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61. NHC Microbiology Links links to the following bacteria identification, structure and function, viruses, protists, helminthes, fungi, pathology,control of microbes, hostparasite http://science.nhmccd.edu/biol/microbio.html | |
62. Microbiology -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on microbiology study of microorganisms, or microbes, a diverse group of minute, simple life forms that include http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9110586/microbiology | |
63. 3M Microbiology Worldwide Offers equipment for testing, educational programs, and links to academic and trade resources. http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_WW/microbiology-worldwide/home/ | |
64. Environmental Microbiology Laboratory EMLab provides mold testing, bacterial testing, allergen testing, and other services for IAQ professionals. http://www.emlab.com/ | |
65. Trends In Microbiology Every issue of Trends in microbiology provides succinct summaries, opinion and discussion of the most exciting current research in all aspects of http://www.trends.com/tim/default.htm | |
66. SfAM The oldest microbiological society in the UK, with more than 1700 members worldwide. It is dedicated to advancing the science of microbiology. http://www.sfam.org.uk/ | |
67. Brazilian Journal Of Microbiology - Home Page To publish original research papers, research notes and, occasionally, reviews, covering all aspects of microbiology. Former Title Revista de Microbiologia http://www.scielo.br/bjm |
68. Microbiology International - HOME microbiology International Laboratory Automation for the microbiologist. Search by product or application. Find informative publications related to http://www.800ezmicro.com/ | |
69. Department Of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Stony Brook University 130 Life Sciences Building Stony Brook, NY 117945222 Phone 631-632-8800 Fax 631-632-9797. http://www.mgm.stonybrook.edu/index.shtml | |
70. ESCMID European Society Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases ESCMID is a European Professional Society active in Clinical microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Its Mission is to improve the Diagnosis, Treatment and http://www.escmid.org/ | |
71. Thieme ElectronicBook Library : Medical Microbiology Medical microbiology. 2005. 698 pages, 521 illustrations, 97 tables. eISBN 9781604061222. Georg Thieme Verlag. While medical and hygienic developments have http://www.thieme.com/ebooklibrary/flexibook/pubid1017145060/index.html | |
72. Reviews In Medical Microbiology - Home Journal of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Covering developments and techniques in medical microbiology, virology, mycology, http://www.revmedmicrobiol.com/ | |
73. Table Of Contents: Microbiology Links to articles found in the CELLS alive! website. http://www.cellsalive.com/toc_micro.htm | |
74. Waksman Foundation For Microbiology The Waksman Foundation for microbiology is a private, charitable organization, established in 1951. Its purpose, as expressed in its Certificate of http://www.waksmanfoundation.org/ | |
75. Marine Microbiology Initiative - Gordon And Betty Moore Foundation In less than 10 years after incorporating a variety of modern molecular tools, the field of marine microbiology has made amazing progress through the http://www.moore.org/marine-micro.aspx | |
76. Indian Journal Of Medical Microbiology: Free Full Text Articles From Indian J Me Official peerreviewed open access publication Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. http://www.ijmm.org/ | |
77. Welcome To The Department Of Microbiology The faculty of the Department of microbiology carry out multidisciplinary research programs in microbial genetics, pathogenesis, immunology, and virology. http://www.microbio.uab.edu/ | |
78. Archive Of "Applied Microbiology". Applied and Environmental microbiology Vols. 31 to 73; 1976 to 2007 Articles from Applied microbiology are provided here courtesy of http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=145&action=archive |
79. Microbiology, NUI Galway Welcome to the microbiology Web site. The Department of microbiology at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) is situated at the back http://www.nuigalway.ie/microbiology/ | |
80. Microbiology A plethora of information and resources pertaining to microbiology, bacteriology, and virology. Find information on cells, bacteria, viruses and other http://biology.about.com/od/microbiology/Microbiology.htm | |
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