionSite 8.1 http://spotfire.tibco.com/solutions/life_sciences/ds81.cfm | |
14. Clarkston Consulting www.clarkstonconsulting.com/clients/case_studies/life_sciences/bi.html 14.898 Kb. Clarkston Consulting Case Studies - Biotechnology Firm - New, http://www.clarkstonconsulting.com/searchpro/index.php?q=exceptional&g=0&num=20& |
15. Re: NamedGraphs In Life_Sciences Re NamedGraphs in life_sciences. Jun Zhao Fri, 20 Oct 2006 032042 0700. Eric Neumann wrote Hi Eric,. We welcome others to add their own examples or http://www.mail-archive.com/public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org/msg01388.html | |
16. International Graduate School: Life Sciences The Graduate School of Life Sciences. Interdisciplinary research training is key to the success of tomorrow s life scientist. The University of Würzburg http://www.graduateschools.uni-wuerzburg.de/life_sciences/ | |
17. Oxford Journals | Subject Areas Subject Areas. Our Journals Access Purchase For Authors For Librarians For Societies Corporate Services Oxford Journals; Subject Areas http://www.oxfordjournals.org/subject/life_sciences/ | |
18. Index Of /software/life_sciences/genetics . Parent Directory 01Sep-1999 1553 - curacao/ 01-Sep-1999 1609......Index of /software/life_sciences/genetics. Name Last modified Size http://archives.math.utk.edu/software/life_sciences/genetics/ | |
19. Shopping, Publications, Books, Science, Life Sciences - Findtarget.com Findtarget.com delivers comprehensive Shopping, Publications, Books, Science, Life Sciences content to satisfy your Shopping, Publications, Books, Science, http://findtarget.com/FT/Shopping/Publications/Books/Science/Life_Sciences | |
20. Venture Capital Directory — Bio-Life Sciences Listing BoogarLists publishes a business listing and directory of venture capital resources, financial services, business services, operations services, http://www.boogar.com/resources/venturecapital/bio-life_sciences.htm | |
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