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1. Malacology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia malacology is the branch of invertebrate zoology which deals with the study of mollusks, the secondlargest phylum of animals in terms of described species. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malacology | |
2. INHS Malacology Info malacology is the study of Mollusks. malacology differs from Conchology which is the study of shells only. There are over 100000 described living mollusk http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/cbd/main/geninfo/malaco.html | |
3. Home - Division Of Malacology - FLMNH Within the broad category of invertebrate zoology, malacology is devoted to the study of mollusks, the second largest phylum of animals in terms of http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/malacology/ | |
4. Malacology malacology is the study of molluscsinvertebrate creatures with soft, unsegmented bodies, many of which house themselves in shells. http://www.hmns.org/exhibits/permanent_exhibits/malacology.asp | |
5. Main The malacology Department at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County promotes the scientific study, conservation, and aquisition of Recent http://www.nhm.org/research/malacology/ | |
6. Malacology Department The malacology Department homepage has been relocated to http//www.ansp.org/research/biodiv/malacology_home.php. Please update your links! http://data.acnatsci.org/ | |
7. Science Division - Bishop Museum malacology. Collection Size Approximately 6000000 specimens in over 248000 lots (9th largest mollusk Click here to access the malacology databases. http://www.bishopmuseum.org/research/natsci/mala/mala.html | |
8. Malacology In Latvia / Malakologie In Lettland Directory of Latvian malacologists, checklist of species, bibliography and other related research about malacology. http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/hall/9551/index.html | |
9. ANSP Malacology Home Page The Academy of Natural Sciences has a long tradition of excellence and influence in the field of malacology, the study of mollusks. http://clade.acnatsci.org/malacology/ | |
10. The Academy Of Natural Sciences This database contains 549991 records related to aproximately 450000 lots in the malacology department collections. These records are derived from three http://clade.ansp.org/malacology/collections/ | |
11. ANSP - Systematics & Evolution - Malacology This page introduces the malacology Department of The Academy of Natural Sciences, ANSP. The malacology Department is part of the Center for Systematic http://www.ansp.org/research/biodiv/malacology_home.php | |
12. AMNH Malacology malacology Collections Personnel malacology Research Dr. Paula M. Mikkelsen Invertebrate Zoology AMNH Research AMNH http://research.amnh.org/invertzoo/malacology/ | |
13. Journal Of Medical And Applied Malacology The International Society for Medical and Applied malacology is devoted specifically to the concerns of applied malacology, i.e., to medical, veterinary and http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mologis/MedAplMa.html | |
14. COA :: COA Grants To Malacology Since the inception of the program in June, 1985, the COA has awarded over $140290.00 in grants in the field of malacology. Individual grants range between http://www.conchologistsofamerica.org/grants/ | |
15. New Books » Malacology malacology. Report of the Regional Workshop on the Monitoring and Management of (You are currently browsing the archives for the malacology category. http://library.mcz.harvard.edu/newbooks/?cat=14 |
16. Malacology The malacology Collection which is the collection of recent mollusks is the oldest in the country, and the second largest catalogued one in the world. http://www.academiaexchange.net/1.Science_Exchange/Nature_Expos/Collection/Malac | |
17. Data Use Agreement - GBIF Portal View event logs for Academy of Natural Sciences malacology Database; New! Georeferencing of the malacology collection database was accomplished by Dan http://data.gbif.org/datasets/resource/175 | |
18. Malacology The Museum s malacology collection was started in 1976 when Janke Kolff donated her extensive, personal mollusc collection. Today, the collection has grown http://www.umnh.utah.edu/pageview.aspx?menu=5786&id=19896 |
19. CD Baby: CLAMNATION: Volume III: Malacology With three recordings to their credit, and the newest, Volume III malacology, drawing rave reviews from local and national press, Clamnation is continuing http://cdbaby.com/cd/clamnation | |
20. The Other 95%: New Malacology Open Access Journal For everything malacological and freely available over the net! Another openaccess malacology journal is Mollusca http//www.mollusca-journal.de/ http://other95.blogspot.com/2008/02/new-marine-biology-open-access-journal.html | |
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