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61. SETI@Home Speedup Tips Tips to increase the performance of the client under different operating systems. Also links and a picture of the Arecibo Radio Observatory. http://www3.sympatico.ca/n.rieck/docs/seti_tips.html | |
62. Seti Leipzig - Seti@Home Translate this page seti Leipzig Boinc Team, seti, oder kurz gesagt seti steht für Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. Es ist ein an der Universität von Kalifornien, http://www.seti-leipzig.de/ | |
63. ETH Zürich - SETI@home Team Homepage 6 April 2001 From now on, the blue line in the aggregate setiperformance graph is the performance of our new cluster. The cooling problems seem solved now http://www.cs.inf.ethz.ch/~rauch/seti/ | |
64. ASP: Science Fiction Stories With Good Astronomy & Physics seti The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence via Radio Surveys The first radio seti discovery as seen from the perspective of the owner of the http://www.astrosociety.org/education/resources/scifi06.html | |
65. SETI Endeavor: A R C H I V E S seti Endeavor seti League, Inc. Mailing List Archives. http://seti.sentry.net/ | |
66. Three And A Half-year Old SETI@home Project Identifies Candidate Radio Signals F Three and a halfyear old seti@home project identifies candidate radio signals from space, heads for Arecibo to take second look - SpaceRef. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=10922 |
67. SETI Signature seti Signature is a program that automatically updates your signature The * is used to tell seti Signature where you want your stats. Example John Doe http://www.geocities.com/theTFZ/SETI/SETIsig.html | |
68. SatireWire | SETI Project Turns Down Alien Help Officials for seti@home, the worldwide project that uses millions of personal computers to aid in the search for extraterrestrial life, have rejected an http://www.satirewire.com/news/0106/seti.shtml | |
69. SETI The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (seti) is not new, having first been proposed by U.S. scientists in 1959. Since that time, numerous scientific http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/seti.htm | |
70. GNOME Seti_applet Warning mysql_pconnect() Unknown MySQL Server Host mysql (0) in /home/groups/s/se/setiapplet/htdocs/include/auth.inc on line 7 http://seti-applet.sourceforge.net/ | |
71. Slashdot | Does Active SETI Put Earth In Danger? Does Active seti Put Earth in Danger? article related to SciFi, Space, and Science. http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/12/13/207235&from=rss |
72. Princeton OSETI Optical seti project in cooperation with Harvard. http://observatory.princeton.edu/oseti/ |
73. The Society For Planetary SETI Research Organization interested in planetary anomalies that may be the result of intelligent activity. With roster and bibliography. http://spsr.utsi.edu/ | |
74. Msetimon - Multi SETI Monitor Graphical addon package to monitor activity that may be running on multiple computers over a network or multiple instances on the same computer. http://msetimon.sourceforge.net/ | |
75. Lagowski Electronic Music Projects Related to Lagowski, S.E.T.I. Legion audio video projects album tracks for his forthcoming virtual exhibition, and new Lagowski and S.E.T.I. tracks. http://lagowski.wordpress.com/ | |
76. SandlotSciene - Optical Illusions And More! Interactive optical illusions, games, science projects, fun puzzles, and distortions. http://www.sandlotscience.com/ | |
77. Big Science Company Homepage Big Science Company. This site is the personal sandbox of Tom Rearick. Don t expect to find anything too refine or slick here. http://www.bigscience.com/ | |
78. The Contact Project - Home Page Can you help decipher a message from an alien civilization? Why? History And Recent Developments The Message Discussion Your Comments And Questions http://www.ibiblio.org/lunar/alien.html | |
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