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         Radiometric Dating:     more books (57)
  1. Critique of Radiometric Dating (ICR technical monograph) by Harold S. Slusher, 1973-06
  2. The Dismantling of Evolutionism's Sacred Cow: Radiometric Dating by Dennis G. Lindsay, 1992-04
  3. Radiometric dating results 4 (SGU series C. Forskningsrapporter)
  4. Radiometric Dating for Geologists
  5. Radiometric dating and paleontologic zonation (The Geological Society of America. Special paper 124)
  6. Radiometric Dating: Radiocarbon Dating, Rubidium-Strontium Dating, Radiocarbon 14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin, Environmental Radioactivity
  7. Radiometric Dating: The Quest for an Absolute Geochronology by Robert L. Whitelaw, 1998-12
  9. Radiocarbon Dating: Radiometric Dating, Radionuclide, Before Present, Beta Decay, Exponential Decay, Carbon-14, Age of the Earth, Environmental Radioactivity, ... de Vries, Calibration Curve, Half-Life
  10. Radiometric dating of sedimentary rocks: the application of diagenetic xenotime geochronology [An article from: Earth Science Reviews] by B. Rasmussen, 2005-01-01
  12. Geochronology: Radiometric dating of rocks and minerals (Benchmark papers in geology) by Christopher T Harper, 1973
  13. Critique of Radiometric Dating Icr Technical Monograph Number Two by Harold S. Slusher, 1981-01
  14. Gondwanaland from 650-500 Ma assembly through 320 Ma merger in Pangea to 185-100 Ma breakup: supercontinental tectonics via stratigraphy and radiometric dating [An article from: Earth Science Reviews] by J.J. Veevers, 2004-12-01

1. Radiometric Dating - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
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Radiometric dating
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Radiometric dating (often called radioactive dating ) is a technique used to date materials, usually based on a comparison between the observed abundance of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope and its decay products, using known decay rates. It is the principal source of information about the absolute age of rocks and other geological features, including the age of the Earth itself, and can be used to date a wide range of natural and man-made materials. Among the best-known techniques are radiocarbon dating potassium-argon dating and uranium-lead dating . By allowing the establishment of geological timescales, it provides a significant source of information about the ages of fossils and the deduced rates of evolutionary change. Radiometric dating is also used to date archaeological materials, including ancient artifacts. Different methods of radiometric dating vary in the timescale over which they are accurate and the materials to which they can be applied.

2. How Old Is The Earth: Radiometric Dating
G. Brent Dalrymple s classic debunking of the youngearth scientific creationism s dating methods with a short explanation of how geologists know the age
How Old is the Earth
by G. Brent Dalrymple
he question of the ages of the Earth and its rock formations and features has fascinated philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries, primarily because the answers put our lives in temporal perspective. Until the 18th century, this question was principally in the hands of theologians, who based their calculations on biblical chronology. Bishop James Ussher, a 17th-century Irish cleric, for example, calculated that creation occurred in 4004 B.C. There were many other such estimates, but they invariably resulted in an Earth only a few thousand years old. No technique, of course, is ever completely perfected and refinement continues to this day, but for more than two decades radiometric dating methods have been used to measure reliably the ages of rocks, the Earth, meteorites, and, since 1969, the Moon. Radiometric dating is based on the decay of long-lived radioactive isotopes that occur naturally in rocks and minerals. These parent isotopes decay to stable daughter isotopes at rates that can be measured experimentally and are effectively constant over time regardless of physical or chemical conditions. There are a number of long-lived radioactive isotopes used in radiometric dating, and a variety of ways they are used to determine the ages of rocks, minerals, and organic materials. Some of the isotopic parents, end-product daughters, and half-lives involved are listed in Table 1 . Sometimes these decay schemes are used individually to determine an age (e.g., Rb-Sr) and sometimes in combinations (e.g., U-Th-Pb). Each of the various decay schemes and dating methods has unique characteristics that make it applicable to particular geologic situations. For example, a method based on a parent isotope with a very long half-life, such as

