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21. Seattle Permaculture Guild Sustaining an environmentally ethical approach to growing food, using resources, and creating abundance in Seattle s neighborhoods. http://seattlepermacultureguild.org/ | |
22. Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Permaculture Workshops Santa Barbara Permacul The Santa Barbara permaculture Network is a group of individuals and organizations dedicated to following and teaching about permaculture principles on the http://www.sbpermaculture.org/ | |
23. Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, Design, Consult, Teach Welcome to The Central Rocky Mountain permaculture Institute, a permaculture training, counseling, research and development center. The Institute is part of http://crmpi.org/ | |
24. Indigenous Permaculture Organization Indigenous permaculture Program. INDIGENOUS permaculture PROGRAMS 2007 Schedule ABOUT permaculture CERTIFICATE TRAINING CALENDAR CONTACT US http://www.indigenous-permaculture.org/ | |
25. Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute | A Project Of Cayuga Nature Center Finger Lakes permaculture Institute affordable classes, permaculture design certification, and workshops for sustainable, regenerative living. http://www.fingerlakespermaculture.org/ | |
26. Permaculture Info Page To unsubscribe from permaculture, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address http://lists.ibiblio.org/mailman/listinfo/permaculture | |
27. Permaculture Collaborative copyright 2006 permaculture Collaborative. http://www.permaculturecollaborative.us/ |
28. The Pemaculture Project Promotes true selfreliance for all through personal and customized consultation, research, design, implementation, workshops and seminars. http://www.permacultureproject.com/ | |
29. Permaculture Forum - GardenWeb This forum is meant for the discussion of permaculture. permaculture is most easily defined as a philosophy that stresses the maintenance of horticulture or http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/permacult/ | |
30. Ecovillage And Permaculture Certificate Programs | Lost Valley A residential ecovillage design and permaculture certificate program focusing on three main elements land and garden, built environment, http://www.lostvalley.org/epcp | |
31. Permaculture - Permanent Agriculture (& A Mini Movie) : TreeHugger We do go on a bit about local food around here. But there is nothing more local than your own home grown food. permaculture is one powerful method for http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/08/permaculture_pe.php | |
32. Permaculture Homepage permaculture the use of ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, appropriate technology, and community http://www.sonoranpermaculture.org/ | |
33. Mollison - Permaculture: Design For Living He s known as the genius of permaculture, the David Brower of Australia, or a crusty old curmudgeon, depending on the source. But whether it s glowing http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC28/Mollison.htm | |
34. Flickr: Photos From London Permaculture The Introductory weekend, is a potted permaculture course, looking at the foundations of permaculture and learning about some of the practical tools it http://www.flickr.com/photos/naturewise/ | |
35. Hancock Permaculture Center permaculturethe practice of obtaining food, energy and shelter by following nature s patternsis one of the fastest growing environmental movements on http://www.hancockpermaculture.org/ | |
36. Regenerativedesign.org So What is permaculture Frequently Asked Qs Educational Alliances Recommended Reading Bringing permaculture to Manitoba. view more entries. http://regenerativedesign.org/ | |
37. Austin Permaculture Guild The portal to Austin area permaculture organizations offering classes, consulting and community. http://permie.us/ | |
38. Permaculture Index In July of 1995 we took a permaculture course sponsored by the Institute of Bioregional Studies at the Ovens Natural Park in Nova Scotia. http://home.klis.com/~chebogue/PermacultureIndex.html | |
39. Living Routes - Brazil: Permaculture At Ecoversidade Learn permaculture principles and create your own unique ecological design as you study and apply sustainable community development theory in a realworld http://www.livingroutes.org/programs/p_ecoversidade.htm | |
40. Starhawk's Permaculture Resource Page Below you will find links to some permaculture and gardeningrelated resources, including writings on the subject by Starhawk and others. http://www.starhawk.org/permaculture/permaculture.html | |
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