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41. SCI-BITES: Journals Ranked By Impact: Optics Journals Ranked by Impact optics. 5, J. Biomedical optics (2.29), IEEE J.S.T. Quant El. 8, optics Express (2.03), IEEE Photonics Tech. L. http://www.in-cites.com/research/2003/april_14_2003-1.html | |
42. Polarized Fishing At Smith Optics® Manufacturer of polarized sunglasses geared for waterbased activities. http://www.actionoptics.com/ | |
43. College Of Optical Sciences - The University Of Arizona Optical Sciences Center Home Page Education, Research, and Service in optics and the Optical Sciences. http://www.optics.arizona.edu/ | |
44. Optics And Photonics News In doing so, DARPA researchers demonstrated that thin imaging systems based on multichannel and folded path optics can produce highquality images. http://www.osa-opn.org/ | |
45. Center For Adaptive Optics | Home The Center for Adaptive optics, an NSF Science and Technology Center, researches AO in Astronomy and Vision Science. http://cfao.ucolick.org/ | |
46. HubbleSite - The Telescope - Nuts & Bolts - Optics Hubble s eyes are actually a system called the Optical Telescope Assembly. That system consists of two mirrors, support trusses, and the apertures http://hubblesite.org/the_telescope/nuts_.and._bolts/optics/ | |
47. Tele Vue Optics Article Page Premium refractor telescopes, eyepieces, and accessories. Products include Nagler eyepieces, Panoptic eyepieces, Radian eyepieces, Plossl eyepieces, http://www.televue.com/engine/page.asp?cat=32 |
48. Caltech Quantum Optics Provides an overview of the research, the people and publications in the field at Caltech. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~qoptics/ | |
49. Burris Optics American manufacturer of precision optics and accessories including gunscopes, spotting scopes, rangefinders, laserscopes, binoculars, tactical optics, http://www.burrisoptics.com/ | |
50. Optics Communications - Elsevier optics Communications considers only original and timely contributions containing new results in various fields of modern optics. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/505711 | |
51. Tifosi Optics Tifosi optics. Tifosi Sunglasses. Enthusiastic Eyewear. Designed by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. http://tifosioptics.com/ | |
52. Light & Optics Readings The jump page for the Patterns in Nature Light and optics Readings. http://acept.asu.edu/PiN/rdg/readings.shtml | |
53. Attend SPIE Optics+Photonics * 72 Conferences * 2800 Technical Talks * 60 Course Attend SPIE optics + Photonics, the world s largest technical conference and exhibition showcasing optical engineering, photonic devices, nanoscience, http://spie.org/optics-photonics.xml | |
54. Binoculars, Birding Binocular Reviews, Spotting Scopes, Tripods, Night Vision, R Sells binoculars, scopes, and tripods. Includes reviews, articles on optics basics and a buying guide. http://www.optics4birding.com/ | |
55. Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. (AMO) - Corporate Website For life. is the Advanced Medical optics (AMO) promise to develop advanced vision technologies that provide optimal quality of life for people of all ages http://www.amo-inc.com/ | |
56. WORKinOPTICS.com - Your Global Optics And Photonics Career Resource WORKinoptics.com provides a stateof-the-art platform to efficiently connect employers, job seekers and consultants within the optics and photonics http://www.workinoptics.com/ | |
57. Astronomy Telescopes, Accessories, CCD And Digital Cameras Astronomy Telescopes Meade, Celestron, Tele Vue, Takahashi, Accessories and eyepieces, CCD Imaging cameras. http://www.handsonoptics.com/ | |
58. Century Optics The Century optics Web site has merged with that of its parent company Schneider optics. Please update your bookmarks. This page will redirect you http://www.centuryoptics.com/ | |
59. Rolyn Optics Company Rolyn optics Company pioneered the distribution of quality optics to industry. Our experience in the business goes back to 1925 when we first began http://www.rolyn.com/ | |
60. Wave7 Optics, Industry Leader In Optical Broadband Access Systems Wave7 optics Home Page Fiber to the Premise. October 1, 2007 Wave7 optics Teams with Telindus SAU and Read More October 1, 2007 - Wave7 optics http://www.wave7optics.com/ | |
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