3. Radiometric Dating - CreationWiki, The Encyclopedia Of Creation Science
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Radiometric dating
From CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
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Mass spectrometer used to determine the proportions of isotopes contained in a sample of igneous rock Radiometric dating utilizes the decay rates of certain radioactive atoms to date rocks or artifacts. Uniformitarian geologists consider this form of dating strong evidence that the Earth is billions of years old. However, research by creationists has revealed a large number of problems with radiometric dating . In some cases such as Carbon-14 dating , radioactive dating actually gives strong evidence for a young Earth , while other methods such as K-Ar dating and Isochron dating are based on faulty assumptions and so unreliable as to be useless.
Types of Radiometric Dating

4. Radiometric Dating
Prior to 1905 the best and most accepted age of the Earth was that proposed by Lord Kelvin based on the amount of time necessary for the Earth to cool to
EENS 211 Earth Materials Tulane University Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Radiometric Dating Prior to 1905 the best and most accepted age of the Earth was that proposed by Lord Kelvin based on the amount of time necessary for the Earth to cool to its present temperature from a completely liquid state. Although we now recognize lots of problems with that calculation, the age of 25 my was accepted by most physicists, but considered too short by most geologists. Then, in 1896, radioactivity was discovered. Recognition that radioactive decay of atoms occurs in the Earth was important in two respects:
  • It provided another source of heat, not considered by Kelvin, which would mean that the cooling time would have to be much longer.
    It provided a means by which the age of the Earth could be determined independently.
  • Principles of Radiometric Dating Radioactive decay is described in terms of the probability that a constituent particle of the nucleus of an atom will escape through the potential (Energy) barrier which bonds them to the nucleus. The energies involved are so large, and the nucleus is so small that physical conditions in the Earth (i.e. T and P) cannot affect the rate of decay. The rate of decay or rate of change of the number N of particles is proportional to the number present at any time, i.e.

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    6. Radiometric Dating - EvoWiki
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    Radiometric dating
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    Jump to: navigation search See Radiometric dating in Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia. Radiometric dating methods (i.e. isochron concordia/discordia etc) exploit the useful fact that radioactive atoms decay in accordance with a highly regular function: 50% of any given kind of radioactive atoms will decay in X amount of time, where the value of 'X' depends on exactly which kind of atoms you're measuring the decay of.
    • The Decays Dating the Rocks Creationist claims about radiometric dating
      edit The Decays
      The most common radioactive decays used for this purpose are listed in the following table. First Decay Particle First Decay Half-life U alpha Gyr U alpha 0.704 Gyr Th alpha 14.0 Gyr Rb beta 48.8 Gyr K EC* 1.25 Gyr Sm alpha 106 Gyr C beta 5,730 years
      • (EC = electron capture: beta-like)
      Carbon-14 was included because it is often used to date various human artifacts. From the mathematics of radioactive decay, it is easy to see that it is useless beyond a few tens of thousands of years. Geologists prefer most of the others because most rocks are much older; creationists who talk about carbon dating of rocks reveal a remarkable ignorance of the subject.

    7. Radiometric Dating, Carbon 14 Dating, Age Of The Earth, Young Earth
    According to evolutionists, the Earth is billions of years old, but is it really? Many Problems exist with radiometric dating.
    Radiometric Dating
    has been
    Moved Here

    See Also:
    Carbon 14 Dating

    Unfossilized Dinosaur Bones

    The key to radiometric dating techniques is the concept of halflife the time it takes for radioactive isotope to decay to one half the original amount.
    Radiometric Measurements of Absolute Time Earth's Dynamic Systems : Chapter 9 (pps.180-207)
    The key to radiometric dating techniques is the concept of half-life : the time it takes for radioactive isotope to decay to one half the original amount. Radiometric dates are absolute, giving approximate dates in years. The original isotope, referred to as the parent , gives off particles and changes into different elements, referred to as daughter isotope. More specifically, a half-life is the time it takes to change from 100% parent status to 50% parent and 50% daughter status. This decay is measured for a short period with geiger counter and then calculated.
      NOTE: As magma, molten rock, cools and solidifies, the radioactive decay process initiates. The best reference points for the radiometric time scale are probably volcanic ash falls and lava flows. Sedimentary rocks don't date well via radiometric dating techniques, but volcanic and igneous rocks do. Sedimentary rocks contain fossils that are diagnostic of a certain period of geologic time.
    Uranium-238 Lead-206 4.5 billion yrs

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    Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective

