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21. SpringerLink Home - Main www.springerlink.com/openurl. asp?genre=journal issn=00107999 - Similar pages Philatelic mineralogy Gem, Rock, and Mineral Postage Stamps Topical stamps that feature minerals, rocks, and gems. http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0010-7999 |
22. Moon Mineralogy Mapper - The Moon mineralogy Mapper (M3) is one of two instruments that NASA is contributing to India s first mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan1, which is scheduled http://moonmineralogymapper.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
23. Geology 249, Mineralogy And Optical Mineralogy, Mickey Gunter www.uidaho.edu/~mgunter/geol249/geol249.html Similar pages MainFrameJohn DuNann Winter. Professor of Geology. (509) 527-5113. -5904 (fax). If you have adopted my text and have comments, corrections, or requests, http://www.uidaho.edu/~mgunter/geol249/geol249.html | |
24. Friends Of Mineralogy The Friends of mineralogy (FM) is an organization devoted to the advancement of serious interest in minerals and related activities. http://www.indiana.edu/~minerals/fm.html | |
25. Elements Download mineralogy/Geochemistry Societies Annual Catalogue 2008 (5.8 MB pdf) A publication of the Mineralogical Society of America, the Mineralogical http://www.elementsmagazine.org/ |
26. Mineralogy Of Wisconsin www.uwrf.edu/~wc01/WiscMin.html Similar pages mineralogy SyllabusIntroduction to mineralogy / Physical properties of minerals . Lecture/Lab Optical mineralogy Recognition of common minerals in thin section using http://www.uwrf.edu/~wc01/WiscMin.html |
27. Geol 284 Mineralogy-Lang Geology 284 mineralogy - Fall 2007. Dr. Helen M. Lang Text mineralogy, 2nd Edition, Dexter Perkins, 2002. Field Trips http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~lang/Geol284/geol284.htm | |
28. BSP :: The Open Mineralogy Journal Home Page The Open mineralogy Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews and letters in all areas of mineralogy; http://www.bentham.org/open/tomj/index.htm | |
29. Hudson Institute Of Mineralogy Dedicated to the discovery, study and preservation of rare mineral species, and to increasing public awareness and appreciation of the mineral kingdom http://www.hudsonmineralogy.org/ | |
30. Mineralogy - Delaware Geological Survey mineralogy. Delaware Minerals. The description and identification of minerals in Delaware dates from the first quarter of the nineteenth century. http://www.dgs.udel.edu/Geology/Mineralogy/index.aspx | |
31. European Journal Of Mineralogy Web site for European Journal of mineralogy. European Journal of mineralogy is published by the E. Schweizerbart sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Science http://eurjmin.geoscienceworld.org/ | |
32. Syllabus 12/04 Introduction to optical mineralogy Chap. 7, p. 292298 (5) To gain an introductory understanding of the methods used in optical mineralogy. http://earth.boisestate.edu/classes/geol221/syllabus.htm | |
33. Minerals And Mineral Collecting -- MineralCollecting.org You are here MineralCollecting.org US mineralogy Literature List mineralogy and Paragenesis of the McAllister SnTa-bearing pegmatite, Coosa County, http://www.mineralcollecting.org/literature/ | |
34. Welcome To Mineralogy 360 Crystallography, optical mineralogy, xray diffraction, silicate and non-silicate mineralogy. This is a 4 credit laboratory course taught in the Fall http://www.geology.wisc.edu/courses/g360/index.html | |
35. Mineralogy Notes mineralogy Powerpoint Lectures (2007). Introduction, Physical Properties Crystal Morphology Symmetry 1 Symmetry 2 Crystal Chemistry 1 http://geology.csupomona.edu/drjessey/class/minnotes.htm | |
36. New York State Academy Of Mineralogy Museum staff representing the Academy may be contacted by email at nysam@mail.nysed.gov. http://www.nysam.org/ |
37. Pennsylvania Chapter Of The Friends Of Mineralogy The Friends of mineralogy is a National nonprofit organization devoted to a love of mineral specimens and a desire to spread appreciation and knowledge of http://www.geocities.com/sajas.geo/FM/index.htm | |
38. Downs Group - Mineralogy And Crystallography mineralogy and Crystallography. home research lab personnel software links. 2006 Group Photo. 2004 Group Photo 2002 Group Photo http://www.geo.arizona.edu/xtal/ |
39. GEOL6550 Spring 2006 Schedule Introduction, definitions, related fields and links for Clay mineralogy The topic must pertain to some aspect of clay mineralogy (either a lab project http://www.gly.uga.edu/schroeder/geol6550/6550schedule99.html | |
40. Dave Hirsch Courses Winter 2002. Geol 306 (Physical) mineralogy Geol 406 - Optical mineralogy. Fall 2001. Geol 306 - (Physical) mineralogy. Fall 2000 http://almandine.geol.wwu.edu/~dave/courses/courses.shtml | |
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