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21. New York University > Department Of Sociology sociology (New York, NY) http://sociology.fas.nyu.edu/ | |
22. Sociology @ Indiana University Official Homepage of the Indiana University Department of sociology. http://www.indiana.edu/~soc/ | |
23. Stanford Sociology sociology (Stanford, CA) http://www.stanford.edu/dept/soc/ | |
24. The University Of Chicago Department Of Sociology The University of Chicago Department of sociology is among the great sociology departments of the world. Founded in 1892 as the first sociology department http://sociology.uchicago.edu/ | |
25. Internet Public Library: Sociology http//www.sociology.org/content/vol001.003/nash.html This site, put together by the library at Virginia Tech is a comprehensive resource for finding http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc35.00.00/ | |
26. Rutgers University - Department Of Sociology Welcome to the Department of sociology at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. http://sociology.rutgers.edu/ | |
27. Yale Sociology Department sociology (New Haven, CT) http://www.yale.edu/socdept | |
28. Directory Of Open Access Journals Economic sociology the European Electronic Newsletter ISSN 18713351 . Keywords qualitative sociology, interpretive social sciences Start year 2005 http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=131 |
29. UCSB Sociology Department sociology (Santa Barbara, CA) http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/ | |
30. Sociology Department :: Duke University sociology (Durham, NC) http://www.soc.duke.edu/ | |
31. The Department Of Sociology At The University Of Arizona The sociology Department at the University of Arizona. http://sociology.arizona.edu/ | |
32. Ed Stephan's Timeline Of Sociology Important dates in the history of sociology from 1600. http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/timeline.html | |
33. Department Of Sociology | University Of Maryland sociology (College Park, MD) http://www.bsos.umd.edu/socy/ | |
34. Cornell University Sociology sociology (Ithaca, NY) http://www.soc.cornell.edu/ | |
35. Johns Hopkins University : Department Of Sociology sociology (Baltimore, MD) http://www.soc.jhu.edu/ | |
36. Intute: Social Sciences - Sociology Intute sociology provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. The service aims to identify and evaluate resources to meet the needs of http://www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/sociology/ | |
37. Department Of Sociology // University Of Notre Dame sociology (Notre Dame, IN) http://sociology.nd.edu/ | |
38. Clemson Sociology Department sociology (Clemson, SC) http://www.cbbs.clemson.edu/Socio/ | |
39. UM Department Of Sociology Home Page sociology (Ann Arbor, MI) http://www.lsa.umich.edu/soc/ | |
40. Department Of Sociology : College Of Liberal Arts : University Of Minnesota sociology (Minneapolis, MN) http://www.soc.umn.edu/ | |
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