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41. Department Of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory The department of physics at cambridge is known for the quality of its research and teaching. Details of both are given here. http://www.phy.cam.ac.uk/ | |
42. Regents Prep Physics Welcome to the physics section of the free New York State High School Regents Exam Prep Center! http://regentsprep.org/Regents/physics/physics.cfm | |
43. Cornell Physics Department. Theoretical CondensedMatter physics Theoretical Elementary Particle physics Astrophysics and General Relativity Experimental Elementary Particle http://www.physics.cornell.edu/ | |
44. Science/AAAS | Collections: Physics physics This Coincidence Cannot Be Accidental Douglas J. Scalapino physics Test of Hawking s Prediction on the Horizon With Mock White Hole Adrian http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/physics | |
45. Department Of Physics At UC Santa Cruz The Department of physics at UC Santa Cruz offers students an outstanding academic experience. A national survey ranked the overall satisfaction with the http://physics.ucsc.edu/ | |
46. Physics Accelerator physics (physics.accph new, recent, find); Atmospheric and Oceanic physics (physics.ao-ph new, recent, find); Atomic physics http://arxiv.org/archive/physics | |
47. Rader's PHYSICS 4 KIDS.COM physics4Kids.com! The web site that teaches the basics of physics to everyone! http://www.physics4kids.com/ | |
48. Yale University Department Of Physics The Department of physics offers studies in a wide range of fields leading to Baccalaureate and Doctoral degrees. The Department has a diverse faculty pool http://www.yale.edu/physics/ | |
49. UCSB Department Of Physics Provides educational and research opportunities for students. Offers information on undergrad and graduate programs, details of research facilities and http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/ | |
50. UW-Madison Physics - University Of Wisconsin Madison WI Provides a general instructional overview, announcements, faculty directory, and class time schedules and descriptions. http://www.physics.wisc.edu/ | |
51. Physics & Astronomy @ SUNYSB WWW Server The Stony Brook Dialogs in Mathematics and physics Symposium in Honor of James H. Simons and Chen please send email to webmaster@www.physics.sunysb.edu http://www.physics.sunysb.edu/ |
52. All Nobel Laureates In Physics The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to 180 individuals since 1901. (John Bardeen was awarded the prize in both 1956 and 1972. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/ | |
53. Physics And Astronomy Links - PhysLink.com physics, astronomy and science news, community, education and reference. Job board, directories, forums, chat, education reference, fun and more. http://www.physlink.com/ | |
54. Physics At Florida State University | Home physics Department Colloquium Date 3/20/2008 Time 34500 PM FSU physics, 315 Keen Building, Tallahassee, FL 323064350 Phone (850) 644-2868 Fax http://www.physics.fsu.edu/ | |
55. MathPages: Physics Articles, leaning towards a mathematical description, on a wide range of topics in physics. http://www.mathpages.com/home/iphysics.htm | |
56. Department Of Physics Website The physics Department is located in Pupin Hall on Columbia University s Morningside Heights Campus in New York City. The department has about 35 faculty http://phys.columbia.edu/ |
57. Physics Online Resources At Education Index Hand picked directory of online physics resources. http://www.educationindex.com/physics/ | |
58. HMC Physics Two Apker Awards are given annually by the American Physical Society for outstanding achievement in physics by an undergraduate, one for colleges and one http://www.physics.hmc.edu/ |
59. UW Physics Home Offers newsletter and information regarding the available programs of study, research projects, curriculum, classes, and departmental activities. http://www.phys.washington.edu/ | |
60. McGill Physics: Department Of Physics Comments and suggestions webmaster@physics.mcgill.ca © 19942008 Department of physics, McGill University Last modified 2008/02/25. http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/ | |
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