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21. Oxford Journals | Life Sciences | Journal Of Electron Microscopy The Journal of Electron microscopy is the official journal of the Japanese Society of microscopy, the second largest society of microscopy in the world. http://jmicro.oxfordjournals.org/ | |
22. Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: Microscopy Research And Technique Electron microscopy and morphometric analyses of microtubules in two differently sized types of axons in the protocerebral tract of a crustacean (p 214219) http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/1059-910X | |
23. Microscopy Today Home Page Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the microscopy Today Magazine microscopy Today 1001 Starkey Road, 374 Largo, FL 33771. Tel 727507-7101 FAX 727-507-7102 http://www.microscopy-today.com/ | |
24. Homepage Of Focus On Microscopy Conference Series The Focus on microscopy 2007 conference was very successful. For a great deal thanks to the enthusiastic organization by the team of the University of http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/ |
25. ANL Microscopy And Microanalysis WWW Server This WWW server can provides you with access to upto-date information about State-of-the-Art microscopy and Microanalysis programs in the AAEM/TPM effort http://www.amc.anl.gov/ | |
26. Electron Microscopy Sciences, Diatome Diamond Knives, Summers Optical And EMS Co A complete online Product Catalog of chemicals, supplies, accessories, and equipment for Electron and Light microscopy, Histology, Cell Biology, http://www.emsdiasum.com/ | |
27. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Image gallery of metal surfaces, generated at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA. http://www.almaden.ibm.com/vis/stm/ | |
28. What Are Electron Microscopes? Electron microscopy. What are Electron Microscopes? Electron Microscopes are scientific instruments that use a beam of highly energetic electrons to examine http://www.unl.edu/CMRAcfem/em.htm | |
29. Microscopy Vendors Database Online database of microscopy vendors from optical and electron microscopy, spectroscopy, microanalysis, spare parts, and image analysis. http://www.kaker.com/mvd/vendors.html | |
30. Open Microscopy Environment Resource for the analysis and classification of biological images using a databasedriven three-tier software system, maintained by MIT. http://www.openmicroscopy.org/ | |
31. NCEM National Center For Electron Microscopy Microscopes and Facilities New Research Publications TEAM Project Seminars Gallery microscopy Links. Last updated January 23, 2008. http://ncem.lbl.gov/ | |
32. Cambridge Journals Online - Microscopy And Microanalysis microscopy and Microanalysis publishes original research papers in the fields of microscopy, imaging, and compositional analysis. http://journals.cambridge.org/jid_MAM | |
33. Journal Of Microscopy - Journal Information Journal of microscopy journal information, contents lists and abstracts on the Blackwell Publishing website. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/jmi/ | |
34. How AFM Works 22, 804816; Hoh, J.H. and Hansma, P.K. (1992) Atomic force microscopy for high-resolution imaging in cell biology. Trends Cell Bio. 2, 208-213; Keller, http://stm2.nrl.navy.mil/how-afm/how-afm.html | |
35. Scanning Electron Microscopy Questions and Comments? This page is maintained by Josh Klesel and the Material Science and Engineering Department at Iowa State University. http://mse.iastate.edu/microscopy/home.html | |
36. NCMIR The mission of The National Center for microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR) is to develop technologies to bridge understanding of biological systems http://ncmir.ucsd.edu/ | |
37. Advanced Surface Microscopy - Home Page Advanced Surface microscopy provides Atomic Force Microscope analytical services, sells calibration standards, sells patented DiscTrack Plus measurement http://www.asmicro.com/ | |
38. Lehigh Microscopy School World s best short courses in electron microscopy and related fields. SEM TEM AFM Microanalysis AnalyticalEM Microdiffraction Spec-Prep Cryo-SEM. http://www.lehigh.edu/microscopy/ | |
39. Electron Microscopy Yellow Pages Welcome to the Electron microscopy Yellow Pages. The purpose of this service is to provide an extensive collection of links related to electron microscopy http://cimewww.epfl.ch/EMYP/emyp.html | |
40. A Web Atlas Of Cellular Structures: Microscopy Three different types of microscopy were used to generate the images in this atlas, and in certain cases differing methods of obtaining the images were http://www.itg.uiuc.edu/technology/atlas/microscopy/ | |
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