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41. EUROPEAN MICROSCOPY SOCIETY (EMS) EUROPEAN CORPORATE MEMBER ASSEMBLY (ECMA) Deadline for candidates for the quadrennial FEIEuropean microscopy Awards is April 1, 2008. new positions listed on the job-info page . http://www.eurmicsoc.org/ | |
42. International Federation Of Societies For Microscopy IFSM s aim is to contribute to the advancement of microscopy in all its aspects. It comprises microscopy societies from all around the world http://www.ifsm.umn.edu/ | |
43. Electron Microscopy Center The center develops and maintains unique capabilities for electron beam characterization and applies those capabilities to solve materials problems. http://www.msd.anl.gov/groups/emc/ | |
44. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) SPM covers AFM, STM, NSOM and related microscopes. It explains these powerful new microscopes, illustrates their applications, and links to other sites on http://www.mobot.org/jwcross/spm/ | |
45. Electron Microscopy - SEM - TEM - SPI Supplies® SourceBook Catalog - Microscope SPI Supplies OnLine Catalog Table of Contents of microscopy supplies lists products by category, from instruments of sample preparation, including sputter http://www.2spi.com/catalog.html | |
46. Modern Microscopy www.modernmicroscopy.com/ 5k - Cached - Similar pages Electron microscopyElectron microscopy. Return to the histotechnology menu. The following grayscale electron micrographic images are available file sizes average 100 to 160k http://www.modernmicroscopy.com/ |
47. SEM Issues Or Questions To Gary.Bauchan@ars.usda.gov Lots of changes at ECMU including a new name, Dr. Gary Bauchan will be introducing Confocal microscopy to the mix here in Beltsville, as well as picking up http://emu.arsusda.gov/ | |
48. Microscopy Microanalysis Microstructures microscopy, Microanalysis, Microstructures, continued by The European Physical microscopy Microanalysis - Materials science (metals, semi-conductors, http://www.edpsciences.org/mmm | |
49. Enhancing A Microscope Image In the past 20 years, video has played an increasingly prominent role in the improvement of biological microscopy. Even a poorlylit image with very low http://www.cellsalive.com/enhance0.htm | |
50. Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: Microscopy Research And Technique The most significant papers published over the past 30 years in SCANNING, defining the new directions and capabilities of microscopy and microanalysis. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/117927939/tocgroup | |
51. CIVM Home We offer 2T, 7T, and 9.4T MR microscopy, microCT, micro X-ray, ultrasound, and optical imaging technologies. For details about our imaging facilities, http://www.civm.duhs.duke.edu/ | |
52. Microscopy-UK's International Micoscopy Gallery Help Page This is the access page to microscopyUK s visitor s gallery. Everyone can view the images in the gallery. If you have images of interest to Microscopists, http://www.microscopy-uk.net/ | |
53. SYNCROSCOPY - Digital 3D Microscopy Unique systems that solve fundamental microscopy problems. Our digital microscopy systems Auto-Montage, Montage Explorer, AcQuis, Quantage and Syncroscan http://www.syncroscopy.com/ |
54. Quantitative Fluorescent Microscopy 2007 This one week, intensive microscopy course will cover all aspects of the technology from the principals of fluorescence imaging to multidimensional imaging http://www.cbi.pitt.edu/qfm/index.html | |
55. Bowling Green State University:Dept. Of Biology Algal Image Laboratory Center for Algal microscopy and Image Digitization will open in new window. Department of Biological Sciences Phone 1419-372-2332 Fax 1-419-372- http://www.bgsu.edu/Departments/biology/algae/ | |
56. Connecticut Microscopy Society ConnMS is a group of scientists and students gathered to exchange information regarding electron, light, confocal, atomic force and fluorescence http://connms.org/ |
57. UI Central Microscopy Research Facilities We provide a wide variety of microscopy technology for materials and biomedical investigators, an experienced staff, 24/7 access and support for both the http://www.uiowa.edu/~cemrf/ | |
58. X-ray Optics And Microscopy At Stony Brook Research describing use of coherent soft Xrays for optics experiments, including Fresnel zone plates, to produce the smallest focused spot of http://xray1.physics.sunysb.edu/ | |
59. Microscopy At The University Of Wisconsin-Madison Epifluorescent light micrograph showing microbial colonization of the surface of a tomato root. Image courtesy of Holly Simon, 1999. http://www.microscopy.wisc.edu/ | |
60. Scanning Electron Microscope Learn about the scanning electron microscope and its uses. http://www.mos.org/sln/SEM/ | |
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