    - Presents a broad overview of radiometric dating techniques and refutes various misconceptions held by Christians who doubt these methods because they contradict their beliefs in a young earth. A Radiometric Dating Resource List - Large annotated directory of internet resources on radiocarbon and other radioactive dating methods, including creationists' views and scientific critiques of those views. Radiometric Time Scale - Discusses the uses of limitations of different radiometric dating techniques. Last Updated: About NoMoz Terms of Service Listing Rules ... Site Map

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    A Radiometric Dating Resource List
    - Large annotated directory of internet resources on radiocarbon and other radioactive dating methods, including creationists' views and scientific critiques of those views.
    Radiometric Dating
    - Educational materials on the topic.
    Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective
    - Presents a broad overview of radiometric dating techniques and refutes various misconceptions held by Christians who doubt these methods because they contradict their beliefs in a young earth.
    Radiometric Time Scale
    - Discusses the uses of limitations of different radiometric dating techniques.
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    Radiometric Dating
    September 17, 2006 / by santiago
    All elements have atoms of slightly different forms, called isotopes. All isotopes of the same element act the same chemically, since they each have the same number of protons and electrons; only their neutron numbers differ (which produce their different atomic masses). Most elements exist in nature as a mix of two or more isotopes of the element. Most isotopes give off radiation, so they are called “radio-isotopes”. Many of those radioisotopes are found naturally in the Earth’s crust. Each radioisotope has its characteristic traits (type and energy of radiation, half-life, etc.) that can be measured with considerable accuracy.
    The half-life of a radioisotope is a constant unchanging value for that radioisotope. It’s the amount of time it takes for half of the atoms of a sample to randomly decay into another isotope, with the loss of energy in the form of radiation. Half-lives range widely from fractions of a second for some radioisotopes, to billions of years for others. The “daughter” isotope produced in the decay can be of the same element, or a different element, depending on its type of decay, and whether or not protons are added or lost. The half-life of a long-lived radioisotope is measured by sampling its mass or its radiation for a measured period of time (as both decrease exponentially), then calculate or extrapolate from that to a future point in time at which its mass (and its radioactivity) would be 1/2 of the values when the measurements were started.

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    17. Radiometric Dating - Indopedia, The Indological Knowledgebase
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    Radiometric dating Chemical isotope
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    ... Wikipedia Article
    Radiometric dating
    ज्ञानकोश: - The Indological Knowledgebase Radiometric dating is a technique used to date materials based on a knowledge of the decay rates of naturally occuring isotopes, and the current abundances. Various methods exist differing in accuracy, cost and applicable time scale Contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Types of radiometric dating
    2 Fundamentals of radiometric dating

    2.1 Limitation of techniques

    3 Modern dating techniques
    Types of radiometric dating
    Fundamentals of radiometric dating
    All ordinary matter is made up of combinations of chemical elements , each with its own atomic number , indicating the number of protons in the atomic nucleus . Additionally, elements may exist in different isotopes , with each isotope of an element differing only in the number of neutrons in the nucleus. A particular isotope of a particular element is called a nuclide. Some nuclides are inherently unstable. That is, at some point in time, such a nuclide will be transformed into a different nuclide by the process known as radioactive decay . This transformation is accomplished by the emission of particles such as electrons (known as beta decay ) or alpha particles . Each radioactive nuclide decays exponentially at a rate described by a parameter known as the half-life , usually given in units of years when discussing dating techniques. After one half-life has elapsed, one half of the substance in question will have decayed. Many radioactive substances decay from one nuclide into a final, stable

    18. Hip Forums - Evolution Stuff Archives
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    Hip Forums Mind Trips Philosophy and Religion Agnosticism and Atheism View Full Version : evolution stuff some problems i have with theories associated with evolution
    natural selection - I think natural selection is the means by which something is selected out of existance or over some other ...etc
    all that does is widdle down info
    not add to it
    so then how can we go from one to many?
    carbon 14 dating -
    The first problem is seen in the very approach in the presumption that must be made in the level of Carbon 14 the organism had while living.
    Here we have a critical calculation that is based upon an assumption that an organism which lived thousands of years previous, of which there are no modern species to compare, developed a specific level of Carbon 14 from an environment we know nothing about.
    If for example, the presumption is inaccurate by only 10%, considering that it is the rate of decay that forms the mathematical constant, the inaccuracy of the calculation of age at the upper limit would be tens of thousands of years.
    The very basis for the assumption above is another problem, and is perhaps the most embarrassing for the proponents of radiocarbon dating.

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