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61. Mineralogy At Gusev Crater From The Mossbauer Spectrometer On The Spirit Rover - mineralogy at Gusev Crater from the Mössbauer Spectrometer on the Spirit Rover Global mineralogical and aqueous mars history derived from OMEGA/Mars http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/305/5685/833 | |
62. WWW Sites Of Interest To The Members Of The Clay Minerals Society (check out the treasure trove of math physics); Earth Science Links by the United Institute of Geology, Geophysics mineralogy http://cms.lanl.gov/site_lis.html | |
63. Mineralogy Books Ribbe, P.H., Series Editor (1974) Reviews in mineralogy Washington, (1967) Physical Methods in Determinative mineralogy New York, Academic Press. http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Geology/Min_jb/Texts.html | |
64. Etsy Mineralogy Mineralogy mineralogy. Carolina Blue Skies. Carolina Blue Skies. mineralogy, $36.00 Wheel in the Sky. Wheel in the Sky. mineralogy, $40.00 http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5602689 |
65. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184 Scientific Results: Mineralogy And Sedimentology Grain size, detrital mineral, clay mineralogy ( 2 µm), and major element analyses were carried out on the carbonatefree fraction of sediments from Ocean http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/184_SR/211/211.htm | |
66. The Mineralogy Of Nova Scotia A wide range of top quality minerals are found in the province and Ronnie van Dommelen offers images and information on localities, minerals, http://nsminerals.atspace.com/ | |
67. 2Neat Books : For Sale - Geology, Hydrology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Sedimento 2Neat Books Geology and Natural History publications, USGS Professional Papers, Water Supply Papers, Bulletins, State Geological surveys, http://www.woodenski.com/ | |
68. GL 211 - Mineralogy GL 211 mineralogy. GL 211. mineralogy. Spring 1999. Welcome to GL 211 Please read syllabus the first. To see more beautiful minerals, visit the Smithsonian http://s99.middlebury.edu/GL211A/ | |
69. The Mineralogical Record The highly respected, awardwinning Mineralogical Record magazine is the premier journal for serious mineral collectors, specimen-oriented mineralogists and http://www.minrec.org/ | |
70. University Of Delaware Mineralogical Museum The museum is currently closed for renovation. Please continue to check the website for updated information. Collections Exhibitions Education Visitor http://www.museums.udel.edu/mineral/mineral_site/ | |
71. Characterization Of Complex Mineral Assemblages Implications For Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/96/7/3350.pdf |
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