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61. Pi Day Purpose pi Day is a day to celebrate mathematics in your school. It gives us the perfect springboard to allow our students to have fun while investigating http://www.mathwithmrherte.com/pi_day.htm | |
62. Welcome To Pi Beta Phi The official homepage of pi Beta Phi Women s Fraternity, founded April 28, 1867. http://www.pibetaphi.org/ | |
63. 100000 Digits Of Pi 100000 Digits of pi pi Logo . Go to Historical Overview of pi Go to A Slice of pi Home Page pi Logo http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~huberty/math5337/groupe/digits.html | |
64. Delta Sigma Pi - America's Foremost Professional Fraternity For Men And Women Pu Official site of the national organization for men and women pursuing careers in business. Overview, event information, chapter list and links, job postings http://www.dspnet.org/ | |
65. Pi Kappa Phi | Leaders By Choice National social fraternity founded at the College of Charleston on December 10, 1904. http://www.pikapp.org/ | |
66. Super PI Mod Modified Super pi version. 2005/02/22, Super pi mod now loads/saves the result times in msecs in pi_rec.dat. The original pi_rec.txt is no longer used http://www.xtremesystems.com/pi/ | |
67. The Pi Pages - Updates (Math. Intelligencer, 20 (1998), 1415). Ludolph s Tombstone and pi in pieterskerk (July 5, 2000). 1.24 Trillion Digits (2002) 206 Billion Digits (1999) http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/~jborwein/pi_cover.html | |
68. Pi Lambda Theta Home Page Founded in 1910, pi Lambda Theta is the most selective national honor pi Lambda Theta, PO Box 6626, Bloomington IN 474076646 E-mail office@pilambda. http://www.pilambda.org/ | |
69. Sigma Delta Pi National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society www.sigmadeltapi.org/ 20k - Cached - Similar pages pi Tau Sigma International Mechanical Engineering Honor Societypi Tau Sigma is a Mechanical Engineering Honor Society, instituted in order to establish a closer bond of fellowship among its members which will result in http://www.sigmadeltapi.org/ |
70. Pi Kappa Alpha pi Kappa Alpha is dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character and to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience. http://www.pikes.org/ | |
71. Howstuffworks "How Pi Works" A fascinating article that explains pi and different ways of calculating pi! http://science.howstuffworks.com/pi.htm | |
72. EMC To Buy Cloud Computing Start-up Pi | Tech News Blog - CNET News.com pi founder and former Microsoft exec Paul Maritz will head up EMC s cloud computing infrastructure division. http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9876318-7.html | |
73. EARTH MYSTERIES: Notes On Pi (¼ ) An introduction to the number pi and its history. http://witcombe.sbc.edu/earthmysteries/EMPi.html | |
74. Pi And The Fibonacci Numbers A formula for pi which involves just the Fibonacci numbers. It explains from first principles how to use the idea of slope, expressed as tangents of angles, http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibpi.html | |
75. Sigma Pi Sigma - The Physics Honor Society www.aip.org/education/sps/sigpisig.htm Similar pages Alpha Delta pi SororityAlpha Delta pi Sorority, A national college sorority and greek organization offering information about sorority rush, joining a sorority, sorority housing, http://www.aip.org/education/sps/sigpisig.htm | |
76. Privacy International Human rights watchdog organization focused on privacy intrusions by government and businesses. Site has lots of privacy issue articles. http://www.privacyinternational.org/ |
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