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1. Mineralogy Database Complete, upto-date, mineral database containing 4442 mineral species descriptions and comprehensive picture library of images. http://webmineral.com/ | |
2. Mineralogy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia mineralogy is an Earth Science focused around the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical (including optical) properties of minerals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineralogy | |
3. MSA's Rock'n Internet Site Learn about rocks and minerals. Ask questions and play mineral games online. http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/K12/K_12.html | |
4. Mineralogy -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on mineralogy scientific discipline that is concerned with all aspects of minerals, including their physical http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9052833/mineralogy | |
5. Geology 3010 Mineralogy Syllabus Fall, 2007 Nov. 15 Systematic mineralogy Native Elements Lecture Notes Native elements Adopta-Mineral Paper Due Lecture Notes Systematic Descriptive mineralogy http://ruby.colorado.edu/~smyth/syl3010.html | |
6. Mineralogy Database Complete mineral database containing more than 5000 pages of mineral data. There are 4102 mineral species descriptions linked to mineral tables by http://web.wt.net/~daba/Mineral/ | |
7. Mineralogy Database - Mineral Collecting, Localities, Mineral The web s most comprehensive and regularly updated mineralogy database with information on minerals from around the world and thousands of photos. http://www.mindat.org/ |
8. Colgate Mineralogy mineralogy. Minerals are the stuff of which planets are composed, the material from which civilizations are built, and the coveted jewels and precious http://classes.colgate.edu/rapril/geol201/ | |
9. ATHENA: MINERALOGY; Pierre Perroud Athena mineralogy a systematic classification of minerals. http://un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/mineral/mineral.html | |
10. Mineralogy And Petrology Research On The Web Links to web pages (eg, journals, organizations, and research groups) especially useful for researchers in mineralogy and petrology. http://homepages.udayton.edu/~koziol/resminpet.html | |
11. Mineralogy mineralogy, Lithology and Crystallography (with a database for crystal structures) The mineralogical collections, originating from the first half of the http://www.academiaexchange.net/1.Science_Exchange/Nature_Expos/Collection/Miner | |
12. Mineralogy Syllabus - Fall 2007 The Earth is a geological system, and mineralogy serves as a foundation for its study. Minerals are the fundamental building blocks of the Earth. http://www.geol.lsu.edu/dutrow/mingy/index.html | |
13. Union College Geology Department, Kurt Hollocher, Mineralogy Course Home Page mineralogy Home Page. Resources. Syllabus Study guide Web resources Mineral properties Useful little mineral spreadsheet programs for homework and http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/GEODEPT/COURSES/mineralogy/ | |
14. SCI-BITES: Journals Ranked By Impact: Mineralogy Journals Ranked by Impact mineralogy. 7, Mineralogical Magazine (1.27), European J. mineralogy (2.68), Clay Minerals (10.38). 8, Applied Clay Science http://www.in-cites.com/research/2005/october_10_2005-1.html | |
15. POLICY STATEMENT AND COURSE SCHEDULE mineralogy is a detailed study of minerals including their nature and identification. The course includes lecture and laboratory activities. http://courses.missouristate.edu/EMantei/Mineralogy/syllabus.html | |
16. Mineralogy Announcing New Content for Faculty and Students New module on Teaching Phase Equilibria This webbased learning resource provides a comprehensive http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/mineralogy/ | |
17. Mineralogy And Crystallography Software is a mineralogical database that contains all minerals approved by the IMA, as well as some not yet approved ones. It also makes use of the systematic http://www.minerant.org/software.html | |
18. Friends Of Mineralogy Friends of mineralogy is dedicated to the advancement of serious interest in minerals and related activities. http://www.friendsofmineralogy.org/ | |
19. Yale Peabody Museum: The Collections: Mineralogy The Division of mineralogy oversees an historically important worldwide collection of approximately 35000 specimens, with 36 documented type specimens, http://www.yale.edu/peabody/collections/min/ | |
20. Reviews In Mineralogy And Geochemistry Web site for Reviews in mineralogy and Geochemistry. http://rimg.geoscienceworld.org/ | |
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