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61. Mammals Took Their Sweet Time To Flourish, Study Shows - New York Times The mass extinction of the dinosaurs and other life did not immediately clear the way for todays dominant species. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/29/science/29mammal.html | |
62. The Money Mammals - Helping Improve Childrenâs Financial Literacy By Teachi The Money mammals Saving Money Is Fun Kids Club is now available to be customized for credit union s nationwide. This premium youth marketing program is http://www.themoneymammals.com/ | |
63. Guidelines For The Care And Use Of Mammals In Neuroscience And Behavioral Resear Expanding on the National Research Council s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, this book deals specifically with mammals in neuroscience and http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10732.html | |
64. African Marine Mammals With the help of marine mammal scientists in the United States and abroad, the information on these pages has been pulled together to provide a brief http://csiwhalesalive.org/africa.html | |
65. Mammals: WhoZoo mammals at the Fort Worth Zoo Small mammals. American Porcupine Prairie Dogs NineBanded Armadillo Longnosed Bats The mammals A Family Tree. http://whozoo.org/mammals/mammals.htm | |
66. Ocean Life: Mammals -Characteristics mammals are a group of vertebrates (animals that have a backbone). Certain characteristics separate them from all other animals mammals breathe air through http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/life/mammals1.htm | |
67. EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS AND THE AGE OF REPTILES Cenozoic (the Age of mammals ) The diversification of flowering plants, insects, birds and mammals, and the appearance of humans. http://www.dbc.uci.edu/~sustain/bio65/lec02/b65lec02.htm | |
68. Mammalian Genome Project - Broad The mammalian genome project is a NIHfunded effort to expand the current genome coverage of the mammals (human, chimpanzee, mouse, dog, http://www.broad.mit.edu/mammals/ | |
69. Mammals CDC Rabies Just 4 Kids mammals are also warmblooded animals, which means they are able to keep their body temperatures stable whether it is cold or hot outside. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/kidsrabies/Animals/mammals.htm |
70. Neatorama » Blog Archive » 5 Extreme Mammals mammals are warmblooded, covered with hair, bear live young, and produce milk to feed them, and we like to think of ourselves as the best mammal around. http://www.neatorama.com/2007/11/16/5-extreme-mammals/ | |
71. Natural History Museum: Exploring Mammals www.nhm.org/mammals/home.html 3k - Cached - Similar pages WORLD REGIONSMammal checklists of all countries of the world, distribution in protected areas and national parks of cats, bats, monkeys, primates, whales, seals, http://www.nhm.org/mammals/home.html |
72. InfoNatura - Animals And Ecosystems Of Latin America InfoNatura Animals and Ecosystems of Latin America Conservation information for more than 5500 species in 44 countries. http://www.natureserve.org/infonatura/ | |
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