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1. Permaculture - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The word permaculture, coined by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren during the 1970s, is a portmanteau of permanent agriculture as well as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture | |
2. Permaculture Institute permaculture course has changed the way I see the world and how I see myself as a person. It has reminded me of the passions I ve had my whole life and http://www.permaculture.org/ |
3. Permaculture The Earth Offers information about sustainable design and interactive forums for the discussion of topics related to permaculture. http://www.permaearth.org/ | |
4. Austin Progressive Calendar Permaculture Graduates earn a permaculture Design Certificate, recognized worldwide.Tuition $500.00 for all 10 days or you can sign up just for the days you are http://www.austinprogressivecalendar.com/permaculture.htm | |
5. Welcome To The Urban Farm Family Of Websites permaculture training in the Colorado Rockies or the Bahamas. Also consulting. http://www.permaculture.net/ | |
6. Permaculture Activist permaculture Activist, permaculture directory, permaculture design, permaculture design course, articles, permaculture videoes, permaculture back issues, http://www.permacultureactivist.net/ |
7. Frontpage | Permaculture & Alcohol Can Be A Gas Information, reading list, and links on permaculture and communitysupported agriculture. http://www.permaculture.com/ | |
8. Market-farming.com Pattern Literacy Toby Hemenway s permaculture website Mailing Lists. Search the permaculture mailing list message archives http://www.ibiblio.org/london/permaculture.html | |
9. Bullock's Permaculture Homestead, Orcas Island, WA, USA Bullock s permaculture Homestead, Orcas Island, WA, USA. We are a familyrun permaculture homestead offering a variety of permaculture services and http://www.permacultureportal.com/ | |
10. Urban Permaculture Guild EcoHood n permaculture retrofit of a mid to low-income neighborhood with a high potential for ecological sustainability by Susan DeFreitas http://www.urbanpermacultureguild.org/ | |
11. Permaculture Reflections permaculture A Designers Manual by Bill Mollison. Simply put, this book is a must if you are a designer. And it is sort of like a martial artists black http://permaculturetokyo.blogspot.com/ | |
12. La'akea Commmunity Offers monthlong courses in permaculture design and deep ecology. http://www.permaculture-hawaii.com/ | |
13. The Crazy Palestinian's Permaculture Page Information on permaculture (including its ethics and principles), where to take permaculture courses, and other links. http://www.thefarm.org/permaculture/ | |
14. Midwest Permaculture Home Page Midwest permaculture, design certification courses, education, seminars, webinars and classes in permaculture for the Midwest. Learn about permaculture. http://www.midwestpermaculture.com/ | |
15. Barking Frogs Permaculture permaculture design brings our lives back into participation with the Earth. Permaculturists and other environmentalists warn of global destruction unless http://www.barkingfrogspermaculture.org/ | |
16. Portland Permaculture Institute: Permaculture Classes, Permculture Courses, Perm Portland permaculture Institute offers permaculture classes and permaculture workshops on subjects such as permaculture design, rainwater collection, http://www.portlandpermaculture.com/ | |
17. Services The permaculture Credit Union pools the financial resources of people who Now, an innovative new financial institution permaculture Credit Union - has http://www.pcuonline.org/ | |
18. Permaculture :: Chelsea Green Publishing Getting Started in permaculture; Ross and Jenny Mars Paperback The Basics of permaculture Design; Ross Mars; Illustratio Paperback. 1 2 Next Page http://www.chelseagreen.com/2005/topics/Permaculture | |
19. Main Page - PIW The permaculture Information Web is a collaborative project to provide a comprehensive resource of permaculture related information. http://www.permaculture.info/ | |
20. Eugene Permaculture Guild Organization seeks to educate members and the community about the principles of sustainable living. Features photos, events and newsletter. http://www.eugenepermacultureguild.org/ | |
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