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1. Social Sciences - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Retrieved from http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/social_sciences . Categories Social sciences. Hidden categories All articles with unsourced statements http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_sciences | |
2. Oxford Journals | Subject Areas Subject Areas. Our Journals Access Purchase For Authors For Librarians For Societies Corporate Services Oxford Journals; Subject Areas http://www.oxfordjournals.org/subject/social_sciences/ | |
3. PennTags /laallen/social_sciences PennTags / laallen / social_sciences. rss 2.0 subscribe to this page tagged business criminology research_methods social_sciences by laallen on http://tags.library.upenn.edu/laallen/social_sciences | |
4. Social_Sciences Social Sciences. Studies in the social sciences at the National Academies are conducted by the Center for Economic, Governance, and International Studies http://www7.nationalacademies.org/dbasse/Social_Sciences.html | |
5. Peru Links: Social_Sciences Anthropology, archeology, history, linguistics, rural development and other topics. http://www.perulinks.com/pages/english/Social_Sciences/ | |
6. CiteULike: Group: Statistics_and_Social_Science - With Tag Social_sciences [3 Ar posted to social_sciences methodology bibteximport by jake to the group Statistics_and_Social_Science on 2005-03-01 044556 as http://www.citeulike.org/group/108/tag/social_sciences | |
7. Internet Archive Search: Mediatype:texts AND Subject:Social_Sciences Keywords social_sciences Downloads 15. Regeneration Being An Account Of The Social Work Of The Salvation Army In Great Britain H. Rider Haggard http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=mediatype:texts AND collection:universal |
8. Social_sciences - SWiK Erase social_sciences? The contents of social_sciences page and all pages directly attached to social_sciences will be erased. http://swik.net/social_sciences | |
9. Netvouz - Social_sciences Bookmarks By Thompsonlibrary Netvouz is a social bookmark manager where you can store your favorite links online and access them from any computer. You organize your bookmarks in http://www.netvouz.com/thompsonlibrary/tag/social_sciences | |
10. QS Top Universities: University Rankings In The Social Sciences Rank, School Name, Country, Social Score. 1, HARVARD University, United States, 100.0. 2, University of California, BERKELEY, United States, 93.9 http://www.topuniversities.com/worlduniversityrankings/results/2007/subject_rank | |
11. New York Times: College Sociology social_sciences Category 75* - Created and copyrighted for Lightspeed Systems by Shannon Pope on Jul 06, 2007 1505 http://college.nytimes.com/guests/directory/Social_Sciences/Sociology/ | |
12. Goingtomeet.com: Upcoming Conferences Tagged With Social_sciences Search Result RSS. Search Results for Conferences About social_sciences. When, Event, Where. Apr23-2008, Western Social Science Assn 50th Annual http://www.goingtomeet.com/tag/social_sciences | |
13. Protege-2000 Class Social_Sciences Documentation Class social_sciences. Concrete Class Extends Occupation_or_Discipline Direct Instances None Direct Subclasses http://www.mindswap.org/2003/CancerOntology/htmls/Social_Sciences.html | |
14. Doug Noon's Take On Best Practice -- Contested Ground (Techlearning Blog) http//wbnews.eu.org/social_sciences/compass_timex.html timex compass on strap http//wbnews.eu.org/social_sciences/buddha_statue.html buddha statues for http://www.techlearning.com/blog/2006/10/doug_noons_take_on_best_practi.php | |
15. Help.com There is 1 person tagged social_sciences. or, see conversations about social_sciences. Are you tagged social_sciences? Join Consumating! http://www.consumating.com/tags/social_sciences | |
16. Co-Action Publishing - Social_sciences CoAction Publishing offers a range of tailored Open Access solutions for individual authors, editorial teams, scholarly societies, and academic and http://www.co-action.net/social_sciences/social_sciences.php? sessid=02661871&us |
17. Science, Social Sciences, Geography, Education - Findtarget.com Findtarget.com delivers comprehensive Science, Social Sciences, Geography, Education content to satisfy your Science, Social Sciences, Geography, http://findtarget.com/FT/Science/Social_Sciences/Geography/Education | |
18. Social Sciences Videos - Watch Video About Social Sciences On Mefeedia (What is social_sciences? Edit Wiki). Items 1 to 30 of 1466 .. a rel= tag href= http//mefeedia.com/tags/social_sciences/ social_sciences /a http://www.mefeedia.com/tags/social_sciences/ | |
19. [Social_Sciences] From The Cover@;DELIM@;Spatial Demography Special Feature: Int social_sciences From The Cover@;DELIM@;Spatial Demography Special Feature Intervening in the residential mobility process Neighborhood outcomes for http://www.feedsfarm.com/article/b1cb91d6f4ec113228a948d47a9dd298291b7efe.html | |
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